Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

Can anyone give a quick recap of the ending of the dbry match???

Bryan beats Cena via running knee to the face. Bryan and HHH celebrate in the ring. Fireworks and confetti even go off. Orton comes down with the briefcase but turns back around as if he's leaving. HHH with the 'digree (LOL) on Bryan. Orton cashes in and pins Bryan.
Good PPV but weak ending. Hopefully Bryan gets a legit run. I'm tired of Orton unless he's back at FULL HEEL
That was about what I expected from the ending. It'll be better for Bryan to chase Orton anyways and give him an actual storyline (unless they do him like Orton after SS 04 :smh:)

Sick match though. The running knee at the end was vicious, nothing anticlimatic about it. BOMA YE!
Not happy with the ending, but I can't say I didn't see it coming. Still, if booked right moving forward this would be good for D Bry. The title-chasing baby face that has to go up against all odds.

Did not think they were going to go the predictable route. Still, that was great.

Evolution 2.0 might actually happen :lol:
Guess there was a reason as well for the Bow down to the Game theme being played tonight as well. It is Evolution 2.0. HBK to come out of retirement for Vince?????

Right now, there's 2 ppl i see representing VKM at WM30 vs HHH.


Who knows who WWE signs or calls up between now and then, though.
this has all the writings of what they did with Jeff Hardy except he didn't deserve it

Bryan deserves it but they are treading thin waters if they ruin this chance and he just jobs a couple PPV's to Orton
i wouldn't mind a Corporation or maybe a Evolution stable in this day and age, they need some kind of edge back in the WWE. it's been getting better this year.
Bruh if they use my fantasy booking scenario for Cena vs. Bryan this might just end up being the best PPV evah. EVAH.
I guess it kinda makes sense cuz of the rift Orton and Bryan had when they were doing the weak link gimmick with Kane. There was unresolved tension there that they can revisit, but man I really thought they were going to let him hold it for at least a night :lol:

Ah well, great Summerslam
Cena is still one of the best big match wrestlers ever. Say what you will about how stale his character is or his periodic no-selling, the guy almost always delivers in the main event.

He put on a great match tonight.
Overall a good show. This was the first wrestling PPV I have watched from start to finish since Summerslam 2000. It was way too obvious Orton was going to cash in with how DB and HHH was still in the ring celebrating. Someone mentioned earlier about Batista being involved. It looks like another former Evolution member decided to get involved instead. I am sure we will see Orton aka Corporate Champ, HHH and Vince come out tomorrow to open the show. DB will get his rematch at NOC and probably lose again with some type of interference from HHH or Vince. He will eventually beat Orton clean and get the title though. This is twice WWE has done this to DB.
As much as I dislike Cena in the ring, I must say this is one of his best showings
Gotta disagree here.  Thought he didn't have a very good match until the very end.  You could tell his elbow was killing him which really held him back.
Great PPV, take away the divas and the kane match and this was the best wrestled wwe PPV in recent memory
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