World's 1% to own 2/3 of global wealth by 2030

I'm sure it's great when you have zero adult responsibilities.

"responsibilities" is what you make of it.

thank god im in NYC, in da USA and not some war torn bombed out town repressed, or some poverty striken wasteland somewhere picking flies off my face in a 3rd World hell hole.
war torn bombed out town repressed, or some poverty striken wasteland

a 3rd World hell hole


take a plane ride to a 3rd world country, go off da tourist beaten path, come back and report your quite confident you'll suddenly find that inner patriot of yours fairly quickly.


im quite confident that colonization can explain a lot of why those "3rd world" countries deserve your disdain
"responsibilities" is what you make of it.

thank god im in NYC, in da USA and not some war torn bombed out town repressed, or some poverty striken wasteland somewhere picking flies off my face in a 3rd World hell hole.

There is a lot of grey in between those two extremes (rich AND peaceful vs poor AND war-torn).

Concentration of wealth and misuse of resources is more of a factor in the economic condition of countries like the one I'm from. There is never any money to fix the roads, maintain the lights on the highway, build and maintain schools, respond to the shortage of key professionals a society would need to progress (doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers), but the parties are mad lavish; the cars are new; cats wear the latest and greatest (I'm talking about high fashion ****); in their villages, the richest people have many, many houses that sit empty for years, even though some of those places can be inaccessible during the rainy season. The state of our public schools is so bad that the President and his wife created a entire school within the walls of the presidential palace, had their kids schooled there, and closed it down when their youngest graduated.

We're past the point where we can fix **** politically because the national assembly (our version of Congress) is gerrymandered by the party in power that has enjoyed a supermajority for decades; as a result, every time our president reaches what should be his last term, the Constitution is amended to allow him to run again. Most of the powerful people belong to that party, and the ones that don't play ball or don't stay free for long. They get thrown in jail for "financial" crimes that come out of nowhere and that are often supported by falsified documents (good luck proving that to the judge who is also member of the president's party).

Why do people stay silent and accept the current conditions? Because when our government privatized the majority of public assets (with the support of the IMF and the World Bank), they were mostly sold to French corporations (look up the Bolloré group and the hold it has in all the former French colonies in Africa) that do business in my country but do not reinvest the money made there locally. They take it back to France and enrich that society. As a result, the French government has an interest in preserving the economic status quo by any means necessary: that includes corruption, no bid contracts, and the liberal use of military to back dictators who do their bidding or change the ones that don't. Of course, they need - and have - the complicity of greedy local politicians willing to sell out their countries for personal gain and power (and some of those leaders even end up funding Western political campaigns, like Gaddafi allegedly did with Sarkozy back during the French presidential election of 2007).

It's all driven by greed, and it is foolish to think that the US, where "greed is good," can be spared from the effects unchecked avarice.
Is this something that people think when they don't have responsibilities?

its something that people who aren't miserable at other's happiness feel when they're living and their own lives and not walking around bitter at other people's money/choices.
Yall go out of yalls way to not get points at times. Especially with Ninja.

I am also thankful I was born and raised HERE, I understand I am lucky as hell to have been born HERE

That doesn't mean

* The US doesn't have MANY issues (especially how they treat people that look like me)

* There isn't beauty elsewhere

* I wouldn't / couldn't also be lucky to be born elsewhere

* I am ride or die for the flag

It just means my life is relatively easy in the grand scheme of things

im quite confident that colonization can explain a lot of why those "3rd world" countries deserve your disdain

To piggyback off this, the fact that our consumption/“way of life” causes these countries mass poverty. The US has a hand in other countries corrupt leaders and adopting the US ideology of financial success when the mold doesnt fit.

I advise anyone who thinks these countries did it to thenselves to read this book. And this a small example on a grander spectrum.


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There is a lot of grey in between those two extremes (rich AND peaceful vs poor AND war-torn).

