Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Hopefully the New Nation is just getting put on pause until after Summerlsam

RT @WWEBigE: Big ups to @FlatbushZombies & @Wale for working on music for us. Almost.



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My Raw experience, sorry for the quality. 

PS: Crowd was way over for Cesaro.  75% of the crowd was chanting "Switzerland, Switzerland".  
Titus :rofl: :pimp:

I wonder how much wrestlers make. I've always wondered, especially for guy like Heath Slater.
just watched hogan's birthday segment & noticed two things:

paul orndorff stood up front in lesnars face & lesnar moved on

paul orndorff spontaneously laughed when lesnar directed the party was over grampa comment toward hogan
I still don't know what the hell happened in the Taker vs Giant Gonzalez match. It was like a live action video game glitch :lol:
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