Will you vote for Resident Obama in 2012?

I'm open to whatever...I voted for him last time only because Mccain threw up that white flag which was Sarah Palin.

As soon as I voted for obama I felt swindled.
Originally Posted by do work son

Originally Posted by y2kingsfan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Depends on the other candidates, but I'm not voting Republican and I never will.
im curious as to why you feel this way. personally, i'll vote for any candidate that best fulfills my needs and benefits me most, regardless of the party they represent.
Well until conservatives/ republicans change their agendas I want nothing to do with it. Leaders like Bush, Palin and McCain have pretty much guaranteed I won't be voting republican for a long time. Not saying democrats are that much better, but I'm going with the lesser of 2 evils.
Originally Posted by do work son

Originally Posted by y2kingsfan

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Depends on the other candidates, but I'm not voting Republican and I never will.
im curious as to why you feel this way. personally, i'll vote for any candidate that best fulfills my needs and benefits me most, regardless of the party they represent.
Well until conservatives/ republicans change their agendas I want nothing to do with it. Leaders like Bush, Palin and McCain have pretty much guaranteed I won't be voting republican for a long time. Not saying democrats are that much better, but I'm going with the lesser of 2 evils.
I am. To me each politician is the same, none will be exceptional, they won't effect noticeable change. None of their policies will be historically significant at this point unless it includes a great war. Having a full term black president however is far reaching, geography and time. So essentially yeah, i'm voting for him because he's an awesome black guy. I'll let you peons pedal back and forth like the politics actually mean $@%$ to you.
I am. To me each politician is the same, none will be exceptional, they won't effect noticeable change. None of their policies will be historically significant at this point unless it includes a great war. Having a full term black president however is far reaching, geography and time. So essentially yeah, i'm voting for him because he's an awesome black guy. I'll let you peons pedal back and forth like the politics actually mean $@%$ to you.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

I am. To me each politician is the same, none will be exceptional, they won't effect noticeable change. None of their policies will be historically significant at this point unless it includes a great war. Having a full term black president however is far reaching, geography and time. So essentially yeah, i'm voting for him because he's an awesome black guy. I'll let you peons pedal back and forth like the politics actually mean $@%$ to you.
This is how I feel to an extent, politics means nothing to me at this point but republicans scare the hell out of me.
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

I am. To me each politician is the same, none will be exceptional, they won't effect noticeable change. None of their policies will be historically significant at this point unless it includes a great war. Having a full term black president however is far reaching, geography and time. So essentially yeah, i'm voting for him because he's an awesome black guy. I'll let you peons pedal back and forth like the politics actually mean $@%$ to you.
This is how I feel to an extent, politics means nothing to me at this point but republicans scare the hell out of me.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

So 4 years wasn't enough to assure you one way or another
btw, how will he do this? By telling you? The same thing he did 4 years ago? 

It's like the abusive wife syndrome. Folks just keep on coming back for more. 

2 Years bro. It's gonna take some time to get the Country moving again at full pace. But things are starting to turn around and he also has alot of opposition against  him who are only worried about playing politics instead of truly helping this country.

By next election, things will not be better. That is the only thing we can be assured of.
Obama greatest asset is the bully pulpit. He hasn't used it in any meaningful way and there's no reason to believe that he will use it. 
You are well aware the main goal of most presidents is to get a second term. If he does nothing in his SECOND term, than MY judgement will come around, I didn't vote for Obama last election, but unless Pawlenty pulls a miracle out of his *!* I will be voting for him this time.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

So 4 years wasn't enough to assure you one way or another
btw, how will he do this? By telling you? The same thing he did 4 years ago? 

It's like the abusive wife syndrome. Folks just keep on coming back for more. 

2 Years bro. It's gonna take some time to get the Country moving again at full pace. But things are starting to turn around and he also has alot of opposition against  him who are only worried about playing politics instead of truly helping this country.

