World's 1% to own 2/3 of global wealth by 2030

U.S is pretty bad if you're part of the "working poor" which is the majority or the non working poor

nah, especially when you keep in context da title of this thread...if making 34k puts you firmly in da global 1%, then it would behoove someone who is making at least that amount to locate themselves anywhere in da US where that amount secures them room & board, and transportation.
That's global 1% is for income only but that means nothing if you don't take the cost of living ratio into context and even then it doesn't tell the whole story. Living in this country is super stressful, its why most Americans are more stressed and depressed than ever. As much as I think NYC is an amazing city and there's so many great things to it, I have a love/hate relationship with it because its such a great example of the rat race and out of the 20 million+ people living in the NYC metro most are a part of the working poor constantly chasing that cheese everyday in the rat race

nah, especially when you keep in context da title of this thread...if making 34k puts you firmly in da global 1%, then it would behoove someone who is making at least that amount to locate themselves anywhere in da US where that amount secures them room & board, and transportation.
Europe has several civil wars going on, identity politics, dealing with massive immigration from their destabilized African and M.E. neighbors, succession and annexation going on yet still hey touted as model countries. Not to mention Europe is resource poor.
Europe has several civil wars going on, identity politics, dealing with massive immigration from their destabilized African and M.E. neighbors, succession and annexation going on yet still hey touted as model countries. Not to mention Europe is resource poor.

yeah i dont want those problems.
Europe has several civil wars going on, identity politics, dealing with massive immigration from their destabilized African and M.E. neighbors, succession and annexation going on yet still hey touted as model countries. Not to mention Europe is resource poor.
Europe is quite large. It would be unfair to lump in the pinnacle of excellence in Europe (the Scandinavian countries basically) alongside other European nations with a lot of problems such as Spain, Greece, many of the Eastern-European states, ...
Identity politics isn't really a fair point as the US political system pretty much relies on it, as do many countries.
Europe is quite large. It would be unfair to lump in the pinnacle of excellence in Europe (the Scandinavian countries basically) alongside other European nations with a lot of problems such as Spain, Greece, many of the Eastern-European states, ...

i mean, lets keep it a hundo...from da United States Vantage point, if places like Spain, Germany, Italy, France arent doing well, Europe might as well be a dumpster fire because those Countries are ya cultural anchors..those teenie Scandinavian Countries isn't what ya exporting to da rest of da world.
That's only for the ignorant americans that aren't well traveled/cultured which actually makes up a lot but doesn't make it correct. Germany and France has better quality of life than the U.S

i mean, lets keep it a hundo...from da United States Vantage point, if places like Spain, Germany, Italy, France arent doing well, Europe might as well be a dumpster fire because those Countries are ya cultural anchors..those teenie Scandinavian Countries isn't what ya exporting to da rest of da world.
America deals with enough as far as income inequality racism and migration from the south. The US could not handle those types of problems and scale Europe has in my opinion.

Those Scandinavian countries work because of the largely homogeneous culture. Not too much stalemated discussion of racial classifications and tracking who gets what benefits. Everyone looks the same so no one is too hurt over sharing.
That's only for the ignorant americans that aren't well traveled/cultured which actually makes up a lot but doesn't make it correct. Germany and France has better quality of life than the U.S

I'd like to do my grad school in Germany but don't wanna be surrounded by nothing but caucasoids
I'm seriously considering Berlin for grad school too it's just a matter of if I want to do school again, free public transportation, affordable healthcare, Berlin nightlife. It's not all white, germany does have immigrants as well, a lot of them are white european immigrants but there's also many Turks, Arabs, some asians and blacks

I'd like to do my grad school in Germany but don't wanna be surrounded by nothing but caucasoids
Everyone looks the same so no one is too hurt over sharing.

According to Eurostat, in 2010, there were 1.33 million foreign-born residents in Sweden, corresponding to 14.3% of the total population. Of these, 859,000 (64.3%) were born outside the EU and 477,000 (35.7%) were born in another EU Member State.

