With all the garabage that comes out of UFC fans mouths....

Aug 21, 2005
UFC 103 had better do some BIG numbers over JMM vs PBF.

because if boxing is as dead as some of y'all would have us to believe then it better show in those buy numbers
im a UFC fan as in i order ppv's all year round, but boxing is the reason i love fighting and i will be ordering PBF vs JMM
i got in a 20+min argument yesterday at work with 4 dudes who are all up on MMA because its the "in" thing now(no hate towards mma but itll nevercompare to boxing for me). Dudes were saying some down right ridiculous stuff I eventually just had to walk away
i wont front, i usually choose the ufc ppv over boxing, but not this time... this is two of the best boxers in the world fighting each other
look I'm far from a MMA hater...trying to get into slowly

hell, I got the past Fight Night on my DVR along with 2 different seasons of TUF

Nog vs Mir

Sugar vs Rampage

This thread isn't meant to degrade UFC or MMA but seriously if what some of y'all claim is true, that the UFC is the future and boxing is gonna be longgone.

well here is your chance, two events head to head

im not a MMA hater either I watch it alot ok well not alot but when the big events happen I watch..its more of a niche sport in my eyes though its in theleague with Lacrosse to me...whereas boxing is up there with nfl and nba.
but will PPV numbers come out? or will UFC release their numbers?

bob arum was talking $$+# saying they had no where near 1.7 million buys that they claimed for UFC 100. and that since their a private company, they can saywhatever they want
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

no way thats gonna happen...

do you know how many mexicans are going to buy that fight?
yeah, but those fools got like 20 or 30 people watching just one TV set

2 million Mexican will view the fight....at their cousin's house

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

no way thats gonna happen...

do you know how many mexicans are going to buy that fight?

none that I personally know of.

They're all connected

And no, not by me haha
I'm an mma fan and there's no way 103 is going to out sell boxing the weekend. 103 is a weak card with no huge names or even a title fight
Originally Posted by ludex360

I'm an mma fan and there's no way 103 is going to out sell boxing the weekend. 103 is a weak card with no huge names or even a title fight

This. Although I will be watching with fingers crossed to hope Crocop will pull off a convincing win.
Originally Posted by ludex360

I'm an mma fan and there's no way 103 is going to out sell boxing the weekend. 103 is a weak card with no huge names or even a title fight
I agree. If boxing can't beat this event with PBF then things are really looking bleak for boxing. Rich is a good guy and all but isn'texactly a contender at 205 right now and Belfort wants to fight at 185 so this fight probably won't mean much in determining where either guys stands intheir respective divisions unless Belfort absolutely kills Rich in a manner that Anderson did. Then I could see Dana giving Belfort the next shot after Hendoif that fight ever happens.

If we are going to compare ppv #s... a boxing event of PBF/Pacquiao vs a UFC headlined by Brock would be a better contest.

I personally like MMA better but I plan on watching both at a bar FTW!
I wouldn't be surprised if Cotto/Pac pulls more buys than UFC 100.

And I really don't see 103 getting more buys than JMM/PBF, not to lower the integrity of UFC, but JMM will pull a crapload of buys himself, not to mentionthe most flamboyant boxer in a long damn time.
I'll be watching PBF vs. JMM but this fight is not getting any love from the media. They were bad mouthing the card on ATH today, little to no mention onPTI. Then on Sportscenter, they just showed the weigh-in and didn't even have an in-studio analyst talk about the fight.

Its a shame because its one of the better overall boxing cards put together in awhile. While, I do give JMM a legit shot to beat PBF. I can see why ppl may beopposed to buying this fight. PBF is a 4-1 favorite and ppl still have buyer's remorse from his fight against De La Hoya a few years ago.

I personally think UFC 103 might have more PPV buys but not by a staggering margin.
Originally Posted by EAGLE 0N

I'll be watching PBF vs. JMM but that fight is not getting any love from the media. They were bad mouthing the card on ATH today, little to no mention on PTI. Then on Sportscenter, they just showed the weigh-in and didn't even have an in-studio analyst talk about the fight.

they didnt know what the %#*@ the were talking about...

saying they dont even know who JMM is, that he aint anything and he must suck because he has 4 losses.
outside of FNF, espn is a joke when it comes to boxing.
I wish I'd be able to buy this tomorrow, but I'll be at work..

I REALLY want to watch the Rocky/John rematch.
UFC could never replace what Tyson, Roy, and Zab have done for me.

With that said Rampage is that guy.
UFC doesnt counter other fight cards with fantastic cards of their own.

quite the opposite, they counter with a card, period.

usually cards that arent meant to win the viewing battle but to simply to take up some of the viewership that might have watched the opposing card.

the cards are usually headlined by non title fights or are simply free replays of cards that had large ppv buys.

eg. UFC countered the latest Strikeforce card with a replay of UFC 100.

103 is hardly the event with which to compare to a big fight in boxing.
Yea, ESPN sux with their boxing coverage. And since they feel UFC is the new hip thing they back that. No suprise, since they always try to stay"hip". In any event me and my people gonna be watching PBF vs MJM. I honestly didnt even know there was an MMA fight until I was watching ATHyesterday and they was talking about them going head to head tonight. No1 around here (CT) that ive heard of has been talking about UFC, I dont see any way UFCbeats out boxing in buys tonight
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