Wrestling Thread 2022 | Mods Please Lock This Thread

Didn't somebody say A&W lost 300k viewers with Cody leaving? Tony Kkklahn is definitely calling Oldberg.
whos idea was it to have english commentary talk over spanish commentary? come on man
At his peak, what was your beef with him?

I come in peace.

Even then, I saw him for what he was...a 2 move botch machine who couldn't talk, with his look ripped off from SCSA and a winning streak gimmick they couldn't keep straight.
i see Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee managing tonight

I think the luchas show more direct love to the fans than any other subgenre of wrestling

Looks like they made this a singles match instead of finding a replacement for Fenix
That Lashley injury stinks, he’s had an amazing comeback despite the early comeback stumbles where he was using a suplex as a finisher
That sucks for Bobby man. Dude was going to walk into back to back Mania as WWE Champion. But now you maybe go with Brock as double champ and can now go into a series of matches between those two with this injury.
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