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Why have FTR bury your entire tag division when IT is probably the best thing going for AEW? Sure FTR is better than everyone on there but make them wait and have others shine.

I don’t see how it’s burial. It’s story telling at its finest. These guys are number 1, putting on Great matches every time. So if or when you decide to beat them, it actually means something and gives a rub to the winners.

People sat there and said Accalimed should have won, should have called an audible. They are ok, definitely entertaining. But Lee and Swerve are a real good tag team. What about their shine, why bury them? Why not make acclaimed wait?

All about story telling for me on this one, and it had to do with the EVPs not setting that up. (I don’t know the reason really, been asking that since I got back)
People sat there and said Accalimed should have won, should have called an audible. They are ok, definitely entertaining. But Lee and Swerve are a real good tag team. What about their shine, why bury them? Why not make acclaimed wait?

Yea, didn't understand that.

Sure, the fans were going crazy for them during the PPV but does that mean they should have put the titles on them on THAT specific night? If so, why?

Alvarez said it and folks kept repeating it as if it made sense.
They can MAKE it the "Workhourse Title" if they wanted to.

I just think it's dumb to Promote RIng of Honor at THIS point.

And yes, having their belt being defending on AEW TV IS promoting ROH.
Where and how would you promote those belts? He just bought ROH and probably doesn't have a TV deal in the works yet. Do they even have enough people on the roster to tour?
With no weekly show and no live dates how else is he going to keep that promotion relevant IF not featuring their belts to a wider audience on the TV shows that you do have like Dymatize and Rummage?
Where and how would you promote those belts? He just bought ROH and probably doesn't have a TV deal in the works yet. Do they even have enough people on the roster to tour?
With no weekly show and no live dates how else is he going to keep that promotion relevant IF not featuring their belts to a wider audience on the TV shows that you do have like Dymatize and Rummage?

I WOULDN'T promote Ring of Honor BECAUSE they have nothing going on in the foreseeable future with that company.

There wouldn't be ROH Titles on my AEW TV SHow.

For what?

These little one off title defenses aren't keeping the BRand "alive."

Anybody that WOULD watch ROH is already watching AEW. There is nothing to protect.
I don’t see how it’s burial. It’s story telling at its finest. These guys are number 1, putting on Great matches every time. So if or when you decide to beat them, it actually means something and gives a rub to the winners.

People sat there and said Accalimed should have won, should have called an audible. They are ok, definitely entertaining. But Lee and Swerve are a real good tag team. What about their shine, why bury them? Why not make acclaimed wait?

All about story telling for me on this one, and it had to do with the EVPs not setting that up. (I don’t know the reason really, been asking that since I got back)
My thinking on this is that once FTR do win the belts they are going to hold on to them for a long time because no one is better than them at the moment. With Swerve in our Glory and The Acclaimed, they can be short title runs in order to make the fans happy and increase bot teams value because neither of them are the long term title types and eventually FTR will get those belts anyways and be the tag team version of '97 Ultimo Dragon
Who is specifically on the ROH roster?
That's my same question. Outside of the title holders and the Briscoes who is even on that promotion
I WOULDN'T promote Ring of Honor BECAUSE they have nothing going on in the foreseeable future with that company.

There wouldn't be ROH Titles on my AEW TV SHow.

For what?

These little one off title defenses aren't keeping the BRand "alive."

Anybody that WOULD watch ROH is already watching AEW. There is nothing to protect.
So you would be the new owner of a wrestling promotion and not promote IT at all? Just let the brand die after paying all that money for IT?
Again there is no tv show and no live shows.
That's my same question. Outside of the title holders and the Briscoes who is even on that promotion

So you would be the new owner of a wrestling promotion and not promote IT at all? Just let the brand die after paying all that money for IT?
Again there is no tv show and no live shows.

I would keep the brand alive by running shows.

If I wasn't running shows, I don't think having random title defenses on AEW TV would constitute as keeping the brand alive.

So I guess I would let the brand "die."
I would keep the brand alive by running shows.

If I wasn't running shows, I don't think having random title defenses on AEW TV would constitute as keeping the brand alive.

So I guess I would let the brand "die."
Read my posts. There are NO live shows or weekly programming at the moment. What else are you gonna do with that brand other than showcase their titles on a promotion that DOES have weekly programming.

If anything they need to bring those belts around to NWA ans TNA and defend IT on those programs too.
I would keep the brand alive by running shows.

If I wasn't running shows, I don't think having random title defenses on AEW TV would constitute as keeping the brand alive.

So I guess I would let the brand "die."

I don’t think tonight’s match made ANYONE actually care about Rings Of Honor.

If you aren’t going to actually run shows, just put the titles on ice and bring them back whenever you choose to actually tour.
My thinking on this is that once FTR do win the belts they are going to hold on to them for a long time because no one is better than them at the moment. With Swerve in our Glory and The Acclaimed, they can be short title runs in order to make the fans happy and increase bot teams value because neither of them are the long term title types and eventually FTR will get those belts anyways and be the tag team version of '97 Ultimo Dragon

Using the same logic as all the other championships, why not have them drop the AAA or ROH titles to Swerve/Glory. Easy story to tell with the champions defending so many championships they get tired or they take their eye off of the ball.

Then you created an important program for Swerve/Glory go over twice while still getting FTR to their finish line for their long story.
Read my posts. There are NO live shows or weekly programming at the moment. What else are you gonna do with that brand other than showcase their titles on a promotion that DOES have weekly programming.

If anything they need to bring those belts around to NWA ans TNA and defend IT on those programs too.

I answered your question. :lol:


If I wasn't running shows, I don't think having random title defenses on AEW TV would constitute as keeping the brand alive.

So I guess I would let the brand "die."
Using the same logic as all the other championships, why not have them drop the AAA or ROH titles to Swerve/Glory. Easy story to tell with the champions defending so many championships they get tired or they take their eye off of the ball.

Then you created an important program for Swerve/Glory go over twice while still getting FTR to their finish line for their long story.
Again my thinking on this and this is just my opinion so IT doesn't matter a lick is to eventually have FTR hold ALL the belts outside of WWE. Maybe after a few months as champs there is a tag tournament to determine the #1 contenders and FTR beat everyone along the way. Then take it off Swerve/Acclaimed.

But EYE see your point and that could be a scenario too.

Bottom line is the person Booking for AEW won't do IT right either way
Solid show tonight considering all the chaos.

Spanish Roddy getting the hometown win.

Jericho coming out afterwards seeing Garcia with #OurLegend acting like he caught his wife ******* someone. :lol:
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