Wrestling Thread Aug 1-7 | 8/7 TNA Hardcore Justice - Sting vs Angle, Aries vs Kendrick vs Shelly


It's Tara and Rosita working in the ring. Rosita hits a hurricanrana on Tara but walks into a boot off a counter. Rosita rolls Tara out of the ring and gets involved with Miss Tessmacher. Rosita finally tags in Sarita.

Lots of tagging by the women of Mexican America. Miss Tessmacher and Sarita. Tessmacher tags in Tara and she goes after Sarita, bringing her down to the mat. Rosita gets in and makes the save.

Tara and Sarita are in the ring with Miss Tessmacher wanting a tag. Rosita is lurking on the outside. She pulls Tessmacher off the apron. Rosita gets on the apron and kicks Tara in the face. Sarita throws Tara down and tags in Sarita.

Tara and Rosita are the legal Knockouts. Tara attempts Widow's Peak but Rosita rolls through and has leverage from Sarita from the apron. They break it up and Tara ends up press slamming Rosita. Rosita counters and goes to make tag but Miss Tessmacher throws Sarita off the apron.

Back in the ring, Tara hits Widow's Peak on Rosita and follows it with the pinfall.

Winners & still Knockout Tag Team Champions, Tara & Miss Tessmache

devon tries to go for a choke slam but pope reversed it into a roll up for the uno..dos..3

WINNER - "The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero
Anyone down for a WRESTLEMANIA XXVIII/MIAMI (21+) trip if the rock vs cena match comes through?

piggy james hits a tornado ddt on winter and rolls on the ring. Ref is distracted Angelina love tries to hit her finisher the " BREAK UP B%$#"
but piggy blocked it and tossed her out the ring but tries to come back inside and ref is trying to get her out then Winter hits the mist on piggy james and gets  the uno..2...3


Crimson hits the sky high on rvd goes for the pin 1..2.. NO!!! Jerry Lynn comes in and F**@# up rvd's match by breaking the count. REF rings the bell ding! ding!

WINNER - Crimson by DQ
3 ON 3 match

didn't really see  the start of the match ...was killing this dude in some MVC 3  
 but did see the end AJ styles hit a springboard moonsault pele kick on abyss for the 1..2...3

WINNER- AJ styles, daniels , kazarian
Bully Ray vs. Mr Anderson in a " WINNER gets to be called the only A#$&*#* in TNA "

Bully and anderson start exchanges punches anderson hits (fans go yeaaaa) bully hits (fans go booo) anderson hits (fans go yeaaaa) bully hits (fans go booo) then anderson goes necro butcher on bully ray but bully take them shots like a boss
Anderson hits an enziguri and a clothesline for another 2 count. Ray blocks Anderson again with a big slam and another pin attempt. Ray with a big splash in the corner. Ray goes to the second rope for the big splash but Anderson moves. Anderson goes up top now and hits a swanton for 2 as Ray rolls him up for a 2 count of his own. Anderson comes down from the top but Ray catches him in mid-air with a cutter. 2 count by Ray. Ray grabs his chain and wraps it around his fist. Anderson grabs Ray on his shoulders but they fall into the ropes and it's botched. Anderson with a 2 count. Anderson goes back to the top. Ray walks off and says "screw you!" Anderson runs up the ramp and brings Ray back into the ring. Anderson picks up the chain. The referee tells him to put it down. The referee grabs it, distracting Anderson. Ray comes up from behind, hits Anderson with a low blow and rolls him up for the win.

WINNER - Bully Ray
Beer Money Vs. Mexican America (Tag Team Title Match)

Hernandez goes for a suplex but Storm slides out. Storm with double knees that sends Hernandez to the floor. Anarquia goes up top but Roode pushes him off. Anarquia runs right into the Last Call from Storm for the pin and the win.

Winners: Beer Money
World Heavyweight Championship Match
Sting (c) vs. Kurt Angle

Out first comes Kurt Angle followed by the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting. Jeremy Borash does formal ring introductions as we get ready to go.

The bell rings and they lock up. Sting goes to work on Angle's arm. Angle turns it around and works on Sting's arm now. They go to the corner and break. Another lock up. Angle with a headlock takedown this time. Back and forth off the ropes as the crowd chants for both men. Sting takes Angle down now and works on the arm. Sting with a shoulder block. Angle catches Sting with a hip toss and then an arm drag, taking him back to the mat. Angle continues to focus on Sting's arm. Sting kicks Angle's knee out from under him after a hard whip into the corner. Sting does the same thing again and this time stomps on Angle some more.

Angle catches Sting with an elbow and attempts to make a comeback. Sting catches Angle and backdrops him over the top, down to the floor. Sting comes to the floor and slams Angle into the barrier and then the steel steps, twice. Sting throws Angle into the barrier again and finally brings it back in the ring. Sting comes in but Angle catches him with a Samoan drop. Angle with a chinlock now. Angle keeps Sting grounded on the mat. Sting finally breaks out with elbows but Angle takes it to the corner. Angle whips Sting hard into both corners but Sting comes running out with a big clothesline. Angle goes for a suplex but Sting drops him with a back elbow. Sting kicks Angle and DDT's him for another 2 count.

Sting boots Angle in the face but Angle hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Sting blocks it and hits the inverted DDT for a 2 count. Angle comes back and hits a series of German suplexes. 2 count by Angle. Angle goes up top but misses the moonsault. Sting hits an Angle Slam on Angle and covers him for a 2 count. Sting goes for the Scorpion Deathlock and locks it in. Angle makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Sting hits a big splash in the corner. He goes for another but Angle moves. Angle hits an Angle Slam but Sting kicks out at 2. Angle charges in the corner but Sting moves and he hits the ringpost. Sting pulls Angle back and applies the ankle lock, using one of Angle's moves again. Angle breaks the hold and tackles Sting. Angle applies the Deathlock on Sting and locks it in.

The hold is broken but Angle goes back to work on Sting's back. Angle hits another series of German suplexes. Sting fights off the last one and scoops Angle on his shoulders. Sting for a slam but Angle rolls out and applies the ankle lock on Sting. Sting breaks the hold and rolls Angle up for a 2 count. Sting gets trapped between Angle and the ref. Angle goes for an enziguri but it misses Sting and knocks the referee out. Sting and Angle also both go down. Hulk Hogan comes walking out with a steel chair.

Hogan enters the ring and goes to hit Sting with the chair. Angle grabs it and Hogan flees the ring. Angle cracks Sting in the back with the chair and hits an Angle Slam. The referee gets up and counts to three to give Angle the win and the title.

Winner and New TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle
watching a tna event is like having guilt after masturbating, i always walk away wondering why i just did that.
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