Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

That ADR incident...

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Someone makes a racist comment about you, you check them, you get in trouble. Damn shame. I guess this wasn't about race either right?
I'm with you, but you can't go around putting your hands on people, especially at work.  Should've cussed him out and left it at that.  Still, if dude has a history of saying offensive stuff, he should be fired, but we all know that won't happen
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Honestly, if I was in a position of power and somebody got the **** smacked out of them for saying some racist stuff, "I AINT SEE NOTHIN."

Yall handle that as men........
question for ya dudes that watch everything.when reigns was on the indy scene,did he have a deeper move set? cuz it seems all these indy guys have crazy move sets that are a lot better than his, so idk why hes getting a big push ? or did they make him water down his move set? 
question for ya dudes that watch everything.when reigns was on the indy scene,did he have a deeper move set? cuz it seems all these indy guys have crazy move sets that are a lot better than his, so idk why hes getting a big push ? or did they make him water down his move set? 

I don't think he was on the Indy scene. Straight to nxt/fcw based of family ties.
I could settle. Wouldn't be that serious man.
Eh, I guess you could, but you it won't look good to share holders that you lost a chunk of money when you're trying to cut losses.  I mean, the E should've fired dude if he has a history of this stuff, but we know racism isn't that big of an issue to them.
The details of the ADR incident.

I know it was a blessing in disguise for him because I know he was just counting the days until his contract was up.

Props to the Undertaker Guy.
Honestly, if I was in a position of power and somebody got the **** smacked out of them for saying some racist stuff, "I AINT SEE NOTHIN."

Yall handle that as men........

That'd set a bad precedent. I'd roam around the locker room calling everyone a honkie just hoping from that free pay day

:x Such an unnecessary spot :x

Just like Ziggler your an afterthought.


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question for ya dudes that watch everything.when reigns was on the indy scene,did he have a deeper move set? cuz it seems all these indy guys have crazy move sets that are a lot better than his, so idk why hes getting a big push ? or did they make him water down his move set? 

I don't think he was on the Indy scene. Straight to nxt/fcw based of family ties.

Pretty much. Reigns was basically a CAW in FCW/NXT that happened to have an imposing look. To put things in perspective, Pre-Shield breakup Reigns > Reigns now > FCW/NXT Reigns
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