Wrestling Thread 6/25-7/1 | 6/28 TNA Impact LIVE 8pm et- Angle/AJ v Daniels/Kaz, Dixie/AJ Followup?

Originally Posted by sole vintage

For as much as 'Are You Serious' makes fun of WCW last night was basically a Nitro episode. And it warmed every inch of my heart.. especially that contract on a pole match.
Smackdown Spoilers aka Lobo crushed over the woo woo guy again 

Spoiler [+]
Layla b A.J. when Daniel Bryan came out and ran around the ring chanting "Yes, Yes, Yes" and A.J. was distracted and lost.

Bryan sat in the ring and said he would not leave the ring and would hold the show hostage.  Vickie Guerrero came out and Bryan said he wanted A.J. banned from ringside during the Punk vs. Bryan title match.  Instead, Vickie said that A.J. was chosen by the fans to be the referee of the match.  Bryan was upset about that.

Vickie announced this week and next week on Smackdown would have Money in the Bank qualifying bouts.

Damien Sandow b woo woo guy in a MITB qualifier.  Sandow botched his finish and had to do it a second time

Tyson Kidd b Jack Swagger in a MITB qualifier

Swagger did a promo after the match.  Jerry Lawler came out and laid out Swagger with a fist drop.  This was probably just for the local fans since Evansville was part of the old Jarrett circuit when Lawler was the big star.

Dolph Ziggler was with Vickie Guerrero.  He told Vickie that they should ban both the Brogue kick and the cross armbreaker.  The two had an argument when Ziggler said he was a bigger star than she was and she slapped him.  But he vowed he would end the show as world champion.

Santino Marella & Christian b David Otunga & Cody Rhodes - Chrisitan pinned Otunga after a spear.  Marella & Chrisitan are in the MITB match.

Then, also for the house, Otunga was posihng in the ring when HHH came out and laid him out with a pedigree.  Booker T also decked Otunga and did a spinnaroonie.

Ryback b 2 guys

It was announced Teddy Long would be the guest General Manager next week on both Raw and Smackdown.

Now that she's the referee, Daniel Bryan was kissing up to A.J. and said he knows someone who can help her because people who care about each other help eadch other out.

Tensai b Justin Gabriel in a MITB qualfier.  Sakamoto was back in Tensai's corner.  Plans change.

Sheamus retained the title over Ziggler and Del Rio.  Sheamus hit Ziggler with the Brogue kick and pinned him.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Smackdown Spoilers aka Lobo crushed over the woo woo guy again 

Spoiler [+]
Layla b A.J. when Daniel Bryan came out and ran around the ring chanting "Yes, Yes, Yes" and A.J. was distracted and lost.

Bryan sat in the ring and said he would not leave the ring and would hold the show hostage.  Vickie Guerrero came out and Bryan said he wanted A.J. banned from ringside during the Punk vs. Bryan title match.  Instead, Vickie said that A.J. was chosen by the fans to be the referee of the match.  Bryan was upset about that.

Vickie announced this week and next week on Smackdown would have Money in the Bank qualifying bouts.

Damien Sandow b woo woo guy in a MITB qualifier.  Sandow botched his finish and had to do it a second time

Tyson Kidd b Jack Swagger in a MITB qualifier

Swagger did a promo after the match.  Jerry Lawler came out and laid out Swagger with a fist drop.  This was probably just for the local fans since Evansville was part of the old Jarrett circuit when Lawler was the big star.

Dolph Ziggler was with Vickie Guerrero.  He told Vickie that they should ban both the Brogue kick and the cross armbreaker.  The two had an argument when Ziggler said he was a bigger star than she was and she slapped him.  But he vowed he would end the show as world champion.

Santino Marella & Christian b David Otunga & Cody Rhodes - Chrisitan pinned Otunga after a spear.  Marella & Chrisitan are in the MITB match.

Then, also for the house, Otunga was posihng in the ring when HHH came out and laid him out with a pedigree.  Booker T also decked Otunga and did a spinnaroonie.

Ryback b 2 guys

It was announced Teddy Long would be the guest General Manager next week on both Raw and Smackdown.

Now that she's the referee, Daniel Bryan was kissing up to A.J. and said he knows someone who can help her because people who care about each other help eadch other out.

Tensai b Justin Gabriel in a MITB qualfier.  Sakamoto was back in Tensai's corner.  Plans change.

Sheamus retained the title over Ziggler and Del Rio.  Sheamus hit Ziggler with the Brogue kick and pinned him.

Zack Ryder has come full circle after appearing in a hall way segment with Cena again last night. The plan is for him to feud with Sandow, which I'm extremely excited about. Woo Woo guy is still better than you're favorite wrestler.

Spoiler [+]
So glad Smackdown MITB isn't former world champs only..I think Tensai has this on lock though. I'm gonna root for Kidd and Sandow.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by PLVN

I never shared this in here but I think it's pertinent.

I made the beat and added the Flair samples.

i like the song im not gonna lie.
this will be one of our official NTSlam Theme songs
Can we get just the instrumental...
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by PLVN

I never shared this in here but I think it's pertinent.

I made the beat and added the Flair samples.

i like the song im not gonna lie.
this will be one of our official NTSlam Theme songs
Can we get just the instrumental...
Spoiler [+]
I actually like Kidd and Sandow in the Smackdown MITB match. And Im shocked Tensai was added to it.
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Originally Posted by NoneOfYours25

UGH this MITB is weak

The one for the WHC should be great.... Based on the Smackdown spoilers.

The other one can eat a #$@$

It does sound better, but why should I believe any of them dudes so far will be WHC anytime soon?

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