Wow,my neighbor is going to kill me

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I'm not gonna lie, I love my cats and if I ever saw a dog attacking and killing it, it would be game over for the dog.

your mentality is not too far from a dog or a cat.

how can you possibly tell a dog to not kill a cat when he sees one?

animals are animals, not human beings.
I don't know how cool you are with your neighbors but if I was on at least somewhat friendly terms with them, you know a wave once in awhile, I'd tryto tell the parents what happened when the kids aren't around. Then the parents can decide what's best to tell the kids. At least they'll know whathappened to their cat.
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

I'm not gonna lie, I love my cats and if I ever saw a dog attacking and killing it, it would be game over for the dog.

your mentality is not too far from a dog or a cat.

how can you possibly tell a dog to not kill a cat when he sees one?

animals are animals, not human beings.

You act as if everydog would've done the same thing. My neighbor has a huge and I mean huge dog, yet my cat is always outside near him and is probably1/25th his size. I understand animals aren't humans and have a diff. mentality, but the fact that I consider my cat part of the family would have alot todo with my actions.
You should do the right thing, tell the parents and apologize. Have them come up with a way to explain to the kids how the cat died without involving your dog.However, since you've already placed the body in a bag and put it in the trash, you've sorta screwed yourself.

Oh and for the dog-loving-cat-hating peeps out there: Why don't you like cats?
You should have just put the cat in a garbage bag and waited till trash day.

When your neighbor if you've seen the say no and keep it moving.
Originally Posted by Ground King

whoa ho ho
^^ Your avy is trippy. Blake "Cyclops" Griffin.

OP, be honest with your neighbors and beg that they don't rat out your dog.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Why do people hate cats so much? Not like, sure but dudes make it sound personal

Cats, remind me of people that are entitled to something. I hate anything that thinks it's entitled to something.
Hate dogs and cats. But cats more.

They're much more creepier than dogs
At least dogs don't jump around on furniture and look at you all creepy and %*+!
Cats kill everything that's smaller than them which is the best thing about them. That cat probably killed a whole bunch of animals in its life so think ofit as karma or something. I'd just think of it as the cat ran away.
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