Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

Sting vs. Taker=Me willing to pay 100 bucks for a ppv..Man I can't help it, Sting is just my "always want to see him involved in wrestling" guy..To some it's SCSA or HBK or Hitman or UT..For me it's Sting..

DC, you can't even tell me you wouldn't flip your lid if Muta showed up at Mania to face Punk or Bryan or some other big name..That one-off factor is hard to deny..
Man I'm not trying to see Muta in a WWE ring. Maybe if this was 1996, but now. Nah. I would be mad because he wouldn't be at his best and folks would ask me, "THIS is the dude you always talked about." :lol:
Man I'm not trying to see Muta in a WWE ring. Maybe if this was 1996, but now. Nah. I would be mad because he wouldn't be at his best and folks would ask me, "THIS is the dude you always talked about." :lol:

UT isn't in his prime but yet puts on that 1 show stealing match each year..And even though Sting, and Taker, are old, I still think it could be a great match..I absolutely wound't want him to get a title shot or be put into big multi-match program..But, damnit, that one big match would be awesome..
Jumpman as long as he can still go. I think Taker is older than that and he had the best match at Mania.

And I know it's a pipe dream but if WWE manages to get Sting and Taker to wrestle at 31......shut up and take my money!
Man low-ki, this conversation is becoming very Samuray Del Sol-ish. If you get my drift. :nerd: :lol:
Nobody really knows Muta unless you know Japanese wrestling. His WCW stuff wasn't impactful enough. Knees are shot, dont need to see him wrestle anymore(wish he'd stop)
Nobody really knows Muta unless you know Japanese wrestling. His WCW stuff wasn't impactful enough. Knees are shot, dont need to see him wrestle anymore(wish he'd stop)

Seriously??..Nobody knows Muta?..WCW stuff wasn't impactful?..:smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:

also repped. spent the last 30 mins or so reading (well reading, and looking up references/clicking on the footnotes :lol:). really good insight, from an honest HHH. i love how he hates that everyone/the IWC thinks he buries people :lol:

also that generico/cesaro match got taken down, didnt get a chance to watch :frown: will try to find a reup
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Nobody really knows Muta unless you know Japanese wrestling. His WCW stuff wasn't impactful enough. Knees are shot, dont need to see him wrestle anymore(wish he'd stop)

Seriously??..Nobody knows Muta?..WCW stuff wasn't impactful?..:smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh::smh:

People's lasting image of Muta in WCW

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Bruh I went to type up replies to these posts but my intoxication won't let eme. Can't 'eem contribute to my topic of duiscuission.

*note to self..: if you look at this post tomorrow, remember to watch generico vs. csearo*

EDIT: generico vs. cesaro
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Seems like Vince looks at Triple H more as a son than Shane lol

Sometimes when you've been in a family business for too long, you get sick of it or want to create your own path. It might be hard to see it that way because it would be a dream come true for most of us here to be in his position.
Seems like Vince looks at Triple H more as a son than Shane lol

Sometimes when you've been in a family business for too long, you get sick of it or want to create your own path. It might be hard to see it that way because it would be a dream come true for most of us here to be in his position.

Yea I could definitely see that. Probably wanted to follow his own path. Nothing wrong with that...
The thing that I took away most from the interview was something actually quite motivating.

Here is someone that "seized the moment," and took advantage of the opportunity when Russo left.

When Russo bounced, HHH told Vince, "I understand how creative works. You can't bounce ideas off yourself. So if you want to bounce ideas off me, I'm happy to just hear you out and give you my opinion. Not saying you need it, just saying it's there."

It's kind of kiss ***-ish, but look where HHH is now. :lol:
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The thing that I took away most from the interview was something actually quite motivating.

Here is someone that "seized the moment," and took advantage of the opportunity when Russo left.

When Russo bounced, HHH told Vince, "I understand how creative works. You can't bounce ideas off yourself. So if you want to bounce ideas off me, I'm happy to just hear you out and give you my opinion. Not saying you need it, just saying it's there."

It's kind of kiss ***-ish, but look where HHH is now. :lol:

Tripe H makes all the right moves. :lol:. I still think he's quite underrated and underappreciated in the ring.
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So Sting never came to WWF cuz he always thought he had to start from the bottom to his way up. He saw Booker T get verbally buried by the Rock in his debut :lol: and DDP not being respected as a main eventer.

But then I remember rumors of Sting vs. Rock at SummerSlam'02 before Rock vs. Brock.

Sting is dumb for wasting his time in TNA and passing on the matches against the WWE greats. He's always considered one of the greatest, but since he never made that transition listening to former WWE dudes telling him not to go there (only for them to go ironically) I can't put him in up there.
The thing that I took away most from the interview was something actually quite motivating.

Here is someone that "seized the moment," and took advantage of the opportunity when Russo left.

When Russo bounced, HHH told Vince, "I understand how creative works. You can't bounce ideas off yourself. So if you want to bounce ideas off me, I'm happy to just hear you out and give you my opinion. Not saying you need it, just saying it's there."

It's kind of kiss ***-ish, but look where HHH is now. :lol:

Tripe H makes all the right moves. :lol:. I still think he's quite underrated and underappreciated in the ring.

View media item 550590
The thing that I took away most from the interview was something actually quite motivating.

Here is someone that "seized the moment," and took advantage of the opportunity when Russo left.

When Russo bounced, HHH told Vince, "I understand how creative works. You can't bounce ideas off yourself. So if you want to bounce ideas off me, I'm happy to just hear you out and give you my opinion. Not saying you need it, just saying it's there."

It's kind of kiss ***-ish, but look where HHH is now. :lol:

Tripe H makes all the right moves. :lol:. I still think he's quite underrated and underappreciated in the ring.

View media item 550590

Don't tell me Triple H was not :pimp: during the DX days and especially when he was heel.
That HHH interview was pretty good..I just don't understand why dude continues to trash Mick Foley..And it came across that he hated the Attitude Era..But the AE is where he made his name and a good chunk of his glory..
That HHH interview was pretty good..I just don't understand why dude continues to trash Mick Foley..And it came across that he hated the Attitude Era..But the AE is where he made his name and a good chunk of his glory..

Maybe because he was overshadowed by The likes of Stonecold and The Rock.
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