WrestleMania Fallout 4/6 - NT WrestleMania Prediction Contest Results Posted! p1


This design is the best one.
I'd cop
im surprised nobody has brought it up, but the 'Mania crowd from last night was just the international fans who went to Wrestlemania.
SuNIversal, awesome pics as usual. Man, Layla looks flawless

My .gif might have got lost in the morning shuffle of this thread (unless you all really like ignoring me

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

im surprised nobody has brought it up, but the 'Mania crowd from last night was just the international fans who went to Wrestlemania.

Woah! You're probably right about that.

Good observation man.
Guys, I'm pretty sure last night's crowd was great only because they were smarks who went to Wrestlemania and not actual Miami natives.
Not enough 
 can explain what I felt when looking at those WWF inspired Jordans.
Had to put them in the spoiler cause they were so damn ugly. Hogan, Macho Man/Ultimate Warrior, Jake The Snake, Road Warriors. 

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Daniel Bryan Spoilers for Smackdown (full spoilers coming soon)
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Daniel Bryan & AJ come to the ring. Bryan says that if there was one good thing this week, it was that it allowed him to think about how everything was going so right, and how it has gone so wrong. He says “The truth is…
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Major Feud Planned for Lord Tensai

Posted by: Ben Kerin of WrestlingNewsSource.com on Apr 03 2012
Source: PWInsider

WWE is planning a huge feud between Lord Tensai and WWE Champion CM Punk after John Laurinaitis told Punk that "natural disasters" were headed his way. WWE noted that "Tensai" means disaster on their website which explains what Laurinaitis meant. Tensai is also rumored to become the "henchman" for Laurinaitis.

If they let them cut loose, that will be a VERY good match/series of matches.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

im surprised nobody has brought it up, but the 'Mania crowd from last night was just the international fans who went to Wrestlemania.
Daniel Bryan's "Yes! Yes! Yes!" chant just broke out out at the Miami Heat game.
Oh, and before we over react to this chant thing,keep in mind that when the Rock was being cheered and he was a heel he too neverminded it as well. "Chat the Rock's name all you want but you're all a bunch of trailer park trash!!" Give it time.
Complete Smackdown, NXT, & Superstars Spoilers

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Dark match:
- Dean Ambrose def Ezekiel Jackson in about 5 minutes... Ambrose ran down the crowd before the match, saying he would win quickly as he was looking forward to getting out of Orlando faster than Dwight Howard... that got good heat of course.

- Regal and Matthews on commentary.
- Percy Watson def Tyler Reks in about 6 minutes ... Reks and Hawkins started to close in on Watson and Regal got on the mic to threaten the duo with a six week suspension if they beat Watson down, then they bailed.
- Natalya (w/ Tyson Kidd) def Kaitlyn with a sharpshooter in about 4 mins. Natalya got a nice reaction for the finish. After the match, McGillicutty came out and said that Natalya left her panties in his suitcase. Kidd took a couple shots at McGillicutty and they left, but not before McGillicutty sniffed the panties.  Not making that up.
- Usos beat Titus O'Neil and Darren Young in 5 minutes.
- Michael McGillicutty beat Derrick Bateman... afterwards, Kidd came on the stage to stare-down McGillicutty.

- Hunico def Tyson Kidd in 8 minutes thanks to interference from Camacho.  Very good match with a lot of well-executed high spots.

John Laurinaitis brought Teddy Long out to offer him a job. He said you can take your job and shove it. Johnny mentioned Teddy's grandkids need it for college. The crowd booed him badly. Johnny offered the job on only one condition to say Johnny is better than him. Teddy gave in and told Johnny you're better than me. Then he sent Teddy to the back to start his undisclosed job. Laurinaitis announced the handicap match that followed.

1. Mark Henry and David Otunga defeated R-Truth. Truth beat up Otunga with an array of moves. Henry came in and Otunga screamed to let him pin Truth.

2. Randy Orton defeated Kane in a No DQ match. Orton DDT'd Kane on a chair. Kane attempted a chokeslam on the chair, Orton RKO'd him on it instead and got the win.

There was a National Guard moment and everyone screamed USA

A Raw Recap aired on the Alberto Del Rio-Sheamus segment. Almost all of the crowd noise was edited out.

In the ring, a local jobber was given mic time to say he's glad to be here. Ryback (former Skip Sheffield) then returned to TV. Not much of a reaction.

(3) Ryback beat Random Jobber with a Fisherman lift into a Samoan Drop.

Daniel Bryan was advertised for the next segment. Loud "Yes!" chant. WWE is going to have to pipe in boos, as there was a thunderous reaction for Bryan.

Daniel Bryan & AJ come to the ring. Bryan says that if there was one good thing this week, it was that it allowed him to think about how everything was going so right, and how it has gone so wrong. He says “The truth is…
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