Would YOU Have An Issue If YOUR Wife Doesn't Want To Take On YOUR Last Name? Why or Why Not?

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I hope you hyphenate the paycheck, and the heavy lifting, and the bills.

are you going to hyphenate the birth of the child?

she has one, you have the other,
its a must she gotta have my last name, "fine you dont wanna take it ok #*@* i can respect that....but best believe she outa the picture, on to the nextone.....and if the next acts the same way on to the next one.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

I wouldn't.

1. I am Jessica Siniscalchi, forever and always.

2. My lastname is unique and makes up for my mundane first name

3. My surname is as much apart of who i am as my given name is. And how do i look changing my first name in the middle of my life?

4. Its too much trouble to change your last name and all documents. and then what if you get divorced? Way too much trouble. My mom still has problems because of conflicting last names and stuff since getting divorced.

5. I probably am never getting married anyhow. I am down to be with someone for a long stretch of time.. hell, even forever, but i don't need the title of "wife". A pretty ring and giant expensive wedding has no correlation to how much love is in the relationship. Not to mention a waste of money... when you can use that money towards building a home and life together. I would probably only get married for the tax breaks.

6. If we have children though, they can have his last name, lest it be something unfortunate like Gaylord or something ( i do know someone with that last name
) just looking out for my children.

But like i was saying, they can have their fathers surname. No hyphens, nothing. I understand wanting to carry on your families "legacy" and what have you. I have a brother, he can take care of that on my side.

I still haven't gotten around to changing mine. It's a PITA
I like my last name though, it's been a part of my identity for 27 years.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I hope you hyphenate the paycheck, and the heavy lifting, and the bills.

are you going to hyphenate the birth of the child?

she has one, you have the other,

?Wut Fanatic said kids gonna have hyphanated names too. Matter a fact who needs last names, lets all let kids when they 5 or 6 choose which name they likebetter, really revolutionary.
Marriage is a religious bond, you the mans wife, put your pride to the side and start a new life with your new bond. These pseudo feminists kill me.

preach! that's the problem with modern-day notions of marriage. i think people nowadays view marriage as a joint-venture, instead of a merger. andthe faux feminists are too concerned with gender roles, etc. they say they want equality--but they really want to be men.

these chicks also have a problem with the vows, to Love, Honor, and Obey. Honor = respect, and obey = submit to. When you start talking that stuff,they get to neck-rollin, talking about how 'they're not gonna "obey" no man...smh.

i think the wife should take the husbands last name--hyphenated or not doesn't matter to me. would i let that keep me from wifing her?? i don't know.but it would definitely raise some red flags about her cooperation and willingness to submit to the game.

Further research/study: Podcasts by Tariq Nasheed, particularly 'The Seven Levels of Disrespect by Women.'
My wife will be taking my last name. It shows possession, she is mine now, she no longer belongs to her father.

If she refuses, then I will be beyond pissed.
not a feminist @ all. merely arguing both points.

my last name is important to me. it's my identity. my last name. so i'm just supposed to take my husband'slast name because of tradition? i just think it's silly how someone's response was ownership... like on some caveman type *%++. if it's apartnership, it should be just that. men are no one's proprietor, and likewise. this whole false sense of entitlement really cracks me up. men areentitled to give their wives their last name?

supert1ght- yes i am a hardcore bulldike, my man. "awww lawdeh noesss, the womens gon' & got themselves an opinions! they must be thehomosecksuals!"
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I hope you hyphenate the paycheck, and the heavy lifting, and the bills.
I wouldn't have it any other way
you make a compelling argument.

supert1ght- yes i am a hardcore bulldike, my man. "awww lawdeh noesss, the womens gon' & got themselves an opinions! they must be the homosecksuals!"

I personally don't want to.
Maybe I've been lil "T.K." for too long, but no.
I didn't take my fathers last name either so maybe my mothers feelings about that issue has rubbed off on me.
nope i could care less about pointless traditions society came up with.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

not a feminist @ all. merely arguing both points.

my last name is important to me. it's my identity. my last name. so i'm just supposed to take my husband's last name because of tradition? i just think it's silly how someone's response was ownership... like on some caveman type *%++. if it's a partnership, it should be just that. men are no one's proprietor, and likewise. this whole false sense of entitlement really cracks me up. men are entitled to give their wives their last name?

supert1ght- yes i am a hardcore bulldike, my man. "awww lawdeh noesss, the womens gon' & got themselves an opinions! they must be the homosecksuals!"

