just some FYI, what we started here has been heard and discussed on ISS, UTA, and other boards........ and to think someone said earlier that it wouldn'thave an effect.
Has anyone here bought anything from "Lu" off E-bay? If so you can request the users personal information. Phone number, Address, Name etc.... Justhave to have the transaction ID and they send it to you via email the moment you submit it....
Im in Miami I think I met this Screech cat in NY....dont know though...seen some Sky Jordan Black/red stiched on them....

V for this is the worst case of scamming ever in sneaker history.
Out of curiosity, Do we know how much money "Lu" has scammed out of people overall? I mean, im just kinda wondering what the numbers are, just to geta perspective of how serious this could get...

I mean 1000's, 10,000's...?? how much do you think...???
Originally Posted by Sneakerboy13

Out of cursioty, Do we know how much money "Lu" has scammed out of people overall? I mean, im just kinda wondering what the numbers are, just to get a perspective of how serious this could get...

I mean 1000's, 10,000's...?? how much do you think...???
ALOT...I mean ALOT... Let's just say that the number you configure in your head to be the amount, it's FAR from it. That's why i'm realinsistent on this individual facing very harsh consequences. PO
^ care to elaborate lol... Like any hard numbers? As His ebay feedback was up in the hundreds, so Its obvious he had done quite a few scandalous transactions..
Why doesn't screech5511 admit he has all his personal info already... he might have his china address. If he was smart he would give it up. Someone isgonna take a fall and lets hope its the originator and not one of his mercenary's.

Nike if your reading this, get me a internship
I will check my inbox

And yea this guy did OUR community dirty, $3K pairs, sorry dill, the 45s prolly went for top dollar too. I see alot of fraud all over the board, and This Luguy is throwing up big numbers... we should take possession of his collection
and turn it into Garbage or a Sneaker Museum.

Lu i know your reading this. You prolly been living it up, and your going to come to an end. if you come forward your charges will be less
Good luck gettingaway with it. Guarantee the FBI is on to you, bc your collection prolly tops a million.

This is Hall of Fame thread Material....

Nike Detectives FTW
This type of thing should also serve as a wake up call to step out once in a while and assess the type of money you'd put into some of these sneakers. Theprices are clearly inflated, while there is a justification for current market price, etc. it should never get as high as some vintage sneakers get up to.
Lu does not live in China. He lives in Cali, whoever needed his contact info has already gotten it.
It's feasible to think this "Lu" guy extorted at least $100,000..AT LEAST. It all depends on exactly how long the grand scheme took place.
I'm sorry, I'm not in the least bit happy how the PE/OG collectors who received the PM's and knew these shoes were fake handled this whole matter.

Giving friends the heads up?

How about posting a thread once it was realised they were fake? Mainly because there was no way of knowing exactly how many people were exposed to the emailsor auctions

These are thousands of dollars we're talking about here

Also, general forum heads, STOP dancing around in your general forum only pants, it's not a good look and it's corny

Anyway, this thread just shows how deep ebay/auction scams can really go, forget 08, this is the BEST THREAD EVER!!! do you guys know that screech went to miami?? someone has to be in contact with him
I can't believe that I slept on this thread. It's a shame for all of those involved, mastermind, pushers, and victims. But I do have a few questionsto raise.
Now that Nike,Inc is now legally involed, don't think for one minute that other departments are not in the conference rooms brainstorming on how they cancapitalize on this situation...especially on the diehard collectors and serious shoe enthusiasts once this whole thing is cleared up. They know that there arepeople out their with tens of thousands to spend on sneakers and they now know exactly which models and colorways are fetching these type of prices. Myquestion is how long will it be before we see these shoes retroed and packaged, and allocated 23 per city for $1000 suggested retail?