The twenty largest groups of foreign-born persons in the Swedish civil registry in 2017 were:[24]

  1. Syria (172,258)
  2. Finland (150,877)
  3. Iraq (140,830)
  4. Poland (91,180)
  5. Iran (74,096)
  6. Somalia (66,369)
  7. Yugoslavia (65,877)
  8. Bosnia and Herzegovina (58,880)
  9. Germany (50,863)
  10. Turkey (48,299)
  11. Afghanistan (43,991)
  12. Norway (42,028)
  13. Thailand (41,240)
  14. Denmark (40,563)
  15. Eritrea (39,081)
  16. China (31,333)
  17. India (29,673)
  18. Romania (29,546)
  19. Chile (27,996)
  20. United Kingdom (27,685)

Not exactly "everyone".
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I'd like to do my grad school in Germany but don't wanna be surrounded by nothing but caucasoids

That's a pretty ignorant comment my dude. There's plenty of minorities in the big cities in countries like Germany, England, France, Netherlands, spain.
Belgium Belgium would you say the Nordic nations along with Germany and The Netherlands would be the pinnacle of excellence?
I'd put the Nordic nations in a category of their own. But yes besides those you could probably argue putting Germany and the Netherlands up top.
The Netherlands can be pretty racist though, openly. One of their most popular politicians, Geert Wilders, is openly racist and has said things like "Do you want less Moroccans in your city? Well let's make that happen" to cheering crowds at his rallies. Just this week actually he said Dutch citizens with dual-nationalities shouldn't be allowed to vote.
On the other hand their population is quite diverse and it's a very stable country with a high quality of life. Very little terrorism too.
Germany is Europe's economic powerhouse and they dominate Europe in that aspect but overall I'd give the edge to the Netherlands.
What about Switzerland as well?

I'd put the Nordic nations in a category of their own. But yes besides those you could probably argue putting Germany and the Netherlands up top.
The Netherlands can be pretty racist though, openly. One of their most popular politicians, Geert Wilders, is openly racist and has said things like "Do you want less Moroccans in your city? Well let's make that happen" to cheering crowds at his rallies. Just this week actually he said Dutch citizens with dual-nationalities shouldn't be allowed to vote.
On the other hand their population is quite diverse and it's a very stable country with a high quality of life. Very little terrorism too.
Germany is Europe's economic powerhouse and they dominate Europe in that aspect but overall I'd give the edge to the Netherlands.
nah, especially when you keep in context da title of this thread...if making 34k puts you firmly in da global 1%, then it would behoove someone who is making at least that amount to locate themselves anywhere in da US where that amount secures them room & board, and transportation.

Sounds like you missed the part where salary and job opportunities don't follow you throughout the US.
nah, especially when you keep in context da title of this thread...if making 34k puts you firmly in da global 1%, then it would behoove someone who is making at least that amount to locate themselves anywhere in da US where that amount secures them room & board, and transportation.
You do realize income drops and rises based on location right?
That's only for the ignorant americans that aren't well traveled/cultured which actually makes up a lot but doesn't make it correct. Germany and France has better quality of life than the U.S

The people I know who moved from Europe to the US did so after they got married, had kids that could enter pre-K when they moved here, and graduated from there. They avoided all the events of life (education, childbearing) that this country makes costly, and if they get seriously sick, they may have the option to go back there and not end up bankrupt like so many Americans.

The only advantage the US has over Europe is the amount of money you can make here. That is not to say that Western Europe doesn't have drawbacks. Still, from a quality of life perspective, the US is far behind W. Europe.
So basically what you're saying is, time for ya boy to apply for an EU visa?
This is why I make it a point to ignore rich people when they expect attention. I remember I was working in Bed, Bath, and Beyond when I was 19, this one lady was looking at wall art and wanted to see one of them while I was with other customers. I told her to wait behind the fourth person in my makeshift line and she stormed off after two minutes. After that the other customers laughed at her as she walked off. Got to put them in their place and I'm here to be one of those who does.

I feel your pain. I worked at Whole Foods when I was 19 and dealt with the same customer base. Entitled middle age white women that hadn't been f*****d proper in 10+ years.

I've spent a good amount of time in France and beg to differ, the French know how to enjoy life much more, 3 hour long lunches with better quality food, work much less hours, less stressed. Affordable healthcare, affordable schools. Since you love NYC, Paris is probably the city I've been to most comparable just much smaller but with more beautiful architecture and the Paris Metro is in many ways better than NYC MTA.

ehh France? nah. Germany is debatable.
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