Would you rather be able to turn invisible, fly, or have super strength?



no more paying for gas

can travel the world with my point of view

but invisble sounds cool

but lets remember you cant steal money without people seeing the object moving on its own

which can lead to death if the police see this ( 50 shot shower with bullets one gots to hit u )

but flying is the top all

plus if they was going to put you in a test tube they would need to catch you first

and i dont see airplanes with grabbers like the super smash bro. boss
wait how would you get rich off of invisibility? wouldn't whatever you steal need to turn invisible too? so how would you get away with it? how would youget into vaults or museums to steal what you need? most places require some sort of badge scan or something like that. with that said invisibility for theloss.

i was thinking about it the other day tho magnetos power is the best hands down. think about it there is metal EVERYWHERE you go. nobody would ever be able toshoot or stab you because you could just take their weapon from them. and your super strong plus able to fly.
yea maybe super human strength. i don't see the point in flying, maybe to impress your friends but kinda useless. unless you can fly as fast as a supersaiyan then i would have to choose that.
I'm afraid of heights and flying would be useless.

Invisible would be cool but for what purpose? You cant rob banks because the bags wont be invisible. Peeping at girls would be the only legitimate reason.

Super strength would be best. Imagine the possibilities.
I'd choose flying so then I could see the world without having to pay. Hopefully don't get shot down by the military though.
Originally Posted by Mr Anleu

wait how would you get rich off of invisibility? wouldn't whatever you steal need to turn invisible too? so how would you get away with it? how would you get into vaults or museums to steal what you need? most places require some sort of badge scan or something like that. with that said invisibility for the loss.

i was thinking about it the other day tho magnetos power is the best hands down. think about it there is metal EVERYWHERE you go. nobody would ever be able to shoot or stab you because you could just take their weapon from them. and your super strong plus able to fly.
You couls wait by ATMs and watch people do their pins and take out cash follow them home or whatever it takes to get their card, go back to theatm, and reward yourself. If you make that a full time hustle, youll be stackin chips.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Flying - No thanks I don't want to be shot down...

Invisibility - Since we haven't created invisible clothes, I don't want to run around cold and naked while invisible....No thanks...

So I'll go ahead and take super strength....

I'd do them strong man competitions and make mad bread, bugging dudes out eating nothing but candy....

Smoking the comp...
invisibility ftl...or even if u r naked and forget ur invisible while crossin the street cars would definately not hesitate to speed up to catchthat red light but id take my chances with flying...no gas..no plane tickets...and u can impress chicks like that other dude said
Just because she can't see you......doesn't mean it isn't rape.


No but seriously, I was all Invisible unitl dudes brought up the non-invisible clothing then I was like
. I dont wanna be naked everywhere I go. If it's on some suerichards tip then hell yea.

Guess I would just go for super strength because flying is lame if your the only one. Seeing all those great things up high alone is lame and im not haulingsome chick on my back if i dont have super strength...come on. Besides smh at all your homies begging you for a lift...literally.

Super strength only beats invisibility by .000001%
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

fly without a doubt, invisible is pretty tight though
real talk....imagine flying to anywhere you want

australia and checking out the wildlife

flying to your girls house

scientists need to step their game up and give us some pills or somethin to make us be bale to do this
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