Wisdom tooth surgery...

Getting mine removed in about 2 weeks. I was watching a video on youtube and I hope they can knock me out when the dentist are drilling my teeth out.
Getting mine removed in about 2 weeks. I was watching a video on youtube and I hope they can knock me out when the dentist are drilling my teeth out.
I'm supposed to get a root canal soon, never had one before... whats worse, root canals or having teeth pulled?
I'm supposed to get a root canal soon, never had one before... whats worse, root canals or having teeth pulled?
I had four removed. I went under, no way I was about to be awake for that. Usually day 3-4 are the worst. The day of and after arent to bad, you are still doped up from the anesthetic and pretty out of it. Then the soreness really sets in, but you should be ok taking some vicodin or w/e they gave you.

But OP, I experienced something kinda similar to yours. I had dissolvable stitches to btw, and they just come out on their own. Anyways, after a little short of a week everything was good, swelling/bruising was down and was getting back to eating regular, except for one of my incisions. Well, we had a follow up and when we got there turns out that my mom goofed the days and we came in 2 days early. Since we were already there the Doc said he'd see me anyways. Well, turns out one of the incisions had gotten infected, which was causing all the soreness. If I hadn't accidentally came in early he said it could have gotten a lot worse and they might have needed to go in there and clean it out. But I just got some antibiotics and a vicodin refill (probably bad idea looking back) and was good as new a week later.

Just make sure you cleaning and rinsing out your mouth good. And follow Dr.'s orders, no sucking through straws, smoking, etc. Its really not a bad procedure, its over before you know it, but it is definitely not something that you want to make worse by getting infected, dry sockets, or w/e else cuz then its a B!
I had four removed. I went under, no way I was about to be awake for that. Usually day 3-4 are the worst. The day of and after arent to bad, you are still doped up from the anesthetic and pretty out of it. Then the soreness really sets in, but you should be ok taking some vicodin or w/e they gave you.

But OP, I experienced something kinda similar to yours. I had dissolvable stitches to btw, and they just come out on their own. Anyways, after a little short of a week everything was good, swelling/bruising was down and was getting back to eating regular, except for one of my incisions. Well, we had a follow up and when we got there turns out that my mom goofed the days and we came in 2 days early. Since we were already there the Doc said he'd see me anyways. Well, turns out one of the incisions had gotten infected, which was causing all the soreness. If I hadn't accidentally came in early he said it could have gotten a lot worse and they might have needed to go in there and clean it out. But I just got some antibiotics and a vicodin refill (probably bad idea looking back) and was good as new a week later.

Just make sure you cleaning and rinsing out your mouth good. And follow Dr.'s orders, no sucking through straws, smoking, etc. Its really not a bad procedure, its over before you know it, but it is definitely not something that you want to make worse by getting infected, dry sockets, or w/e else cuz then its a B!
Just got 2 of mines pulled 2weeks ago..And you'll know when u got dry socket...I heard it hurts like death.

I get all my dental stuff done for free...UPS insurance FTW. I gotta get put to sleep for my next wisdom tooth surgery. -____- fml
Just got 2 of mines pulled 2weeks ago..And you'll know when u got dry socket...I heard it hurts like death.

I get all my dental stuff done for free...UPS insurance FTW. I gotta get put to sleep for my next wisdom tooth surgery. -____- fml
Just got 2 of mines pulled 2weeks ago..And you'll know when u got dry socket...I heard it hurts like death.

I get all my dental stuff done for free...UPS insurance FTW. I gotta get put to sleep for my next wisdom tooth surgery. -____- fml
Just got 2 of mines pulled 2weeks ago..And you'll know when u got dry socket...I heard it hurts like death.

I get all my dental stuff done for free...UPS insurance FTW. I gotta get put to sleep for my next wisdom tooth surgery. -____- fml
I had all 4 removed in one visit, and I was awake. 

this was back in high school though. I looked like a chipmunk for weeks.
I had all 4 removed in one visit, and I was awake. 

this was back in high school though. I looked like a chipmunk for weeks.
I actually just got all 4 taken out 3 weeks ago, and compared to everyone i talked to I
had it easy. There was no swelling, the procedure took 40 mins, only had laughing gas,
no pain, eating solids the third day. Not to brag though,
I'm not trying to rub it in.

I didn't get stitches though, is that normal?
I actually just got all 4 taken out 3 weeks ago, and compared to everyone i talked to I
had it easy. There was no swelling, the procedure took 40 mins, only had laughing gas,
no pain, eating solids the third day. Not to brag though,
I'm not trying to rub it in.

I didn't get stitches though, is that normal?
I had my procedure on wed. morning and suprised at how simple & quick this was after all the feedback I was given. I've felt no pain AT ALL during the removal and after. The dentist put in work!!!! I was dissapointed with my friends hyping it up like I'm gonna be in pain for 5 days.

Chilling at home on this oxycodene while watching the NCAA tournament, watching movies, playing vanquish, and playing the homies in NBA 2k and eating cheese cake n pudding is crackin
I had my procedure on wed. morning and suprised at how simple & quick this was after all the feedback I was given. I've felt no pain AT ALL during the removal and after. The dentist put in work!!!! I was dissapointed with my friends hyping it up like I'm gonna be in pain for 5 days.

Chilling at home on this oxycodene while watching the NCAA tournament, watching movies, playing vanquish, and playing the homies in NBA 2k and eating cheese cake n pudding is crackin
had all 4 out at once and was awake listening to my ipod but i wasnt numbed all the way and felt the dr pull my last tooth out,
, recovered really quick with barely any pain
had all 4 out at once and was awake listening to my ipod but i wasnt numbed all the way and felt the dr pull my last tooth out,
, recovered really quick with barely any pain
The procedure cost my insurance $1200 !@# for 4 wisdom teeth ( 1 which was impacted) and I was given Novacine + laughing gas to feel no pain

Kaiser Medical FTW
The procedure cost my insurance $1200 !@# for 4 wisdom teeth ( 1 which was impacted) and I was given Novacine + laughing gas to feel no pain

Kaiser Medical FTW
I got mine scheduled for may 5 to get 4 of mine removed. From the look of the submitted charges to my insurance. It'll cost $2235. Out of that I have to pay $289.
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