Wrestling Thread 6/23-7/13 | 7/7 Raw - Cena v Rollins, Jericho v miz, Santino Retires

The Rollins ladder spot both looked painful and hilarious :lol: :lol:

And I believe Cena will pass Flair's reigns as well, which stinks, but do y'all really think ten has another 10 years left?? I'm picturing him at 47 in jorts and I don't believe it :lol:
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Dude loves wearing shorts. Probably wears them to funerals and weddings that aren't his.
The last time I was at a WWE show, John Cena was the WWE Champion.

I'm going to Battleground in three weeks and John Cena is the WWE Champion.

The more things change...
Can't wait to hear the I've climbed back to the top of the mountain top promo from John Chena tonight.

And on a more serious note, why does everyone seem to think the Dazzler is going to be ready and recovered so quickly?
I really dont see Bryan Danielson anytime soon or even performing at how he used to. There's no way he tones his style down. I know some other wrestlers have come back from having neck surgery, but having the timetable of his return being pushed back doesnt look too positive.

I'll find a way of being home tonight by 8 to watch RAW, just to be dissapointed when I can be doing other productive things.

How was everyone's stream of the ppv? Not sure if I'm going to renew my network subscription.
He should just come back as the final entrant at next year's Rumble since that's how fans wanted this years to end. Unless it's really Reign's time.
I really dont see Bryan Danielson anytime soon or even performing at how he used to. There's no way he tones his style down. I know some other wrestlers have come back from having neck surgery, but having the timetable of his return being pushed back doesnt look too positive.

I'll find a way of being home tonight by 8 to watch RAW, just to be dissapointed when I can be doing other productive things.

How was everyone's stream of the ppv? Not sure if I'm going to renew my network subscription.

I think it's obvious with them calling an audible with the Cena title run... The plan was for Bryan/Brock at Fest, but obviously that's got thrown out... Besides RKO, who else wouldn't lose a lot by having a short 2 month run, just to get fed to Brock... Every single guy besides those two would be hurt by that....

Now we can disagree on Brock getting the titles at all....
If Brock is competing for the belt at Summerslam they should give it to him. Idc if he's part time you can't have him beating the streak then losing less than half a year after.
I don't mind Brock as champ.. But he's got to work every PPV... Doesn't even need to to tv's with Heyman around... But he's gotta be there once a month for that big fight feel...
Time for my semi-rant.

Maybe it is just be getting older and understanding the value of the human body. I cringe whenever I see these ladder matches. Maybe over the last year or so, I went back and watched those initial Hardyz/Edge & CHristian Ladder matches and seeing what these dudes put their bodies through for the sake of some claps bothers me.

Why do these dudes have to do all of that to entertain us? They are no stunt devils but they are being asked to be when these ladder matches happen. Seeing Seth Rollins take that back bump and seeing Orton get his head cracked open made me shake my head.

I just wish we didn't need all of these props to put on a wrestling match. It bothers me and everytime someone did a spot, I was legit worried that someone would get hurt. And that Sheamus/Del Rio/Reigns spot with the ladders being tilted made me just ask WHY.

As I said, it just might be me getting older but I am not a fan of these matches anymore man.
Man I legit thought Swagger was going to hurt Ziggs again. Put him in the Ankle lock and pull him down from the ladder. Would've been john Cena when he got eliminated from that one royal rumble where he messed up his knee
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show was meh to me. some cool spots but nothing to write home about. last years ppv as a whole was way better than this years.
Time for my semi-rant.

Maybe it is just be getting older and understanding the value of the human body. I cringe whenever I see these ladder matches. Maybe over the last year or so, I went back and watched those initial Hardyz/Edge & CHristian Ladder matches and seeing what these dudes put their bodies through for the sake of some claps bothers me.

Why do these dudes have to do all of that to entertain us? They are no stunt devils but they are being asked to be when these ladder matches happen. Seeing Seth Rollins take that back bump and seeing Orton get his head cracked open made me shake my head.

I just wish we didn't need all of these props to put on a wrestling match. It bothers me and everytime someone did a spot, I was legit worried that someone would get hurt. And that Sheamus/Del Rio/Reigns spot with the ladders being tilted made me just ask WHY.

As I said, it just might be me getting older but I am not a fan of these matches anymore man.

I feel you. When I was listenting this morning to almost everyone's favorite podcast, MLW's, "Curt" and Konnan were saying that alot of guys dont know how to slow down or change their workstyle after x amount of concussions, injuries i.e. Danielson, Ziggler, and when he was wrestling, Angle. They would rather go all out then not realize the repercussions of their body not being able to take it anymore. I was criniging at some moves some of the wrestlers take and I actually remember in 2011's MITB where Sheamus powerbombed Sin Cara and it looked Cara was going to be out for awhile. I guess it was a precursor to him being the wuss that he is.

The gimmick matches are good, but would like to see some straight up chain wrestling.

As far as Brock getting the title shot at Summerfest, at least keep him every other week and relevant.

CelticsPride, you see the lineup for PWG's BOLA in August? Pretty impressive. Just find it weird that the last PWG show, Kyle O'Reilly becomes champ and then he was part of a 6 man scramble in ROH a few days later. I know you said their in their own little world, but is there any kind of storylines, etc? Surprised they dont make a faction in ROH with Steen, Cole, and the Bucks.
Courtesy of the Torch:

2014 BOLA Roster

(1) Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne)
(2) Drew Gulak
(3) Trevor Lee
(4) Chris Sabin
(5) Johnny Gargano
(6) Brian Myers (PWG debut)
(7) Michael Elgin
(8) Biff Busick (PWG debut)
(9) PWG champion Kyle O'Reilly
(10) Brian Cage
(11) A.C.H.
(12) Zack Sabre, Jr. (PWG debut)
(13) Rich Swann
(14) Trent Baretta (Trent?)
(15) Cedric Alexander
(16) A.J. Styles
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