Wrestling Thread 6/25-7/1 | 6/28 TNA Impact LIVE 8pm et- Angle/AJ v Daniels/Kaz, Dixie/AJ Followup?

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Live Events Center with Black Machismo Jay Lethal


Just makes me think of that Jay Lethal/Ric Flair promo segment. Lethal had him so spot on 
So much confusion when I saw that pic Lobo posted.

Those Sid videos will never get old.

And the Smackdown MITB match is much more intriguing than the Raw one even though there are no big names in it as of yet.

Hopefully Zig Zag Man get put into that match.
With the Live Smackdown next week and the holiday the next day, anyone want to play a drinking game on here during the show?
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

With the Live Smackdown next week and the holiday the next day, anyone want to play a drinking game on here during the show?
Will Booker T be involved?
If so, I ain't trying to die and will pass on the offer, kind sir.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

With the Live Smackdown next week and the holiday the next day, anyone want to play a drinking game on here during the show?

 @ your desperate attempt to connect with people
one of the music blogs i frequent says Metallica might play at SummerSlam

anyone else hear about it?
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

With the Live Smackdown next week and the holiday the next day, anyone want to play a drinking game on here during the show?

 @ your desperate attempt to connect with people

So awkward.
I'm almost convinced that 4w is a cat trying to blend in with society, on some reverse Animorph steeze. 
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

With the Live Smackdown next week and the holiday the next day, anyone want to play a drinking game on here during the show?

 @ your desperate attempt to connect with people
Says the guys who spends all his time online being an e-thug
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

With the Live Smackdown next week and the holiday the next day, anyone want to play a drinking game on here during the show?

 @ your desperate attempt to connect with people
Says the guys who spends all his time online being an e-thug
Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Bobby Roode

One person noted that while Austin Aries is a polarizing figure in the company – loved by those in charge, liked personally by a lot of the talents but also disliked by many and also a person that some people don’t like having matches with for various reasons – Roode is the opposite in that all of the wrestlers not only like him personally but they love working with him in the ring. The TNA writing team is also high on Roode, particularly head writer Bruce Prichard.

NXT Leaked

The first episode aired last week of NXT at Full Sail University in international markets and on the Brighthouse Network in Florida. A full HD copy of the broadcast was uploaded on YouTube but according to reports those in WWE are told it was accidentally leaked from someone at WWE. There is some confusion among many of how something could be leaked "accidentally" and uploaded by someone's personal YouTube account.

The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting the angle where three masked men attacked Sting two weeks ago on Impact is a way to get Sting off television.

TNA needed a way to get Sting off television without people asking why he isn't going to be involved in the Bound For Glory series.

As of now, TNA doesn't know who they are going to have be revealed as the three men. It is expected the storyline will be put on hold for a little bit.

PWInsider.com is reporting Dean Ambrose will be the next developmental talent to debut on WWE television.

Ambrose has been working dark matches for the last couple months. WWE creative has been told to come up with ideas for ways to introduce Ambrose on television.

He is expected to debut and primarily work on Raw.

- As noted before, local advertisements in the St. Louis area are advertising Brock Lesnar for the 1,000th RAW episode on July 23rd. WWE confirmed Lesnar for the show on Tuesday by adding him to the event listing. They have yet to add Lesnar to next week’s RAW listing so his response to Triple H will likely come through Paul Heyman or via satellite.

- F4Wonline.com confirms that WWE is working on a deal to get Metallica to perform at this year’s SummerSlam pay-per-view from Los Angeles. They likely would be performing for Triple H’s entrance.

- While sources reported that WWE’s new Main Event TV show will be a step up from Superstars with top talents and storylines, Bryan Alvarez reports that Main Event will essentially be WWE Superstars with a new name. WWE will likely tape Main Event and Superstars before RAW and SmackDown when Main Event begins in October.
According to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, the projected launch of the WWE Network in the fall of 2012 is in jeopardy of not happening.