Once you get married you are keeping your identity as an individual but you are starting a new life. People forget that marriage is a religious bond, wannakeep your name don't get married.
I was about to get worked up but I realized the females I date don't frequent male dominated message boards based on shoes
so I doubt I would comeacross a female w/ these views or at least fall in love w/ one..
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

not a feminist @ all. merely arguing both points.

my last name is important to me. it's my identity. my last name. so i'm just supposed to take my husband's last name because of tradition? i just think it's silly how someone's response was ownership... like on some caveman type *%++. if it's a partnership, it should be just that. men are no one's proprietor, and likewise. this whole false sense of entitlement really cracks me up. men are entitled to give their wives their last name?

supert1ght- yes i am a hardcore bulldike, my man. "awww lawdeh noesss, the womens gon' & got themselves an opinions! they must be the homosecksuals!"

Once you get married you are keeping your identity as an individual but you are starting a new life. People forget that marriage is a religious bond, wanna keep your name don't get married.
Not everyone feels that way
The great thing aboutmarriage is that the mate you choose typically has similar beliefs and wants and morals and all that good junk.
lol @ put your pride to the side. Can't we both put our pride to the side? Why is it the obligation of the female? And if a marriage is a partnership whythen do I "belong" to my husband. Unless of course he belongs to me as well in which case we should all just hyphenate our names (Which I am notopposed to btw)

That's my last word on the topic because this argument goes nowhere every time. Good luck all. To each his own

Don't even try it! Come on, finish this. I like your posts and I'd love to weigh your input. You might actually learn me a thing or two..

Anywho, I'm not against double hyphenating, but it's so...unusual. Only in America do women have enough nerve to say !%+! tradition and then expect mento agree with it. It's absurd most of the time. Every other culture has a set practice for marriage, whether it be arranged marriage, necessary dowries, orwhatever. Some widows even have to follow their husband into the afterlife to "prove" they are really with him to the end. And they do it with pride!No one questions that, but over here if we have a tradition, ya'll chalk it up to male ego? That's ridiculous. Every man in my family has hada wife take his name. Is that so wrong? Why can't I be like them? Girls always wanna fix *@%+ that ain't broke
. Furthermore, in this society thefamily unit is led by the male historically. You don't see Kobe running around in a custom jersey, do you? No, he wears what his team wears. He may be thestar, but he's just another Laker. Why must women try so hard to prove their individuality? Ya'll got a chip on your shoulders orsomething? My wife will take my name, as will my kids. Two lions make a cub; not a lion and a zebra. It's principle.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Fanatic15

My name is going to be hyphenated. The only reason to really take a husbands name other than ego is to have the same name as your kids for example. But it really makes no difference, thats why the kids will be hyphenated as well!

What difference would it make really. Think about it. In your day to day life how will it affect your life. If it does, you don't need to be getting married. Why should I have to give up the name I have lived my entire life w/ just because I am the female and he is the male? It makes no logical sense. It's one thing if you want to, but no one should be required and it should NEVER be a deal breaker imo.

Marriage is a religious bond, you the mans wife, put your pride to the side and start a new life with your new bond. These pseudo feminists kill me.
Since when is marriage a religious bond? Get out of here with that @#$$.
I honestly wouldn't care...as said earlier...I'd only care about the child having my name
Marriage has BEEN a religious bond...in every religion... um...duh?

It's killing me to read all these women saying MY this and MY that......MY identity... MY life, etc. Then why join into a "we" type thing ifit's all about you? You can't give that man anything, can you? Selfish...
. And didn't Shakespeare say "A rose by any other name would stillsmell as sweet"? You'll still be who you were, so why not give that man the GIFT he's earned? Why so serious? Ya'll always pick fights overthe little picture which only shows that ya'll never see the bigger one.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

5. I probably am never getting married anyhow. I am down to be with someone for a long stretch of time.. hell, even forever, but i don't need the title of "wife". A pretty ring and giant expensive wedding has no correlation to how much love is in the relationship. Not to mention a waste of money... when you can use that money towards building a home and life together. I would probably only get married for the tax breaks.
So if you DO get married, you don't need a ring?
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Marriage has BEEN a religious bond...in every religion... um...duh?

It's killing me to read all these women saying MY this and MY that......MY identity... MY life, etc. Then why join into a "we" type thing if it's all about you? You can't give that man anything, can you? Selfish...
. And didn't Shakespeare say "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet"? You'll still be who you were, so why not give that man the GIFT he's earned? Why so serious? Ya'll always pick fights over the little picture which only shows that ya'll never see the bigger one.

Man Rilla who pissed in your cheerios this morning?
Originally Posted by Nawth21

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Marriage has BEEN a religious bond...in every religion... um...duh?

It's killing me to read all these women saying MY this and MY that......MY identity... MY life, etc. Then why join into a "we" type thing if it's all about you? You can't give that man anything, can you? Selfish...
. And didn't Shakespeare say "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet"? You'll still be who you were, so why not give that man the GIFT he's earned? Why so serious? Ya'll always pick fights over the little picture which only shows that ya'll never see the bigger one.

Man Rilla who pissed in your cheerios this morning?
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