There's no way that Nike, Inc. is going to let this much money slip through their hands that they could make on the manufacturer's cost up front.
ive seen better work done.

if you kept up with custom sneakers like i did this thread wouldnt be as suprising.
man, i never thought counterfeitting shoes could go this level.. didn't even think it was possible until i hit this thread. i think some good did come outof it though; it's a lesson learned for everyone to have more of a watchful eye when buying stuff off ebay. and big thanks to the dudes who exposed Lu..dropping knowledge like nobody's business.

on a side note they should seize all the shoes he's made and use it for the nike trash talk. having said that, would the shoe be authentic?
Originally Posted by oo71:nerd:o

ive seen better work done.

if you kept up with custom sneakers like i did this thread wouldnt be as suprising.

Really?! these aren't "custom" shoes, there is a difference between custom shoes and manipulated shoes. i have no problem with custom shoesbecause they usually are known from the beginning and the seller isn't pushing them as OG, these so called OG's are being falsified and sold as suchw/out anyone knowing.
Originally Posted by K20Lee

Originally Posted by oo71:nerd:o

ive seen better work done.

if you kept up with custom sneakers like i did this thread wouldnt be as suprising.

Really?! these aren't "custom" shoes, there is a difference between custom shoes and manipulated shoes. i have no problem with custom shoes because they usually are known from the beginning and the seller isn't pushing them as OG, these so called OG's are being falsified and sold as such w/out anyone knowing.

what i was trying to say was that if you followed custom sneakers like i did, you've seen that the abillity is there to make doctored jordans likethese, def. even better.

methods like sole swapping, tongue swapping, the transfering of other added materials.

here's an example.

This post is very eye-opening. However, my father always told me never to believe everything you read. What I mean by that is no matter what comes of this, mud has been thrown on both Screech and Joe's name. I dont know Screech, but unlike most of you I know Joe personally. I mean we live about 15 minutes apart, and in our state sneakerheads a few and far between. I have been at Joe's home several times when he has received packages. Shipments from many different collectors that have posted in this post, and Lu (Lambo thanks for the Infared VI's btw). I can honestly say/believe that Joe had no idea that any of the stuff he received was fake in anyway. This guy loves Nike shoes more than anything except prolly his family. I have seen some of the emails that Lu has sent, and his story has always been very convincing. I mean who would have thought to do something like that? I never had a desire to obtain shoes that were "un-wearable" so to me most of the shoes Joe has don't appeal to me, but the passion he puts into finding rare shoes is intense. I've Known this guy for over 2 years, our wives are friends, he's opened up his home to my family when we just moved here, and countless other things makes it impossible for me to fathom he would straight up lie/risk his reputation over a few thousand dollars. It would be easy for me to sit back and not risk my e-rep to not say some words about his character, but after reading this entire post it's sickening that the random clownass dudes are trying to place blame when they have no idea what they are talking about. I guess that's what I meant when I said you cant always believe what you read. Again, I cant speak for Screech but it is impossible for me to believe that Joe would knowingly rip other NT'ers off when the guy clearly does not need extra cash, has a passion for collecting, values his online rep, and conducts business with many of the people who have posted in this post.
Co-sign on everything Kevin has said! We have been on road trips, events, football games, and even dinners at his own house. . the friendship goesway beyond sneakers . . we know this guy as a person. If you all only knew the passion & love he has for Jordans . . or sneakers ingeneral, you would think twice with all of these accusations. I see no reason for an adult that is settled down with a family & a job to put everything onthe line for some extra cash . . especially with Joe's reputation on this message board / collectors.
Originally Posted by MichAeLegend

Originally Posted by lboiczo

=Ok heres the story on Lu. (from what I know atleast)

About while ago he popped up on ebay as sneakermuseum. From what I hear, he was actually trying to open up a nike sneaker museum as he claimed to have over 6,800 pairs of shoes to be displayed. I spotted him after he dropped a ton of cash on some metallic purple jordan 1s. After that, he disappeared for a while. Early last year he came back as nikebuddha. I had no idea who this dude was, and I really wanted to know. I'm a vintage collector and I'd always see the name nikebuddha as the first person bidding and he always had a high max bid, and usually ended up winning. For the most part it was mainly 80's runner (diablo, ldv, cortez, boston, ld, etc) and they'd go for $500-$600 easy. I had a pair of Aloha's for sale and his high bid was $1000 but they ended up selling for more to a dude in France. He continued to bid and bid, and won a bunch of stuff for crazy prices consistently. Then one day his account got suspended, and that was the end of nikebuddha.