By next election, things will not be better. That is the only thing we can be assured of.
Obama greatest asset is the bully pulpit. He hasn't used it in any meaningful way and there's no reason to believe that he will use it. 
You are well aware the main goal of most presidents is to get a second term. If he does nothing in his SECOND term, than MY judgement will come around, I didn't vote for Obama last election, but unless Pawlenty pulls a miracle out of his *!* I will be voting for him this time.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by E3LAL

Originally Posted by Essential1

at least look at the news once a month before you ask a stupid question..

As for the original question... yes...  begrudgingly...

But even though I'm in NY and my vote means squat because he will carry my state.. I need to do whatever I legally can to make sure one of these current batch of republicans don't become president.
Please tell me what he has done that he promised?  He only got the gay/military issue done, but that is about it.
We voted in a liberal and got a conservative

Credit Card Bill of Rights
Health Care Reform (like or dislike it, Democrat after Democrat has failed with it)
Student Loan Reform
Expanded Hate Crimes Bill
Start Treaty
Withdrawal of Combat Troops in Iraq
Equal Pay Laws
Funding Stem Cell Research
New Hate Crimes Bill
College Loan Reforms
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Increased funding in NASA
Head Start Program for Public Schooling
Diplomacy toward Middle East/Central Asia countries
Lifted some economic restrictions that were placed on Cuba during the Cold War, which also allowed people to visit their families
Consumer Protection Bureau
Extended benefits to same-sex couples that traditionally were only offered to heterosexual couples
Increased requirements on fuel economy for car manufacturers by 2016
Children's Health Reauthorization Act
Increased funding for scientific research and development through the stimulus
Cuts to defense budget (on the recomendation of Sec. Gates)
Expansion of Medicare (requirements now include those up to 133% above federal poverty level)

I may think he acts like a push over, and acts Center Right, but at the same time, I am not foolish enough to say he hasn't done anything he promised.

Credit Card Bill of Rights= promised a lot more, and ended up giving credit card companies too many rights, so nothing really changed. you still see the fine print, also made credit card interest rates increase. ignored elizabeth warren when asked about her feedback. 
Stimulus=has proven to not provide much help. govt contracts go to few if not only 5 or 6 firms within every region that was already employed. so that money is being saved, or reinvested in wallstreet (see construction stocks)

Health Care Reform = had an opportunity to produce a very progessive health care system only to provide much to do about nothing. premiums are still up, deductibles still up so not much happened. things will happen in 2014, a bit too late

Student Loan Reform =
all the government did (which was pretty stupid) was buy loans from banks and then turn around and re-sell them back to the banks. if you default on a student loan, the govt isnt coming for you, the banks are

Expanded Hate Crimes Bill = not really an expansion, but didn't really include anything worth while the supreme court wouldnt throw out anyways

Start Treaty = republican owned (read: Bush Sr.)

Withdrawal of Combat Troops in Iraq = only to reposition and announce a continued war in Afghanistan 

Equal Pay Laws
Funding Stem Cell Research
New Hate Crimes Bill
College Loan Reforms
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Increased funding in NASA
Head Start Program for Public Schooling
Diplomacy toward Middle East/Central Asia countries
Lifted some economic restrictions that were placed on Cuba during the Cold War, which also allowed people to visit their families
Consumer Protection Bureau
Extended benefits to same-sex couples that traditionally were only offered to heterosexual couples
Increased requirements on fuel economy for car manufacturers by 2016
Children's Health Reauthorization Act
Increased funding for scientific research and development through the stimulus
Cuts to defense budget (on the recomendation of Sec. Gates)
Expansion of Medicare (requirements now include those up to 133% above federal poverty level)

not enough time in the world to let you know what really happened, but the defense budget wasn't cut ENOUGH, what a couple bill 
Yeah the wagon Republicans have decided to hitch their trailer to does scare me though. NEVER voting Republican. Fiscal responsibility and small gov't is a %#%@%$@ farce.
Yeah the wagon Republicans have decided to hitch their trailer to does scare me though. NEVER voting Republican. Fiscal responsibility and small gov't is a %#%@%$@ farce.
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by E3LAL

Originally Posted by Essential1

at least look at the news once a month before you ask a stupid question..

