Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

I don't know hwy I think this, but I think once ( IF ) HHH takes the reigns this company as far as the wrestling aspect goes is going to sky rocket. That's just my hunch. Look what he has been doing wit NXT and in Florida. He is the main reason a lot of these guys are even getting a chance to get signed.
The Hunter respects the old school. He respects in ring ability. We know it isn't him who gets joy out of people throwing up and farting on eachother. That is Old Man Vince. I can't wait until Vince is just in the way right now.

Don't thank him..I posted that link over a week ago..DC doesn't even like Japanese wrestling..:smh:

You're welcome..I just want to make sure I get my credit when it's deserved..It's just sad that DC sees WWE signing KENTA and then decides to jump on the Japanese bandwagon..Really makes me sick to my stomach to be honest..

View media item 1130182

I already got my PS4 gathering dust waiting for NBA 2K15.
For real though. All I really play is NBA 2k14. I played some Assassin's Creed and. Madden occasionally but there still aren't a whole lot of games I truly want to purchase yet. NBA 2k15 and WWE 2k15 will both be a release date purchase though. It looks promising for next gen now.
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DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican what did you do for @casekicks to give you such grief? In any case I read through all of the articles and feel a bit more knowledgable about the product. Thanks to both of y'all.
He is mad that we was a WCW fan and the company was dead until the NWO was created. His man The Sting couldn't carry the company on his own. So he takes all of his insecurities out on us.

Us long time WWF fans. 8)
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He is mad that we was a WCW fan and the company was dead until the NWO was created. His man The Sting couldn't carry the company on his own. So he takes all of his insecurities out on us.

Us long time WWF fans. 8)
You called him The Sting. Legit tears.
So y'all gonna answer the survey?

:smh: bunch of DC Marks in here
Ok. I'll respond to the survey. My personal top 5 promo guys...
5)Scott Hall (NWO survey/Razor Ramon swag
4)Hogan(got me into wrestling as a child, brother)
3)Mick Foley(went from happy to psycho real quick great range)
2)Ric Flair(wooooo!!! Space mountain, wheeling and dealing)
1)The Rock(the most quotables: poon tang pie, jabroni...I mean the secondary WWE show is named after his catch phrase.)
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Honorable mention includes HBK(too over the top most times), Jake the Snake(I appreciate his work now that I'm older and took both young and current me into account) Paul Heyman(only cause I wanted to base it off of in ring competitors or he would be top 3) and the old Ultimate Warrior promos for sheer entertainment factor. Especially when he held the belt in front of his face the whole time. And the Hogan promo. So epic with the background music. Looking back on my list I completely forgot about Stone Cold. Oh well honorable mention for him too.
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1. Piper
2. Rock
3. Flair
4. Austin
5. Punk(as much as I hate to admit it)

Honorable Mentions: Foley, Jake, HBK, Heyman
Top 5 talkers ever? Easiest list to create

1. Flair
2. Piper
3. Duddy Rhodes
4. Foley
5. Jake the Snake

Honorable mention: The Rock, Austin, Jericho

NWA/WCW forever
Never really was a big promo dude so my opinion won't really matter as I didn't pay THAT much attention to them.

Snake Roberts
didnt even realize he wasnt on the show
i dont bolieve it 
Kinda surprised to hear that from you :lol:
Man I really don't care too much for anything that doesn't happen IN the ring.

I have tolerated it more now since I don't have much of a choice with US wrestling, but back during the Monday Night Wars, all that Attitude Era/NWO Drama, I was NOT a fan. To me it took time away from Luchadores/Cruiserweights/Lightheavyweights/Jericho/Benoit/Guerrero/Regal. You get my point.

Having Austin over Rock is PURE blasphemy. Just listen to the difference at the opening segment for WMXXX. No one could hold the crowd in the palm of his hand like he could.
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