Wrestling Thread 4/30-5/6 | 5/3 Extreme Rules PPV Prediction Contest Results Posted! p84

You also have to remember guys like Jericho and Benoit have a history of working in Japan and Mexico and establishing a long legacy of amazing in ring work. Nothing of the sort can be said for Sting.

As far as Mick Foley guys, he was a key character in the height of professional wrestling's popularity and Mankind became an incredibly popular character. He has an amazing body of in ring work, not only in WWE but stemming back to Japan, ECW, and WCW. He is considered one of the greatest brawlers of all time as well as possessing some of the best promo abilities in history. He is an innovator as well, bringing the hardcore style to the mainstream.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong I think Sting is HOF worthy. I'm just stating why I think these guys are more deserving.
This shouldn't be about who deserves it more, Sting OR _______. I think Sting is a sure fire HOF talent. No reason he shouldn't be in the HOF. Whatever HOF we are even speaking of I don't know. But like I said, anyone that says otherwise has a personal issue with the Stinger.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Mcflyy

Ok, either Flo-Rida is really into this and is a very good actor, or this was unscripted and he was legitimately�
terrified of Heath Slater
He &@^#$(@ flinched

That wasn't "Florida" in the vid.

Just read your other post.
Couldn't tell that was Percy in the vid but
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

You got to be a dumb wrestler.. to be suspended for Wellness violation.. while injured..

Not necessarily, look at it from his stand point.
Dude has been out of action for over 6 months.
He only had a few more years left, at best, and he's been past his prime.
He is probably desperate to get back in the ring ASAP and roids help promote recovery.
Unfortunate for him since he's crazy talented, but I can't really say I'd care if he got released.
I've NEVER been a fan of WWE Rey Mysterio.
His character just breathes "cornball".
Originally Posted by casekicks

Wouldn't it be hard for Rock to do steroids and still be in movies?..If I'm not mistaken, in order for studios to get insurance on it's actors/films they require the actors to get very extensive physicals and submit to drug tests..I can't give specific examples but I know I've heard of movies either not getting made or stars being replaced because a studio couldn't get insurance on them for several different reasons..

So how does this pertain to the massive amount of weed users, cocain users (both more than 50% of actors/actresses) and vin dieselers in the acting world?

She's got the wonkiest eyes I've ever seen.

Remember a few months ago when she was getting a push? Now she's not even on TV. The divas division is so worthless (except for my beautiful Bellas who we will lose after next week).
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Found this on the LAW message boards. 
Spoiler [+]

Can anyone identify the two of them?  

Spoiler [+]
Ditto guy and Ahmed Johnson
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn Ahmed got huuuuuuuge!!!! I barely even recognized him

@ brasil about Tamina and Darren Young. Even though Young was rocking an afro pick the other night, I'm

still trying to figure out if he's black or not
 I'm puzzled

Slowly building for a Beth/Kharma match with a nice payoff at Summerslam makes too sense, so I'm not holding my breath that

that happens.
Damn Rey.

Damn Ahmed.

Dude looks Uncle Phil and Rick Ross did the Fusion technique
^^ I literally pictured those two doin' a little dance and then touching fingers and a bright light glowing in between them..lol
- If Chris Jericho does actually leave WWE to tour with Fozzy this summer, it’s expected that he will return to wrestle full-time once the tour with his band is over.

- While it may appear that The Miz has lost his spot on the WWE roster, sources report that there is almost no chance at all that he will be released any time soon.

- Despite WWE changing their stance on the “YES!
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by casekicks

Wouldn't it be hard for Rock to do steroids and still be in movies?..If I'm not mistaken, in order for studios to get insurance on it's actors/films they require the actors to get very extensive physicals and submit to drug tests..I can't give specific examples but I know I've heard of movies either not getting made or stars being replaced because a studio couldn't get insurance on them for several different reasons..

So how does this pertain to the massive amount of weed users, cocain users (both more than 50% of actors/actresses) and vin dieselers in the acting world?

I'm not sure how it pertains..I'm pretty damn sure that Lindsay Lohan was replaced during filming of a movie do to either drugs or alcohol and the reason was the studio lost it's insurance on her..And I don't know why Im blanking out, but I know I've heard of atleast half dozen of these cases happening in the not so distant past..But then again he could be walking around with an IV pole pumping roids into his veins as we speak..

Sting deserves the HOF of the WWE and WON..It's a fact..Dude was one of the top 5 guys in the business for well over a decade and that can't be denied by anyone..Just give the man the respect he's worked for almost 30 years for and lets end the discussion..

Now onto another topic of discussion: In their prime, who was the better tag team?..Here's the list..

-Road Warriors
-Steiner Brothers
-Hart Foundation

There you go..I tried to do a good seperation of the teams..I broke it down like this RW=Power, SB=Power/Classic, HF-Classic/Technical, AA & Tully=Technical + a very active manager outside the ring..All 4 teams have been multi-time world champs..All teams have competed on ppv's..All teams have a pretty good length of time together, so they weren't just a 6 month flash in the pan..These were full fledged teams that gave their all to tag wrestling and took pride in being tag team champions..Plus they were all from a great period of time, which is the mid 80's to early 90's..Alright big boys let's talk it ou..

i hate sting and even i know hes a hof er and WAY more deserving than most. When you think of wcw you think of sting. Anyone else close would be flair.

and if you guys are talking about match comparison the young sting before the crow gimmick could go. They better put sting in there way before jericho...
Originally Posted by Rusty Shackelford

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

damn, id hate to be Ahmed's pearl river plunger


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You wouldn't get it. This was done 8 years before you were born.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]The joke is on the nose.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]well done club. [/color]
Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

His epitestosterone to testosterone ratio was 61:9.
what you did there I see..

Nice number play. Until I seen this on NT I totally forgot about Rey, out 60 more days I guess others will for get about him as, well...
Now onto another topic of discussion: In their prime, who was the better tag team?..Here's the list..

-Road Warriors
-Steiner Brothers
-Hart Foundation

There you go..I tried to do a good seperation of the teams..I broke it down like this RW=Power, SB=Power/Classic, HF-Classic/Technical, AA & Tully=Technical + a very active manager outside the ring..All 4 teams have been multi-time world champs..All teams have competed on ppv's..All teams have a pretty good length of time together, so they weren't just a 6 month flash in the pan..These were full fledged teams that gave their all to tag wrestling and took pride in being tag team champions..Plus they were all from a great period of time, which is the mid 80's to early 90's..Alright big boys let's talk it ou..

If I had to rank those tag-teams :

1.Hart Foundation
2.Steiner Brothers
4. Road Warriors

As much as I love the Steiners there is no way anyone is seeing The Road Warriors in their prime. They have dominated on every continent they have wrestled in.

Hart Foundation #1? As I said earlier, you must have grew up a WWF fan to say that. I would put them 3rd or 4th on that list.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

As much as I love the Steiners there is no way anyone is seeing The Road Warriors in their prime. They have dominated on every continent they have wrestled in.

Hart Foundation #1? As I said earlier, you must have grew up a WWF fan to say that. I would put them 3rd or 4th on that list.

This. The Road Warriors/LOD were beast in their prime.. 
Out of that group, I'll go with the Road Warriors, but I really like the Steiner Brothers.

BTW Peep, I can't see the pm you sent because I can't access my inbox. Yuku keeps taking me to the login screen every time I click on it.
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