Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Rocky is filming a movie about bodybuilders so the bulk up was expected. Like Crooks alluded to, he's known for having a crazy training regimen so I'd hold off on pointing the finger at 'roids.

Dat Samoan blood, bros.
You think he put on that much mass naturally in three weeks? C'mon man.
^^^They never will unless they get pushed to the moon and the fans consistently don't respond.
He was already a bit more strolicked at the WM match than in previous weeks though. It was longer than that.

He very well could be...I'm not definitively saying 'no'. Just giving a little perspective since people automatically assume it's juice.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

What's amazing to me is that Ryback and Mason Ryan haven't been popped.
I personally think Ryan is on something but they could be GENETIC FREAKS!! word to the Big Bad Booty Daddy...or they haven't been randomly tested yet.

Orrrrrrrr they have some doctor's note and through the loophole in the Wellness Policy are absolved from punishment.
Wouldn't it be hard for Rock to do steroids and still be in movies?..If I'm not mistaken, in order for studios to get insurance on it's actors/films they require the actors to get very extensive physicals and submit to drug tests..I can't give specific examples but I know I've heard of movies either not getting made or stars being replaced because a studio couldn't get insurance on them for several different reasons..
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Rocky is filming a movie about bodybuilders so the bulk up was expected. Like Crooks alluded to, he's known for having a crazy training regimen so I'd hold off on pointing the finger at 'roids.

Dat Samoan blood, bros.

It's quite obvious he is using. Ain't no drug testing in Hollywood.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Rocky is filming a movie about bodybuilders so the bulk up was expected. Like Crooks alluded to, he's known for having a crazy training regimen so I'd hold off on pointing the finger at 'roids.

Dat Samoan blood, bros.
You think he put on that much mass naturally in three weeks? C'mon man.

While working on a movie..
Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by masondid

It was very interesting and cool to see everyone's thoughts as to why Sting is or is not what he is. With this being wrestling there's lots of guys and incidents I'd like to hear everyone's views on Hogan, Austin etc...


Did any listen to the two pieces of audio on pg 1?

I listened to the parts about Sting..Didn't agree with it..One dude actually said that, basically, Rocky Johnson (The Rock's dad) was a better draw than Sting..smh..Have you guys actually looked at the Wrestling Observer Newsletter HOF list?..Most of the names are extremely deserving, but some you gotta scratch your head..

Here's a list of just a few people that I feel shouldn't be in the their HOF if Sting isn't..
-Ted DiBiase
-Dynamite Kid
-Jerry Lawler
-Big Van Vader
-Roddy Piper
-Kurt Angle
-Chris Benoit
-Eddie Guererro
-Mick Foley
-The Fabulous Freebirds
-Chris Jericho
-Rey Mysterio Jr.

Fixed list.

I listened to the audio as well. I disagree with a lot of what they're saying about Sting. WCW wasn't failing because of Sting being the top guy and Sting has indeed been in some incredible programs and has had some great matches.

After listening though I have to say I agree that there are a lot of people who deserve to be in the Observer Hall Of Fame over Sting, so as of right now, he doesn't belong in there. But eventually as more and more names are added to their list, they're eventually going to have to put Sting in. There is no doubt in my mind he should be a future Hall of Famer, just not yet.
Some spoiler type stuff regarding Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, and Antonio Cesaro

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- Daniel Bryan may be moved out of the World Title scene for a while, following the Extreme Rules PPV. If that is the case, Sheamus will be feuding with Alberto Del Rio as well as the returning Christian.

- Antonio Cesaro debuts on Smackdown this week, facing Tyson Kidd in a "tryout match." Cesaro will be using a Gotch Style Neutralizer, or pancake cradle piledriver, as his finisher. The move starts as a cradle piledriver, but then he falls forward into face slam, similar to Triple H's Pedigree.
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those daniel bryan rumors smh if they do that ill be pissed

sheamus is stale as hell as a face. hate him and del rio , the two most boring guys on the roster, awful.
[h2]Backstage Update: Beth Phoenix/Bella Twins/Kharma[/h2]
Beth Phoenix did the injury angle on RAW and lost the Divas Title to Nikki Bella to set up Kharma’s return to TV.

WWE officials have wanted to bring Kharma back and make her a monster champion from the start but felt that Kharma vs. Phoenix is the money match and should be saved for down the line. No word yet on when WWE plans on holding the Kharma vs. Phoenix match.

One plan had Kharma squashing Nikki for the Divas Title at either Extreme Rules or on RAW the following night. If Nikki doesn’t drop the title this coming Sunday or Monday, it’s a sign that she and sister Brie have signed contract extensions with the company.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by hombrelobo


Did any listen to the two pieces of audio on pg 1?

I listened to the parts about Sting..Didn't agree with it..One dude actually said that, basically, Rocky Johnson (The Rock's dad) was a better draw than Sting..smh..Have you guys actually looked at the Wrestling Observer Newsletter HOF list?..Most of the names are extremely deserving, but some you gotta scratch your head..

Here's a list of just a few people that I feel shouldn't be in the their HOF if Sting isn't..
-Ted DiBiase
-Dynamite Kid
-Jerry Lawler
-Big Van Vader
-Roddy Piper
-Kurt Angle
-Chris Benoit
-Eddie Guererro
-Mick Foley
-The Fabulous Freebirds
-Chris Jericho
-Rey Mysterio Jr.