The report claims as the company continues to crunch numbers, they continue to get a negative projection of how things would go if the company launches in 2012 given the current state of WWE business.

The report notes WWE is more likely to continue signing deals like the recent one announced with ION television for the new Wednesday night program called "Main Event."

WWE had targeted April 1st of 2012 to launch WWE Network on the same day as WrestleMania 28. It then got pushed back to a tentative time this fall around November and now it appears it may be pushed back to 2013.
- This past Monday on the WWE Raw Supershow, Vince McMahon made the call not to mention Fort Wayne, which is the city Raw was taped in. If Vince doesn't think the city sounds big league enough, the name of the city is banned. A few weeks back when Smackdown was in Columbia, SC, he made the same call.

- Several media outlets today reported that actress Jennifer Hudson is more sure then ever that she wants to marry fiance David Otunga.
Another wrestler has come forward with claims that John Cena was unfaithful to his wife. Kris Katera, who worked with WWE as enhancement talent Chris Wellman and an extra from 2006 to 2010, vouches for Kenn Doane’s allegations toward the Cenation Commander-in-Chief.

“I worked with WWE on and off from 2006-2010 and can back up most everything you say about Cena and his cheating ways man!
TNA doesn't have Lincoln Town Car technology?
They wouldn't need three dudes to explain Sting's attack if they just had Sting step into an exploding Town Car.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

With the Live Smackdown next week and the holiday the next day, anyone want to play a drinking game on here during the show?

 @ your desperate attempt to connect with people
Tara Responds to Kenn Doane's Claim That She Had an Affair with John Cena

Doane's story has a few holes in it...

- Tara has responded to allegations that she was having an affair with John Cena in 2007. As previously reported, Kenn Doane accused Cena of being involved with a Diva, who he said was married at the time, and referred to the Diva as Cena's "road girlfriend." Due to the details Doane revealed, everything pointed to Tara, who was working as Victoria in WWE at the time. Tara discussed Doane's comments in an interview with the Wrestling Observer. Check out the highlights:

On backstage politics in wrestling: "Professionally, you hear people talk about 'backstage politics' in wrestling. I'll tell you what that means to me. Backstage politics is not some kind of psychological maneuvering. You work and travel with your wrestling co-workers more than you want to work and travel with anyone. The people who complain about backstage politics generally don't have the ability to respectfully interact with others. I treat everyone with respect. Everyone. Ask the caterers, building security, wrestlers, executives, crew, fans, anyone, who I don't treat with respect and they would be at a loss for words. And because you spend so much time with these people, you know a lot about the people who you travel with and work closely with. I found that the best way to not make waves is to keep my eyes and ears open, and my mouth shut when it comes to other people's business. The people who complain that they were the victim of backstage politics often either don't show people respect, or bud into other people's business."

On Doane's allegation: "On a personal level, what KD said was mostly false, although there was a little truth. I have been with my husband for 20 years. He's the best guy in the world. But like any 20 year relationship, we have some good times and we have had some bad times. And anyone who I traveled with knows that. Because you learn intimate details about each other whether you want to or not. We have separated a few times. One of those times that we were separated, I dated John for about a month. It was not in 2006 or 2007. It was in 2002. It was when we were both in Louisville. I was married but separated. John was single. I was never his 'road girlfriend'. I know that when we were separated, my husband also dated a couple girls. That's what happens when you are separated. In 2002, it was common knowledge that John and I dated. It fed the rumor mills for people who have nothing better to do than gossip like old ladies. So for KD to use bits of information that he was only able to pick up because he was allowed in the inner circle of WWE, and smear me, when I only treated KD with respect, over an incident that he is upset about from 5 years ago, tells me that he didn't learn anything about 'backstage politics' and how it relates to being a decent human being."

On moving forward from the allegations: "Moving forward, I'm a glass-is-half-full kind of girl. Only my glass isn't half full. My glass is 99% full. I am blessed. And I'm done discussing the 1%."
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