Not long after that he resurfaced as nike7785. I didnt realize it was the same nikebuddha person, but after I lost a few auctions, I realized what was going on. This is when the whole Air Jordan thing came up. I remember galaxyvintage had a huge stock of deadstock jordans, and some pretty beat ones also... and he paid top dollar for all of them. I would be watching a lot of items and he'd be winning them. Especially size 13 Jordans. Spending $900+ on some Black/Red XI's like it was nothing all the time. Now I'm realizing why he would pay that much... he fully well had intentions as passing them off as MJ PE's. Yeah so anyways, after about 2 months he changed his user ID to nikelosangeles. I was getting rid of a lot of my vintage t-shirts and he ended up buying one of them. He had put up a bunch of OG 1s for sale at one time, or I think it was just 1 pair but atleast 10 other pairs were pictured in the background.

Now here is where it gets interesting. When the auction for the MJJ AJKO's came up for sale, I immediately saw he was the high bidder but under the recently changed name of "n..i..k..e". I got curious because I know for a fact that he was the original owner of the shoes, and that Joerdan23 (legendxx3) was the seller. I immediately called him out for shill bidding then he IMs me on some BS like I didnt know what I was talking about. I'm fully aware of your shenanigans dunny, dont play. Funny story about Joe, I won a pair of OG 2s from him for about $400 (well he had a friend [rarekickz23 aka the same guy who he got his blk/red xiii pe's from] list them, but the payment went to his paypal) and he hits me up on aim and tells me that he was bringing all the boxes downstairs and they crumbled so he'd refund me. I got the refund a few days later but I asked him for pics since I basically knew that he was lying to me. He hit up my boy SoleSupreme days earlier asking how much they'd go for and he said around $900. When he got $400 I guess he got salty and came up with a pretty lame excuse. I never got the pictures until I called him out for shilling on those and he imed me. He had well over 2 months to get me the pics, I'm sure since you have a lot of friends you just asked them to take pics for you and you sent them to me. How am I so sure? Hmm.. well for 1 you sent me 2 tiny @%@ pics, and second… you had the same pair up for sale not much longer under his friend initforthegreen's ebay ID…so I don't know meng, whats really good?

Anyways, my thing is… really now… Where is Joe in all of this? I know he's done his deals with Lu, and either resold pairs he bought or sold FOR Mr. Jian Lu. I see Screech defending his name but I know Joe bought and sold from this dude. I bet he's probably mad now that he knows that his Infrared/Cardinal VI/VII are straight butchered. I'm no expert, actually I'm far from an expert.. but you can so easily tell that these joints were repainted and reglued.


Lets hear your side my man.

Oh well, Taco Bell. I'm out.
I spoke to Joe and this is what he had to say...

***I am speaking for JOE.***

Joerdan23TN (8:14:33 PM): you bought the shoes from Joe, joe let you know the shoes got cracked when a stack of his boxs fell, you shortly after got a 100% full refund
Joerdan23TN (8:15:56 PM): weeks later you gave rare23 a neg. feedback because you were salty.
tried to call joe a liar and requested pics of the messed up shoes.
Joerdan23TN (8:16:55 PM): You received pics of the shoes and tried to say that he must of got pics of cracked soles from a friend
Joerdan23TN (8:17:37 PM): sounds like you got a fair shake and just got a little bitter you didnt get his II's.

I've never done bussiness with Joe or met him but I've been friends with him for about 2 years.I've spoke to him on the phone once about random shoes and from the way he sounds and the way he is,he's a very honest and trusted man.Early last year,whenever I was down and was going through relationship problems and had sad away messages up feeling stressed and depressed, he would be there for me to help me.He always has a solution to everything,on top of all that, he would even tell me to call him if I needed advice/help.When my paypal account was suspended, out of hundreds of buddies I trusted him the most and would ask him If I could give him money to pay for transactions I had won.Even though this was off topic,all I'm trying to say is that Joe is legit,honest and a trusted helpful man.

