Wow as if some of you NTers werent already worried about your looks.

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

btw wouldn't most people of asian/african ancestry get a "nose is too wide" penalty? this is ridiculous.

Was just thinking the same thing.

Nah my nose is button like said my nose to ear ratio is perfect or sum !!%
I got a 7.31....2 of my knocks were due to my nose which I find kinda wack. My nose is too wide for my mouth lmao NH
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

btw wouldn't most people of asian/african ancestry get a "nose is too wide" penalty? this is ridiculous.
It basically said I had a %^^% nose
.....I still got an 8tho.
It told me my nose was too big for my face and my face is too narrow.

surprise! I been known that
I got a 7.86, I remember doing this a few weeks ago. I'll try it again later. "btw wouldn't most people of asian/african ancestry get a "noseis too wide" penalty? this is ridiculous." I got this too, that's some racist %@!@.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

btw wouldn't most people of asian/african ancestry get a "nose is too wide" penalty? this is ridiculous.

Was just thinking the same thing.

That's exactly what happens...

This Anaface program essentially gives you higher marks of beauty if your features are more in line with European features, and lower marks of beauty the moreyou deviate from that standard of beauty, and progress towards Afro-centric features.

As sad as it is, you can't deny the fact that, from a sociological standpoint, this program is both amazing and fascinating because it clearly shows that"white-ness" or "white-features" are the standard of beauty in this country. A program that ranks beauty on basis of affinity to Europeanfeatures...marvelous huh...

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