Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

I'm watching a Cold Case episode, and it's wrestling based. Roddy Piper on here, and there's some guy who's supposed to be a parody of Gorgeous George, yet he clearly looks like Greg The Hammer Valentine :lol: :lol:
I honestly don't know enough about WCW to pick. Never watched it growing up hence why I'm open to watching something tonight. Peep or anyone got something in mind?

Jeff is gonna be in the game :nerd: hope he comes back and could stay clean. Great performer when he's on.
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Tonight's viewing party is WCW Spring Stampede 1999 at 8:30

Hogan vs. Flair vs. Sting vs. DDP (Macho Man referee)
Kevin Nash vs. Goldberg
Scott Steiner vs. Booker T
Benoit & Malenko vs. Raven & Perry Saturn
Mysterio vs. Kidman
Hak vs. Bigelow
Guerrera vs. Blitzkrieg
I'm going to try and make the viewing party..I don't know if my Network will work though..I've been having technical problems lately..Can't get through a whole ppv or show without it freezing and then I have to restart the whole thing..
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican


I can't put AJ Styles in after one tournament. He has been in the D-League for the last 10 years. He isn't going to pull a "Jeremy Lin" and all of a sudden start in the ASG the same year. If he cooks for NJPW for another year or so, we can put him on.

Talent there is of course. Top notch for sure. But others have been doing more on a bigger scale for longer.

Ok, No punk. No Bryan

Sure you can.... It's not like he's had bad matches year after year in tna... The in ring work is the one major grace the tna always had... Imo, AJ is the bitw right now... You can put him in the ring against anyone and get a 4* match...
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