As for the original question... yes...  begrudgingly...

But even though I'm in NY and my vote means squat because he will carry my state.. I need to do whatever I legally can to make sure one of these current batch of republicans don't become president.
Please tell me what he has done that he promised?  He only got the gay/military issue done, but that is about it.
We voted in a liberal and got a conservative

Credit Card Bill of Rights
Health Care Reform (like or dislike it, Democrat after Democrat has failed with it)
Student Loan Reform
Expanded Hate Crimes Bill
Start Treaty
Withdrawal of Combat Troops in Iraq
Equal Pay Laws
Funding Stem Cell Research
New Hate Crimes Bill
College Loan Reforms
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Increased funding in NASA
Head Start Program for Public Schooling
Diplomacy toward Middle East/Central Asia countries
Lifted some economic restrictions that were placed on Cuba during the Cold War, which also allowed people to visit their families
Consumer Protection Bureau
Extended benefits to same-sex couples that traditionally were only offered to heterosexual couples
Increased requirements on fuel economy for car manufacturers by 2016
Children's Health Reauthorization Act
Increased funding for scientific research and development through the stimulus
Cuts to defense budget (on the recomendation of Sec. Gates)
Expansion of Medicare (requirements now include those up to 133% above federal poverty level)

I may think he acts like a push over, and acts Center Right, but at the same time, I am not foolish enough to say he hasn't done anything he promised.

Credit Card Bill of Rights= promised a lot more, and ended up giving credit card companies too many rights, so nothing really changed. you still see the fine print, also made credit card interest rates increase. ignored elizabeth warren when asked about her feedback. 
Stimulus=has proven to not provide much help. govt contracts go to few if not only 5 or 6 firms within every region that was already employed. so that money is being saved, or reinvested in wallstreet (see construction stocks)

Health Care Reform = had an opportunity to produce a very progessive health care system only to provide much to do about nothing. premiums are still up, deductibles still up so not much happened. things will happen in 2014, a bit too late

Student Loan Reform =
all the government did (which was pretty stupid) was buy loans from banks and then turn around and re-sell them back to the banks. if you default on a student loan, the govt isnt coming for you, the banks are

Expanded Hate Crimes Bill = not really an expansion, but didn't really include anything worth while the supreme court wouldnt throw out anyways

Start Treaty = republican owned (read: Bush Sr.)

Withdrawal of Combat Troops in Iraq = only to reposition and announce a continued war in Afghanistan 

Equal Pay Laws
Funding Stem Cell Research
New Hate Crimes Bill
College Loan Reforms
Don't Ask Don't Tell
Increased funding in NASA
Head Start Program for Public Schooling
Diplomacy toward Middle East/Central Asia countries
Lifted some economic restrictions that were placed on Cuba during the Cold War, which also allowed people to visit their families
Consumer Protection Bureau
Extended benefits to same-sex couples that traditionally were only offered to heterosexual couples
Increased requirements on fuel economy for car manufacturers by 2016
Children's Health Reauthorization Act
Increased funding for scientific research and development through the stimulus
Cuts to defense budget (on the recomendation of Sec. Gates)
Expansion of Medicare (requirements now include those up to 133% above federal poverty level)

not enough time in the world to let you know what really happened, but the defense budget wasn't cut ENOUGH, what a couple bill 
Essential1-that's the issue tax breaks aren't needed. I have an accountant that can get me our of paying taxes without the breaks, last year I didnt pay a dime in taxes and made a decent 6 figure salary. As far as estate goes last thing I was told is we will be paying over 40 percent taxes on what my family has worked their entire life to build. Will we work it out so this doesn't happen, of course. But there is no reason to have to find loop holes. I know plent of wealthy of people that would still spend the same amount of money whether the sales tax was 7% or 15%. So get rid of income tax and raise sales tax to a number so those that spend money have to cover the costs. I know if sales tax was 20% it wouldn't change my life style and I'd actually be paying in taxes rather than finding tax shelters and loop holes to avoid taxes. Giving 600 to everyone in the country does no good.

