Wow,my neighbor is going to kill me

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Originally Posted by PraVokal

Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

You just threw the cat away?

What if the kids wanted to bury it?

@#$ was I supposed to do?

*Knock Knock*

The kids: "Hi *****"
Me: "Whats up guys...Here's your dead cat."
don't say anything homey otherwise your snitching on your dog.
Originally Posted by PraVokal

Originally Posted by gaseousfashion

You just threw the cat away?

What if the kids wanted to bury it?

@#$ was I supposed to do?

*Knock Knock*

The kids: "Hi *****"
Me: "Whats up guys...Here's your dead cat."

at this thread.
Some people have to understand they are BOTH animals. Sometimes animals kill each other. Even if its a dog and a cat
Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

I'm not gonna lie, I love my cats and if I ever saw a dog attacking and killing it, it would be game over for the dog. Hopefully, your neighbors didn't know you hated the cat if you did, because you're the first one they are gonna accuse.


but if you let your dog in your backyard. i dont see the big deal. sounds like an honest mistake (on the cats part)
Originally Posted by PraVokal

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

when do the neighbors get home?

Dude they already outside yellin for him

You should go out there and help them search for a few minutes, they will never think your dog killed him.
When they stop yelling and go inside, throw the bag full of cat onto their roof.
it's too late for apologies.. you put the cat in a trash bag and placed it in the trash! in the trash!!!

you gotta keep to your story.
I can't really judge too much from the pic, but is there alot of blood or a little. If the cat is honestly bruised up, I wouldn't say anything. Ifit's clean though, I would tell the parents.
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