Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

That HHH interview was pretty good..I just don't understand why dude continues to trash Mick Foley..And it came across that he hated the Attitude Era..But the AE is where he made his name and a good chunk of his glory..

Maybe because he was overshadowed by The likes of Stonecold and The Rock.

Exactly. No matter how many times he went over both of em, or how many more accolades he had over Rock & Austin, he knew deep inside he'd never be as big as them.

Don't tell me Triple H was not :pimp: during the DX days and especially when he was heel.

I'm teasing cuz Bret Hart said he never had a memorable match and basically we was weak.
Anyone in NTWT make avys still? :nerd:

And I kinda feel responsible for starting the Bayley NTWT phenomenon. :lol: :smh:

Damn proud too :smokin

Bruh I went to type up replies to these posts but my intoxication won't let eme. Can't 'eem contribute to my topic of duiscuission. :smh: :smh:

*note to self..: if you look at this post tomorrow, remember to watch generico vs. csearo*

EDIT: generico vs. cesaro

Another one claimed by the 4loko lifestyle. :smh:

And on a final note..saw the Cesaro/Zayn match, and it was fantastic(the whole show was pretty good). MOTY candidate for sure, not the clear cut leader though.
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Funniest part in the Grantland article was the DDP/Wade Keller exchange. Mark Madden is still burying DD-me to this day.
Seems like Vince looks at Triple H more as a son than Shane lol

Sometimes when you've been in a family business for too long, you get sick of it or want to create your own path. It might be hard to see it that way because it would be a dream come true for most of us here to be in his position.

Having vince for a boss will have most of us tying a noose or looking at barrel of a shotgun after a few years.
- While The Ultimate Warrior was in Los Angeles for WWE 2K14 business over SummerSlam weekend, he reportedly met with Vince McMahon. No word yet on what was discussed or how the meeting went.

- CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman is being advertised for Monday’s RAW. Word is that the Intercontinental Title may be on the line for this match.

- Ryback is in line for a major push coming out of his current bullying gimmick. Those who work in WWE merchandising have been told to go heavy on coming up with ideas for him. Usually when they get that word it means not just a big push but a babyface turn.

- WWE apparently changed the planned finish to the CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar SummerSlam match in the middle of last week. This could be because The Undertaker has agreed to work Lesnar at WrestleMania XXX and if that’s going to be one of the main events, Lesnar had no business losing at SummerSlam and going into WrestleMania with a 2-3 record.

- As seen on RAW, John Cena mentioned that he was advised to skip SummerSlam and cancel the Daniel Bryan match because of his elbow injury. Cena was telling the truth there. He insisted on doing the match and putting Bryan over before taking time off to have surgery. Cena’s rehab will be part of the storylines on several new episodes of WWE Total Divas.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
- While The Ultimate Warrior was in Los Angeles for WWE 2K14 business over SummerSlam weekend, he reportedly met with Vince McMahon. No word yet on what was discussed or how the meeting went.

I'm so ready to buy the HoF ticket that this man gets inducted in. Make it happen already.
- Ryback is in line for a major push coming out of his current bullying gimmick. Those who work in WWE merchandising have been told to go heavy on coming up with ideas for him. Usually when they get that word it means not just a big push but a babyface turn.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Yea, that's exactly what Ryback needs while he's perfecting this bullying gimmick :rolleyes :stoneface:
Yes....Yes, he does. I wonder what kind of reaction he'd get. I hope he does it in one of the "hot" cities and not one of the deader crowds.

If it's NY, CHI, PHI, huge pop. He hasn't been on WWE tv since like 96. I can see him taking a shot at Hogan :lol:

He could mention Macho Man, Perfect, Rude. Dudes he feuded with that passed away.
- Ryback is in line for a major push coming out of his current bullying gimmick. Those who work in WWE merchandising have been told to go heavy on coming up with ideas for him. Usually when they get that word it means not just a big push but a babyface turn.

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Yea, that's exactly what Ryback needs while he's perfecting this bullying gimmick :rolleyes :stoneface:

Exactly what I was thinking :lol:
Watching the Invasion PPV and came across this gem:


Completely awful match but so damn entertaining. Hebner looked like he got shot with the first slap he took 
Raven vs William Regal from Invasion was the worst match I've ever seen by two guys I'm a fan of. It's like they wrestled each other's style and failed miserably.
AJ Styles needs to have at least one WWE run. I knows he sees the success of Danielson and Punk, and he can't help but feel like that could've been his spot. There's not much else he can do in TNA.

How do you guys feel?
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Nobody wants to see THE Sting.
Nobody wants to see THE Goldberg.

Let those dudes Rest in Peace.

(Where you are Case
Sting vs. Taker=Me willing to pay 100 bucks for a ppv..Man I can't help it, Sting is just my "always want to see him involved in wrestling" guy..To some it's SCSA or HBK or Hitman or UT..For me it's Sting..

DC, you can't even tell me you wouldn't flip your lid if Muta showed up at Mania to face Punk or Bryan or some other big name..That one-off factor is hard to deny..
MUTA IN 2014 WWE?  Christ, do you ever stop?  I'm convinced you are just a troll.
AJ Styles needs to have at least one WWE run. I knows he sees the success of Danielson and Punk, and he can't help but feel like that could've been his spot. There's not much else he can do in TNA.

How do you guys feel?
I'd be cool with that... But is there any room for him in the WWE. With all they guys they have at NXT (Generico, Kruger, Ohno, etc.) I don't think it's the right time. I know they're recently giving pushed to the "small guy" but they just have a lot going on right now.

BUT if they do sign him, they need to push him heavy as a top baby face. He'd help a lot with the lack of faces now.
AJ Styles needs to have at least one WWE run. I knows he sees the success of Danielson and Punk, and he can't help but feel like that could've been his spot. There's not much else he can do in TNA.

How do you guys feel?

I agree with you. I think his success is how WWE package him. That going rogue thing he's doing with TNA will not work in the WWE.
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