Fixed list.

I listened to the audio as well. I disagree with a lot of what they're saying about Sting. WCW wasn't failing because of Sting being the top guy and Sting has indeed been in some incredible programs and has had some great matches.

After listening though I have to say I agree that there are a lot of people who deserve to be in the Observer Hall Of Fame over Sting, so as of right now, he doesn't belong in there. But eventually as more and more names are added to their list, they're eventually going to have to put Sting in. There is no doubt in my mind he should be a future Hall of Famer, just not yet.
So you really think that Mysterio, Benoit, and Jericho deserve it more than Sting?..He's been in the business longer, held more titles, been the top guy of his promotion longer, and drew more money than all those guys..And I absolutely think each of them deserves to be there 10 times over..But you can't put them in without The Man Called Sting..And what about Roddy Piper?..I'll give you he headlined the first couple Manias, but after that he was more well know for an interview segment than his wrestling..And lets be honest, Hot Rod knows about as many moves as Khali..

See I look at any HOF as a way to recognize what you've done in your career, and not just if you were popular or kissed the *!% of the people that do the voting..It is a recognition of what you've accomplished, how successful you were/are, how popular you were/are, how much you meant to your profession, how much you meant to the fans, how much respect you hold in your industry..And not one person on the face of God's green earth can tell me that Mick Foley, Roddy Piper, Ted Dibiase, and Chris Jericho meet all those requirements, but Sting doesn't..

vader deserve to be in SOME hall of fame, whether it be that one, the wwe one, or the OTHER one thats in amsterdam NY
we may never see another talent like that for a while, broadus reminds me of him SOME, but i dont see broadus doing moonsaults....
Originally Posted by casekicks

Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by casekicks

I listened to the parts about Sting..Didn't agree with it..One dude actually said that, basically, Rocky Johnson (The Rock's dad) was a better draw than Sting..smh..Have you guys actually looked at the Wrestling Observer Newsletter HOF list?..Most of the names are extremely deserving, but some you gotta scratch your head..

Here's a list of just a few people that I feel shouldn't be in the their HOF if Sting isn't..
-Ted DiBiase
-Dynamite Kid
-Jerry Lawler
-Big Van Vader
-Roddy Piper
-Kurt Angle
-Chris Benoit
-Eddie Guererro
-Mick Foley
-The Fabulous Freebirds
-Chris Jericho
-Rey Mysterio Jr.

Fixed list.

I listened to the audio as well. I disagree with a lot of what they're saying about Sting. WCW wasn't failing because of Sting being the top guy and Sting has indeed been in some incredible programs and has had some great matches.

After listening though I have to say I agree that there are a lot of people who deserve to be in the Observer Hall Of Fame over Sting, so as of right now, he doesn't belong in there. But eventually as more and more names are added to their list, they're eventually going to have to put Sting in. There is no doubt in my mind he should be a future Hall of Famer, just not yet.
So you really think that Mysterio, Benoit, and Jericho deserve it more than Sting?..He's been in the business longer, held more titles, been the top guy of his promotion longer, and drew more money than all those guys..And I absolutely think each of them deserves to be there 10 times over..But you can't put them in without The Man Called Sting..And what about Roddy Piper?..I'll give you he headlined the first couple Manias, but after that he was more well know for an interview segment than his wrestling..And lets be honest, Hot Rod knows about as many moves as Khali..

See I look at any HOF as a way to recognize what you've done in your career, and not just if you were popular or kissed the *!% of the people that do the voting..It is a recognition of what you've accomplished, how successful you were/are, how popular you were/are, how much you meant to your profession, how much you meant to the fans, how much respect you hold in your industry..And not one person on the face of God's green earth can tell me that Mick Foley, Roddy Piper, Ted Dibiase, and Chris Jericho meet all those requirements, but Sting doesn't..


Roddy Piper in the 70s and 80s was one of the most hated heels in the history of professional wrestling and was involved in some of the highest profile feuds in history as well. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest heels of all time, without question. Piper surefire belongs in the HOF.

Mysterio's in ring ability is far superior to Stings. He's an innovator in the sense that he took the lucha libre wrestling style and adapted it to become incredibly successful in America, one of the few to ever to do so. I can guarantee you Mysterio has drawn more money than Sting and is a huge draw for the Hispanic audience.

I'll touch on the rest later unless someone does it first.
Found this on the LAW message boards. 
Spoiler [+]

Can anyone identify the two of them?  

Spoiler [+]
Ditto guy and Ahmed Johnson
The argument can be made for Mysterio that he was this generation's Mil Mascaras. Being the most prominent Latino star to make it big time in the states. And I don't think workrate and number of great matches when comparing Sting and Mysterio are comparable. Rey matchlist blows Sting's out of the water.

Same with Benoit and Jericho. Their workrate is clearly more set in stone than Sting.

Titles really don't mean anything since they are manufactured. That means nothing to ME when it comes to comparing wrestlers. Not like they actually earned them.

But Sting is easily a HOF dude. Only a person that grew up in Stamford, Conn. would say otherwise.
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