Wrestling Thread April 18-26/ RIP Chyna passed away at 45


I just got a call from your boy Konnan about a missed trash pickup at his house. Dude lives in Chula Vista and we service the entire city....got his number AND address if you wanna come stalk him :lol:
Yea hold that for me. I will send some pizzas to his house from Dominos one day LOL.

But nah, how is CHula Vista as an area?

I like it a lot down here and it's only a 10 min drive to San Diego and the Mexican Border.
Meltzer's mad because he knows it's true

I'm saying, look at the last 10 five star matches from that fool :lol:...

View media item 1986265
As someone who has watched 9 out of 10 of those matches i cannot really disagree with him. Plus how often does WWE allow their talent to cut loose and have a long enough/quality match to garner a 5 star rating...?

I'm not saying those aren't five star matches, I'm saying between the years of 2012 and 2016 there hasn't been ONE five star match outside of New Japan?
Nothing bad so nothing to worry about. He'll have a lil scar and a story to tell
I'm convinced that article was made with trolling intentions

"Suffers minor injury" and it's a damn cut :stoneface:
I'm saying, look at the last 10 five star matches from that fool :lol:...

View media item 1986265

And he essentially admitted to it by saying that he considers "time, space, and place" in his ratings :lol:

But oh well...I don't pay his ratings any mind...he's a fan just like me

I completely agree with the "time, place, space" thing... NJPW is probably the best at creating a "big match feel"... They create an aura around matches the WWE can't do because no matches are special in WWE... Tanahashi and Okada wrestled singles matches with each exactly ZERO times between Tokyo Dome shows... Roman Reigns and AJ Styles could put on 5* matches (in theory), but they'll wrestle each other 12 times in single matches in 3 months...

ROH is good about creating big match-ups, but they just don't have the budget or fan base to run giant arenas like NJPW... The wrestling is great, but never comes off as "majestic" like NJPW... Reasons like this, is why I'll never say a PWG match is MOTY... I enjoy PWG more than any other promotion, but they're not big time...

Raw ratings listed by who was world champion at the time
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Roman vs. Brock: Felt like a big match

But I don't get that feeling from them TOO often

Nakamura vs. Zayn

Bayley vs Sasha (Both matches)
I don't totally disagree with that

It's just that Meltzer was in a huff about the whole thing and acted like the "If this happened in Japan" stuff had no truth to it

He should have just owned it
Bayley vs. Sasha Banks

Takeover Summerslam

Perfect match


Hart Austin 13 still my all time favorite. Perfect blend of storyline, violence, realism, crowd reaction, visuals, big stage and perfect double turn

Some favorite promos:
WM30 - HHH v Bryan
WM17 - Austin v Rock
SS97 - opening promo
Takeover Brooklyn - Banks v Bayley
WM19 - Angle v Brock

Love a good pre match promo

WCW always sucked at those. WWE is masterful with them
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