Would you call me a hater if I said Melo is this generation's Big Dog Robinson?

Aug 23, 2004
I actually didn't come up with the comparison but my boy did at work today. We were discussing melo I and made the statement that Melo last year and for the next two years will be as good as he will ever be. So he made the comparison that Melo is like Big Dog in terms of play and stature.

I never really thought about that comparison but if you look at the numbers (taking a look at peak years for Big Dog only) :



the comparison is fair. Melo avg more ppg shooting a higher fg% because he is a better scorer than Big Dog. Durant is the best scorer in the L but for my money Melo is still the most complete scorer. Melo is slightly better rebounding the ball but Big Dog was a better defender (looking at spg) and FT shooter.

Neither one took/has taken a team far in the playoffs as "the guy". We all know Melo's playoff history. Big Dog did reach the ECF in 2001 but Ray Allen was the best player on that team. I still don't know how that team lost to the 76ers in 7. I mean you had Big Dog, Sam I Am, Big Dog and Tim Thomas vs AI and a bunch of "role players" (being kind when I say that).

We love comparing Melo to LBJ, KD and the other elite players in the League. The reality is he's not as good as those guys. Is Melo better than Big Dog? Yes. But, Melo is a lot closer to Big Dog than he is LBJ and KD.
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I could have sworn I've seen this thread before like 4-5 years ago 
Clearly you've been a fan of the NBA for a long time so you're not talking out of your ***

But you might wanna keep your opinions to yourself :lol:
Somebody lock this **** up.idc how long you been watching basketball,you still don't know wtf your talking about.you must be from Denver or something,mad cuz ur 0-3 and nyk is 3-0.
Giving Big Dog too much credit and i was a fan of his, Melo is 1 of the best in the world.....Big Dog was a good but not GREAT scorer who burned out in a couple years.
Nope, been saying that for years. Carmelo has a higher career ppg & playoff appearances, but there's no denyng that they have a similar skill set and game while being the same height and position. Glenn Robinson also led a team to the Eastern Conference finals as the "Big Dog" on his team. Not a bad comparison at all, people forgot that Big Dog was a scoring machine.
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LOL @ all the Knick fans replies.

Carmelo is very similar to Robinson.
We love comparing Melo to LBJ, KD and the other elite players in the League. The reality is he's not as good as though guys.
Took 9 years but at least people realize it now.
Glenn just wasn't as high profile as Melo coming into the league. The comparison is a really good one. It's time people meet more in the middle with this.

Carmelo is damn good, but not where people like to think he is, while Glenn was always underrated and better than just "above average."
SPG has nothing to do with being a good defender.

I only brung steals per game because it serves as tangible evidence one way or another. maybe opp small forward fg% while being defended by melo vs big dog would be more of a fair assessment. I'm sure there are some advance stats for that I just haven't came across them.
He's obviously better than Big Dog but they are very similar. Melo's quicker, shoots off the dribble better, more physical, and drives better. Big Dog's fade-away from mid-range was wet tho.
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