Windows 7 out now

Originally Posted by Ghenges

I'm looking for places in Orlando selling it at 12am and I'm thinking about taking a personal day tomorrow.

Yes. It's that serious.

over an OS...?!?! A weak OS at that...
back1ntheday, thanks for those links, I just filled out everything I needed to (forwarded the confirmation e-mail as stated to do so along with a scanned copyof the proof-of-purchase). Now I play the waiting game (I wonder how long it will take).

verynecessary, I don't have much to even back up on my laptop (I still use my Desktop for music/iTunes). I have AIM, Firefox, ooVoo, and maybe 3 or 4school assignments, that's really it
. I think it will be easierthis way anyway, rather do it in my own home then potentially wait countless hours at Best Buy letting Geek Squad do it.

Another question, will I lose everything when I upgrade (meaning I should back it up anyway), but are the chances high that I lose it, or will it just transferover?
Had Win7 for a about 3 weeks now through msdnaa. It's nice, but no too different from Vista as far as I can see (which is fine because I actually likeVista).
Personally I don't think I would ever pay full price for Windows 7, especially not if you already have Vista and it's working fine for you.
alright I've been running Windows 7 for a while now....and I treat my computer the same way as I did when I had Vista (zero problems with vista btw)
I rarely fully shutdown my computer most of the time just put it in sleep mode.
DO NOT DO THIS WITH WINDOWS 7, it doesn't matter at first but after like the 5th night of doing this I started getting BSOD at random times. So yeah dumbon my part, just letting whoever else does this know.
^did you do windows update? i don't have that problem and i leave my PC asleep for half the day. maybe the updates that release tomorrow will fix yourproblem
Originally Posted by omgitswes

yeah it does updates automatically doesn't it?
yea but there are some updates that people don't have in till tomorrow i believe 35 of them. i installed them 2 months ago
oh okay, well I'll just wait till tomorrow then. I hope there are some driver updates. Cause I can't connect my phone to my computer. and took meforever to get bluetooth working right
Somebody help me, I'm currently running XP Home and I wanna upgrade to W7, I used that msdn academic link but which W7 do I download? I see x64, x86 andsome other crap
I'm confused right now...
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Somebody help me, I'm currently running XP Home and I wanna upgrade to W7, I used that msdn academic link but which W7 do I download? I see x64, x86 and some other crap
I'm confused right now...
Since you are running XP, it does not matter which one you choose. A problem would arise if you had windows x64 and you tried to upgrade towindows 7 x32 (x64 & x32 are not compatible). I assume that since you are making a leap from XP to 7, then you are going to lose all your information but Icould be wrong (I have never updated my operating system through through those links - I usually download the OP/Borrow it and run a clean installation). Inany case, it would be a good idea to save all your information before any action is taken. Also, the difference between windows x32 & x64 is the level ofcompatibility and computer's performance to some extent. Let me explain, if your computer was originally built with a "x64 Operation System" thenit has the hardware to be able to run at x64. Now, there are some computers that may not be suitable to run x64 and instead, they run at the usual speed x32.Another thing to keep in mind is the level of compatibility, many of the programs that are out there right now are based on x32 NOT x64, if you have x64 youcan still run those programs (Office, Photoshop, etc) but it will take a little bit longer since those programs are not exactly compatible with the OP (Youwould have to get Office x64, Photoshop x64, AIM x64, etc). Since your computer is currently running on XP, then I suggest you make a leap to Windows 7 x32because your computer will handle it with no problem and you won't have to worry about whether programs are compatible or not. Hope that helps...

Edit - By x32 I mean x86 (The site labeled x32 as x86). Don't confuse x86 & x32, they're the same thing.
A few weeks ago, I tried to upgrade to Windows 7 RTM x86 from Vista Home Basic. I didn't have any problems with the upgrade, but when I tried to restart, Ikept getting a black screen.

With 7 officially released, is there any solutions to this?
Dl'd 7 ultimate a couple months ago onto my laptop and its been
ever since. Definitely recommend any vista users to upgrade.
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