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Because that's all that he posted on his Tumblr. Him being frustrated doesn't mean he wants out.
Where did he say he was frustrated with AEW? Please show me that quote and if you didn’t mean frustrated with AEW could you humor me and tell me why you think that post was aggregated in your opinion? What was the prevailing interest in that post for most of the IWC?
Where did he say he was frustrated with AEW? Please show me that quote and if you didn’t mean frustrated with AEW could you humor me and tell me why you think that post was aggregated in your opinion? What was the prevailing interest in that post for most of the IWC?

Im going by what he posted. It sounds like he is frustrated.
So do I better “wrestling” company more creative freedom

I don't think it's a better Wrestling company at all.

But I think the creative freedom for him doing what he's doing is more his speed. It seems more natural vs. the vampire gothic thing he was doing in NXT. He couldn't talk, he botched a lot, it was just meh.

Overall he's just not a player, I think this is no different than fighting over any other low to mid carder. Better for the audience to maximize his entertainment, my opinion would be in AEW.
Didn’t have it in NXT.
Barley has it in AEW, needs a lot of aim work on that mist. But it’s meh.

Not sure what it is, don’t know why anyone wants him. Be curious to see what people see.

Think Malakai is actually better off in AEW.
People really wanted him to work out on the Main Roster. He was hot for a quick minute then got future endeavored. That is why "some people" really want him to fail in AEW and go back to WWE. FellowchuckerMikey FellowchuckerMikey
EYE agree that he is better off in AEW.
He’s nothing more than a random midcard guy. Doesn’t have IT to be a top guy in either A&W or WWE.

Maybe he could in this version of NXT, but doubt he wants to do that.
Multi year deal.
Leader of his own stable.
Creative freedom that we have direct quotes from him about.
Freedom to wrestle independent dates.
Protected booking.
Time to heal his back injury while still being featured on TV.
1 singles loss.

Seems like a good deal for someone this thread said doesn’t have any appeal or IT. Despite him succeeding at every level he’s been on. But then it’s all a matter of perspective and we know the perspective here.

Echo chamber.
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