Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45

Shane wanted to do the jump from the titantron but was told no.

WON is saying that the belief is Ricochet will sign with WWE, no word on when. If him and Sydal drop the tag belts soon, it's an indication he will atleast be in the GCS.

The GCS qualifying matches are expected to be announced within next week.
 Yalls man Meltzer is kinda heated at the, "If Zayn/Nakamura was in New Japan............." comments.

He is on Tweets answering questions
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

I just got a call from your boy Konnan about a missed trash pickup at his house. Dude lives in Chula Vista and we service the entire city....got his number AND address if you wanna come stalk him :lol:

I just got a call from your boy Konnan about a missed trash pickup at his house. Dude lives in Chula Vista and we service the entire city....got his number AND address if you wanna come stalk him
Yea hold that for me. I will send some pizzas to his house from Dominos one day LOL.

But nah, how is CHula Vista as an area?
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