Concentration of wealth and misuse of resources is more of a factor in the economic condition of countries like the one I'm from. There is never any money to fix the roads, maintain the lights on the highway, build and maintain schools, respond to the shortage of key professionals a society would need to progress (doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers), but the parties are mad lavish; the cars are new; cats wear the latest and greatest (I'm talking about high fashion ****); in their villages, the richest people have many, many houses that sit empty for years, even though some of those places can be inaccessible during the rainy season. The state of our public schools is so bad that the President and his wife created a entire school within the walls of the presidential palace, had their kids schooled there, and closed it down when their youngest graduated.

We're past the point where we can fix **** politically because the national assembly (our version of Congress) is gerrymandered by the party in power that has enjoyed a supermajority for decades; as a result, every time our president reaches what should be his last term, the Constitution is amended to allow him to run again. Most of the powerful people belong to that party, and the ones that don't play ball or don't stay free for long. They get thrown in jail for "financial" crimes that come out of nowhere and that are often supported by falsified documents (good luck proving that to the judge who is also member of the president's party).

Why do people stay silent and accept the current conditions? Because when our government privatized the majority of public assets (with the support of the IMF and the World Bank), they were mostly sold to French corporations (look up the Bolloré group and the hold it has in all the former French colonies in Africa) that do business in my country but do not reinvest the money made there locally. They take it back to France and enrich that society. As a result, the French government has an interest in preserving the economic status quo by any means necessary: that includes corruption, no bid contracts, and the liberal use of military to back dictators who do their bidding or change the ones that don't. Of course, they need - and have - the complicity of greedy local politicians willing to sell out their countries for personal gain and power (and some of those leaders even end up funding Western political campaigns, like Gaddafi allegedly did with Sarkozy back during the French presidential election of 2007).

It's all driven by greed, and it is foolish to think that the US, where "greed is good," can be spared from the effects unchecked avarice.

da USA's Constitution is too iron clad and its constituency are too rebellious to ever let anything like that from ever happening...

After all, you being here is a testament to your faith in da stability of da United States.

people filthy rich matter me none, as long as i can go out and get my chicken & buy what i like im good...

holding "rich" people incontempt in a exercise in futility, da next man always gonna have more or less than you...just worry bout ur own ish.
To piggyback off this, the fact that our consumption/“way of life” causes these countries mass poverty.

i don't believe that, our Consumption trappings has fuelled da ascension of da Chinese & their wealth by far.

and look no further that to Venezuela as a model for taking a Country full of resources and running it to da ground via horrible corruption and socialist policy.
ninjahood ninjahood You can't compare the U.S to so called 3rd world countries that isn't a fair comparison of course most ppl's quality life is better here vs 3rd world countries, however, if you compare to 1st world countries in many ways the US is the worst 1st world country in terms of quality of life

The biggest crock of BS this country sells is the "middle class", the majority of the ppl they refer to as the middle class is really the "working poor" which is where the largest group of ppl fal into in this country. However, middle class sounds a lot better than working poor so it's just a good way to make the country sound better. So in many ways the difference between the U.S and so called 3rd world countries is that there's a lot more working poor here in the States than those 3rd world countries
I remember my trips to Canada and the Netherlands. Both of those countries makes our country look like a has-been. No too much litter, positive atmosphere, calm people, no crazy-*** homeless. I love this country and I will fight to make it move in the right direction, but we should be looking towards Europe as a more refined system.
To piggyback off this, the fact that our consumption/“way of life” causes these countries mass poverty. The US has a hand in other countries corrupt leaders and adopting the US ideology of financial success when the mold doesnt fit.

I advise anyone who thinks these countries did it to thenselves to read this book. And this a small example on a grander spectrum.

Also peep this book


Dude was right there in the middle of it. The US goes to these countries (ie. Indonesia, Iran, Panama, Iraq, Saui Arabia just to name a few) and tells them they'll loan them money to "build up" that country and it'll benefit the entire economy. Catch is they have to hire American firms to do those projects and only the elite of said country benefits by pocketing the money. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

If they don't play ball they label them as terrorists/criminals, see Noriega.

If they do they become America's puppet, see Saudi Arabia (which btw is the number #1 source of terrorism...go figure).
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