As far as Screech,I met him and Rare23 at the NY S-C event in 2006.I never done bussiness with them and I don't remember who was who but they seemed like very cool dudes and I'm not sure if it was screech or rare23 but when I was dead tired after a 34 hour camp-out,I had left my cowboy dunks that I bought from the event near their table and one of them found me after looking for me all over the area to give them to me and that's something I will never forget even though screech is always hard to talk to,cocky and rude and could be because of all the legal or illegal money,I really don't know but either way,I guess that's what money does to you.

Kam I got you....................Mr. MichAeLegend, here's another side of the story for you before you prevail yourjudgment : Joe hit me up about those II's, before he listed them up on eBay, and asked how much I though they' worth, I respond, "about close to aG" (something along those lines)....days later they were on eBay, on rarekickz3's eBay account. Lboiczo won the shoes for about $400?........from whatLboiczo told me and from what I've read...... the shoes miraculously cracked a few days later. Pic's or refund wasn't given until a week later.After that, the same shoes were up on eBay from 'another' ID (BUY IT NOW OF ~$1500, way more than that $400
), YES THESAME SHOES!!! In the same non-cracked state. How do yo explain that? Now let's not use the excuse that the pics were probably stolen, because theseller had pics of the same shoe's from various locations, one from J's eBay auction, another from his sneakerplay acct etc... Furthermore I wascommunicating with the seller (to prove justice for Lboiczo) and I offered him a ridiculous amount to purchase the shoes if he provided me with pics withhand-written tag, guess what? I had the pics within 24 hours.....of the same shoes that Lboiczo won!!!! NO EXCUSES BUDDY, you were caught RED HANDED.
Originally Posted by Ace3han

look who bought it

This is the one of the last completed auctions for n..i..k..e.

That's one of the pairs, that definitely raised a bunch of eyebrows. They tongue on those was swapped, with a Black/Red pair. The releasedBlack/Toe's had a White Tongue, for years people have questioned the existence of the Black Tongue on the pair MJ wore in the Jumpman pose. I guess Lu wenton a mission to invent that.

Originally Posted by oo71:nerd:o

Originally Posted by K20Lee

Originally Posted by oo71:nerd:o

ive seen better work done.

if you kept up with custom sneakers like i did this thread wouldnt be as suprising.

Really?! these aren't "custom" shoes, there is a difference between custom shoes and manipulated shoes. i have no problem with custom shoes because they usually are known from the beginning and the seller isn't pushing them as OG, these so called OG's are being falsified and sold as such w/out anyone knowing.

what i was trying to say was that if you followed custom sneakers like i did, you've seen that the abillity is there to make doctored jordans like these, def. even better.

methods like sole swapping, tongue swapping, the transfering of other added materials.

here's an example.

I understand where you were coming from, to a naked eye that shoe is a custom. Now I'm sure that shoe was not passed around as "FTPS""TYPS" Michael Jordan Game Worn pair, now was it? Lu's pair were not only modified, they were RE-Tagged inside. I'm sure that measure was nottaken along those customs. They were passed around as something they were not.

They were said to be worn by MJ - THEY WERE NOT.
They were said to be MJ issued PE's - THEY WERE NOT.
They were said not to been have altered - THEY WERE ALTERED.
They were restamped, reglued, restitched, and what not..
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Why doesn't screech5511 admit he has all his personal info already... he might have his china address. If he was smart he would give it up. Someone is gonna take a fall and lets hope its the originator and not one of his mercenary's.

Nike if your reading this, get me a internship
I will check my inbox

And yea this guy did OUR community dirty, $3K pairs, sorry dill, the 45s prolly went for top dollar too. I see alot of fraud all over the board, and This Lu guy is throwing up big numbers... we should take possession of his collection
and turn it into Garbage or a Sneaker Museum.

Lu i know your reading this. You prolly been living it up, and your going to come to an end. if you come forward your charges will be less
Good luck getting away with it. Guarantee the FBI is on to you, bc your collection prolly tops a million.

This is Hall of Fame thread Material....

Nike Detectives FTW

You don't even want to know how much were the other pair sold for over 3K.
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