Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

AJ Styles needs to have at least one WWE run. I knows he sees the success of Danielson and Punk, and he can't help but feel like that could've been his spot. There's not much else he can do in TNA.

How do you guys feel?
WWE would NEVER push him.  He would be Tazz all over again, only probably worse.
AJ going to NJPW is far more likely than him going to WWE.  Though in the end, I think he will re-sign with TNA.
Watching the new NXT episode and :wow: @ this Alexander Rusev dude, dude is a beast and can move.
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I'm late but Sammi Zayn needs to be called up. With the lack of baby faces on the product, he'd be money for them.
AJ Styles needs to have at least one WWE run. I knows he sees the success of Danielson and Punk, and he can't help but feel like that could've been his spot. There's not much else he can do in TNA.

How do you guys feel?

I think WWE never showed any interest in him to begin with. It just wouldn't be a good move for him to go there.

I'm late but Sammi Zayn needs to be called up. With the lack of baby faces on the product, he'd be money for them.

I don't mind if he cooks up in developmental a little bit more. I don't want him called up just to be wasted and in limbo like they did with Bo Dallas.
Not sure if posted yet but Devon Dudley left TNA. Officially done.

WWE return or return to the indies?
- CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman is being advertised for Monday’s RAW. Word is that the Intercontinental Title may be on the line for this match.

CM Punk rebuilding the Intercontinental Championship brand wouldn't be bad at all

Fascination with Macho Man
Flying Elbow Drop
Stars on Trunk
Give Punk the IC Strap
Have Him Win A King of the Ring Tourney
Then Just Call Him the Straight Edge King
Macho King Approves

Book It Vince!!
CM Punk rebuilding the Intercontinental Championship brand wouldn't be bad at all

Fascination with Macho Man
Flying Elbow Drop
Stars on Trunk
Give Punk the IC Strap
Have Him Win A King of the Ring Tourney
Then Just Call Him the Straight Edge King
Macho King Approves

Book It Vince!!
The white intercontinental belt design to :pimp:
AJ Styles needs to have at least one WWE run. I knows he sees the success of Danielson and Punk, and he can't help but feel like that could've been his spot. There's not much else he can do in TNA.

How do you guys feel?

WWE would NEVER push him.  He would be Tazz all over again, only probably worse.

Tazz went to a stacked WWF roster in the greatest period of wrestling. Futures are always uncertain that's the beauty of wrestling. I do see him resigning tho.

I think WWE never showed any interest in him to begin with. It just wouldn't be a good move for him to go there.

WWE has showed repeated interest each time his contract was up. Probably wont be good when looking at the big picture, but like I said you'd never know.
- CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman is being advertised for Monday’s RAW. Word is that the Intercontinental Title may be on the line for this match.

CM Punk rebuilding the Intercontinental Championship brand wouldn't be bad at all

Fascination with Macho Man
Flying Elbow Drop
Stars on Trunk
Give Punk the IC Strap
Have Him Win A King of the Ring Tourney
Then Just Call Him the Straight Edge King
Macho King Approves

Book It Vince!!

Lol no. Punk is not going backwards. He's gonna either win by dq, or lose.
If AJ Styles was gonna go to the WWE, he should've already done it. Going there now at 36, with him more than likely being sent to NXT for 2 years, just doesn't really make sense. Unless Punk and Bryan have some influence to get him pushed fast, he may as well either resign with TNA or go to Japan. He already had Jakked/Metal tryouts back in 01, and turned down offers during his TNA run. No one wants to start from scratch at that age. Unless "Stylin" Allen Jones hopes just to reunite with Bryan, Punk, Cesaro, Bourne, and a couple other ROH guys for a last hurrah type of thing (which would be cool), then he doesn't need to go to the WWE.

Have seen a handful of Alexander Rusev matches before they changed FCW to NXT. He reminds me of a Scott Norton/Hugh Morris mix, a real stocky power based dude with unexpected quickness.
MUTA IN 2014 WWE?  Christ, do you ever stop?  I'm convinced you are just a troll.

Sorry that I've been a fan for 30+ years and love the thought of dream matches..I'm convinced you don't even like wrestling, and probably never have..You just enjoy being a smark..
Lol no. Punk is not going backwards. He's gonna either win by dq, or lose.

And then what would propose Punk do next?

Being realistic Punk is done with the WWE Title until at least Elimination Chamber in February 2014

No Taker. No Brock. No Trips. No Shield. So unless the WWE signs some random big past name to feud with him, he's pretty much in limbo for the rest of the year.

So his only two options unless he takes extended time off are a run at the World Heavyweight Title or a run at the Intercontinental Title.

Because of how much hot potatoeing that has gone on with the IC Title, I can see how it'd be a "step back" but as he did with the WWE Title, I'm sure he can bring back value to the IC title.
In regards to that HHH interview and the DDP dirt sheet situation, DDP will/should forever be appreciated, if not for his in-ring work, his real life hospitality.

Helping Scott Hall, Jake the Snake, and Arthur Boorman. Nothing but respect for DDP :pimp: .
Lol no. Punk is not going backwards. He's gonna either win by dq, or lose.

And then what would propose Punk do next?

Being realistic Punk is done with the WWE Title until at least Elimination Chamber in February 2014

No Taker. No Brock. No Trips. No Shield. So unless the WWE signs some random big past name to feud with him, he's pretty much in limbo for the rest of the year.

So his only two options unless he takes extended time off are a run at the World Heavyweight Title or a run at the Intercontinental Title.

Because of how much hot potatoeing that has gone on with the IC Title, I can see how it'd be a "step back" but as he did with the WWE Title, I'm sure he can bring back value to the IC title.

He doesn't need a title run to be relevant. Don't get me wrong I love the idea of brining credibility bad to the IC title, and with a lengthy run he can give a lot or mid carders a legitimate chance to showcase their talents. But it'll benefit mainly the mid carders and the IC title, and not Punk. If I were a writer I would've had a long term plan for Punk, but too bad they're more short term and on the fly today.
As hot as DBry is right now, don't you guys think Punk should in DBry's position vs. the New Corporation much like when SCSA went against the McMahons for all those years? 

Would be interesting if Paul/Axel somehow aligned themselves with the New Corp. and we had a small face stable of Punk/DBry with Big Show and Ziggy to handle the Shield
Just finished watching Cesaro/zayn match. No idea why people said this was match of the year. I enjoyed it but the hype was too much.
^^^ Not bad, but c'mon he should've been capturing Bayleys mass.

Oh he does, you can see him creepin in the corner :lol:

Can't embed :\


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