Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Kenta is starting kaientai back up.

Dude they ain't gonna let KENTA, Prince, or Steen do anything significant in the WWE..I mean Generico has been in NXT for 6 yrs. and still ain't made it to the main roster..I hate to say it but I think Shoveluhhhh just signed them so other organizations can't have them anymore..Look what they've done to Cesaro and Bray..Both are very popular with fans and those fans want to see them succeed, but yet AC is jobbing to everyone and Bray is jobbing to a past his prime Jericho and to Cena who doesn't need to win at this point in his career..They've signed these 3 and now they're going to change their names, give them stupid gimmicks, and neuter their move set..
Which is smart because Vince did the same in the 80s with the territories but its time for them to get their heads out of their own ***** and build for the future.

Totally different situation..There is nowhere else for people to really go and make a living being a pro wrestler..Vince was snatching guys up from different territories, but there was still the NWA/AWA/WCW that people could go get jobs at..WWE buys up all the Indy talent just to buy them up..It's not like they're doing it to improve their roster in order to compete with TNA..I think Vince and Trips are just ego maniacs that sign guys just to prove that they can..But maybe I'm totally wrong..But I'm not.
Wouldn't you be if you were them? I can't lie and say that wouldn't think about signing multiple indy wrestlers just to do it. Another thing is that they could be a little paranoid even though a viable #2 promotion doesn't exist. My opinion.

I'm not saying your opinion is wrong, but I disagree..There won't be a viable #2 promotion until a person with multiple millions of dollars hops in the wrasslin' bidness (If you wheel)..So why waste the money to sign these guys when they are the furthest thing from what you like in your talent?..We all know that Vince, Trips, and Pat sit around and circle jerk to pics of Roman Reigns and Randelle..The only person that fits that mold is Cesaro but he ain't 'Murican so they won't push him..None of these guys that the fans like will get WHC title runs..They'll get the IC/US belt and that's it..Cena and RKO will both hit 20 title reigns a piece before Claudio, Steen, KENTA, Zayn, or Fergie get 1 run with the big belt..

I'm sorry for my rant..I got my last 2 spine injections yesterday and I'm in pain and have had to take more than my normal amount of medicine and it's got me antsy in the pantsy..I'm going to bed..
Regardless of how poor the storylines are, I am optimistic towards this group of wrestlers we've got up and coming.

They are all so money it's only a matter of time. Only new cat I don't really **** with is Adam Rose. Dude is garbage.
Mick Foley's range from comedy to seriousness was amazing. Commissioner Foley and his segments with Rock and Al Snow were great :lol:
He could be top 5 with a mic. Which leads to me asking, who's NTWT's top 5 promo person?

In no order:

1. Jake
2. Foley
3. Angle
4. Austin
5. Flair

Honorable Mention: HBK & Rock
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Saw this on my twitters this morning 

Im ready to buy ps4 now and just sit on it until Oct 
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