Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

Damn, Bayley has a phatty.

Was on a random diva tumblr, and saw some pics of Tamina. Forgot she was even on the roster :lol:
Two things:

1. *fantasy booking alert* CM Punk wins the IC title and holds it til WM where he faces whoever the WWE or WH champion is in a title vs. title match.  Have Punk have his main event WM moment, have him forfeit the IC strap the next night with a tournament to follow.  CM Punk goes over at WM and gets his moment and the IC championship is coveted and (more) legitimate.

2. There isn't one thing that Sami Zayn is doing right now that wouldn't be a million times better and more over if he were El Generico or El Local or whatever.  I would've loved to have been in the creative meeting where someone said "Let's take the mask off of him and give him a generic name.  Genius."
Oh he does, you can see him creepin in the corner

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 I can look at them all day..

Didn't WWE have Mickie James like as some possessed fan of some diva when they first brought her up? I can see them doing something similar with Bayley. 
:wink:  I can look at them all day..

Didn't WWE have Mickie James like as some possessed fan of some diva when they first brought her up? I can see them doing something similar with Bayley. 

Won't happen with the PG ways but if that ends up doing a remake of this, then :pimp: :evil:
:wink:  I can look at them all day..

Didn't WWE have Mickie James like as some possessed fan of some diva when they first brought her up? I can see them doing something similar with Bayley. 
I dont remember anything about mickie james but I know they brought in tori in the 90s as an obsessed sable fan
And then what would propose Punk do next?

Being realistic Punk is done with the WWE Title until at least Elimination Chamber in February 2014

No Taker. No Brock. No Trips. No Shield. So unless the WWE signs some random big past name to feud with him, he's pretty much in limbo for the rest of the year.

So his only two options unless he takes extended time off are a run at the World Heavyweight Title or a run at the Intercontinental Title.

Because of how much hot potatoeing that has gone on with the IC Title, I can see how it'd be a "step back" but as he did with the WWE Title, I'm sure he can bring back value to the IC title.
bring in luke gallows and joey mercury as the new paul heyman guys. problem solved. punk going against his best friend and his disciple would make things personal and emotional and keep him busy until the RR. even have heyman bring in punks real parents (actors maybe?) into the mix. i think punk's a good enough actor to fake cry and show drama. punk vs heyman could reach eddie guerrero/ rey mysterio/dominic level if they continue to add parts to it. 
Does anyone care for Smackdown anymore?

Plus is sounds like their playing fake audience cheers.

Things I want to see

*Get the belt off of Del Rio
*Make the US and Intercontinental belt something meaningful
*You have a lot of talent within in the tag division let's get some good matches going like with Edge/Christian, Hardys, and Dudley Boyz
*do something with AJ too

I feel like Raw only the first ten and last ten minutes matter. I don't feel like they have enough legitimately going on with the talent.

And honestly I'm tired of the cross branding too. I know Raw is 3 hours why not just have some random stories going on. Plus I never feel the need to EVER watch Smackdown b/c they all come to Raw.
As hot as DBry is right now, don't you guys think Punk should in DBry's position vs. the New Corporation much like when SCSA went against the McMahons for all those years? 

Would be interesting if Paul/Axel somehow aligned themselves with the New Corp. and we had a small face stable of Punk/DBry with Big Show and Ziggy to handle the Shield
if this was two years ago, it would work. but punk had a very long title run recently. just like cena, not a lot of people are interested to see the same guys chase the belt. 

i like to see heyman guys support triple h's corp and then, turn around and backstab them when they get the opening and claim their dominance kind of like mario in the wire. 
1. So all of this hype before hand and Big E and Dolph are wrestling singles matches on Smackdown? I thought this was supposed to be a REAL program. And then they have a 5 min match? WHY!

2. Listen to Big E's grunts.

3. Big E is going to mess his shoulder up man. He does this corner spear/miss every damn match he wrestles.
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Watching some show called 'The Voice Versus' on AXS tv and the featured guest is Stone Cold. Really cool watch, I'll see if I can find it online and post it up in here.

Says Scott Hall and the Rock took the best Stunner bumps, and said Vince sold it the worst :lol:

Damn, I want to be watching Raw one night and hear his glass shatter just one more time :wow: :pimp:
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Christian's new shirt is awful. It looks like the Marvel vs Capcom 2 screen when everybody is doing their specials. And the lame "One More Match" slogan :x
Now Show and Henry :rofl: dude was challenging for the wwe title and now he's with the fun loving giant.
So I started a podcast project with a friend who watches wrestling with me. I stopped watching wrestling in 2000 and just started again at Royal Rumble 2012 because my brother in law bought it and I happened to be at the house. Before Summer of 2000 I was a huge wrestling fan. Traveled all around for ecw events. Went to every raw and nitro in my town. Watched every ppv etc. I got disillusioned with it when my favorite wrestler turned into a biker and my favorite promotion folded.
Well my friend gets upset when he makes reference to something that happened between summer of 2000 and winter of 2012 because I have no idea what he's talking about. He put together a list of matches he deems important and we are going to watch them together for my first time and record our conversation throughout. He thought it would be of interest to other wrestling fans to hear my reaction and his explanation.
We recorded our first episode tonight with the 6 man hell in a cell from armageddon 2000 and we'll be going on from there. Any suggestions for matches we should do?
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