My family owns a construction company that ripped up a road that we paved 3 years ago, because the state had extra stimulus money to spend. Are you telling me that the stimulus money is going to good use? If you are then you are out of the loop of what is actually going on with this stimulus money.
Essential1-that's the issue tax breaks aren't needed. I have an accountant that can get me our of paying taxes without the breaks, last year I didnt pay a dime in taxes and made a decent 6 figure salary. As far as estate goes last thing I was told is we will be paying over 40 percent taxes on what my family has worked their entire life to build. Will we work it out so this doesn't happen, of course. But there is no reason to have to find loop holes. I know plent of wealthy of people that would still spend the same amount of money whether the sales tax was 7% or 15%. So get rid of income tax and raise sales tax to a number so those that spend money have to cover the costs. I know if sales tax was 20% it wouldn't change my life style and I'd actually be paying in taxes rather than finding tax shelters and loop holes to avoid taxes. Giving 600 to everyone in the country does no good.

My family owns a construction company that ripped up a road that we paved 3 years ago, because the state had extra stimulus money to spend. Are you telling me that the stimulus money is going to good use? If you are then you are out of the loop of what is actually going on with this stimulus money.
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by nom de guerre

2 Years bro. It's gonna take some time to get the Country moving again at full pace. But things are starting to turn around and he also has alot of opposition against  him who are only worried about playing politics instead of truly helping this country.

By next election, things will not be better. That is the only thing we can be assured of.
Obama greatest asset is the bully pulpit. He hasn't used it in any meaningful way and there's no reason to believe that he will use it. 
 How do you know that?

Fact is unemployment is down to 8.8% and will continue to drop. After 8 years of of pure Fu^kery. People in 2 years expect a miracle, that's not how things work.

I know that because the data suggests it. 
Unemployment isn't down to 8.8 in any real sense. State data is for folks like you. Who don't care/don't want to care how it's compiled and manipulated. If you want to start, take a look at "birth-death model" just for kicks.

  It's ticked down a bit but most of the jobs added are minimum wage #%$%++$# gigs (inc. part time ). 

From all the date coming in, it's probably going to get worse or at the very best stay stagnant for the foreseeable future (3-5 years out).

I don't expect a miracle. I do expect the president to use his greatest weapon (the bull pulpit) to advocate for actual reforms. It'd also be nice if he could use his DOJ to expedite that change by setting a certain tone. However, dude's literally been keeping the status quo going. 

First we heard, it's only been 6 months, what do you expect. Then, it's only been a year. Now, it's only been 2 years. Pretty soon it'll be, it's only been 4 years, give him another 4. 
Originally Posted by nom de guerre

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by nom de guerre

2 Years bro. It's gonna take some time to get the Country moving again at full pace. But things are starting to turn around and he also has alot of opposition against  him who are only worried about playing politics instead of truly helping this country.

By next election, things will not be better. That is the only thing we can be assured of.
Obama greatest asset is the bully pulpit. He hasn't used it in any meaningful way and there's no reason to believe that he will use it. 
 How do you know that?

Fact is unemployment is down to 8.8% and will continue to drop. After 8 years of of pure Fu^kery. People in 2 years expect a miracle, that's not how things work.

I know that because the data suggests it. 
Unemployment isn't down to 8.8 in any real sense. State data is for folks like you. Who don't care/don't want to care how it's compiled and manipulated. If you want to start, take a look at "birth-death model" just for kicks.

  It's ticked down a bit but most of the jobs added are minimum wage #%$%++$# gigs (inc. part time ). 

From all the date coming in, it's probably going to get worse or at the very best stay stagnant for the foreseeable future (3-5 years out).

I don't expect a miracle. I do expect the president to use his greatest weapon (the bull pulpit) to advocate for actual reforms. It'd also be nice if he could use his DOJ to expedite that change by setting a certain tone. However, dude's literally been keeping the status quo going. 

First we heard, it's only been 6 months, what do you expect. Then, it's only been a year. Now, it's only been 2 years. Pretty soon it'll be, it's only been 4 years, give him another 4. 
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