Wrestling Thread Aug 4-10 | 8/7 Breaking WWE News - Alberto Del Rio FIRED

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Shield vs Wyatts would've been gold had they made that an extended feud. Singles matches, tag matches, 3-on-3 matches...not to mention the type of match.

Why have they not added anyone to the Wyatt's? Think back to the Ministry. They took bums and made you interested by abducting them and turning them evil.

WWE blew their chance when they kidnapped Kane and then nothing happened. Like WTF was the point? this is what peep was saying and ive been trying to say. Pointless meaningless matches and feuds and stories that go nowhere and have the complexity of an episode of Blue's Clues.

Seriously, nothing at all came of that. I could have sworn Kane faced Bray, Rowan, or Harper a week or two later and they didn't even address that kidnapping.
Seriously, nothing at all came of that. I could have sworn Kane faced Bray, Rowan, or Harper a week or two later and they didn't even address that kidnapping.

Exactly I was like ' Yessss finally something cool' .. then nothing Kane came back and didnt even interact with Bray after that.
Kane needs to retire seriously. What more can they do with this character with this current storyline? Just by monday he is either going to interfere in the Orton match and cost him it or interfere in the Steph match and turn on the Authority and become face. BORING BORING BORING. I say this every monday while watching it, this monster heel who makes sure orton wins matches should of been given to someone else to get a new character over. Instead they give it to a guy who is the longest active guy on the roster. smh Vince smh
Are they going to reveal the whole roster for 2k15? or just parts of it? also whats this they wont have the my career mode for ps3 only ps4. SMH
The roster reveal is the August 16th, the day before Summerfest.

Yeah the new career mode is only for current gen (similar to what 2k did with NBA 2k14). The developers have hinted at another game mode for last gen consoles.
I was in Boston this past week. Missed RAW. Looking at clips on the WWE Youtube page.

1. So Kane turned in his mask AGAIN? SO is it going to sit in the glass case again? I don't understand.

2. Dolph beat Cesaro? Ok............

3. Heath SLater beat Seth? Ok.......

4. Ambrose was acting like a damn fool. Dude is entertianing man.

5. 9.99............sad. But I understand
Kane should've faded to black either after the Hug It Out phase, or after wrestling in his yard cleaning gear. He looks finished. In better (looking) shape than he was back in like 06 when he was doughy, but just movement wise and storyline wise, he's done. He's had a long fulfilling career and im sorry but he needs to go :lol:
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I was in Boston this past week. Missed RAW. Looking at clips on the WWE Youtube page.

1. So Kane turned in his mask AGAIN? SO is it going to sit in the glass case again? I don't understand.

2. Dolph beat Cesaro? Ok............

3. Heath SLater beat Seth? Ok.......

4. Ambrose was acting like a damn fool. Dude is entertianing man.

5. 9.99............sad. But I understand

1. exactly. And why did he do it? It was kind of out of nowhere. He lost to Roman and just said F it i quit? poor story telling.

2. All the dirt sheets are saying that Cesaro is still in line for a huge push? I hope so. This guy can wrestle his *** off, and is old school which not many are anymore.

3. This guy is Mr MITB but gets distracted by Jeans running around and making noise and pouring popcorn in the briefcase? And distracts him enough to lose to the lowest guy in the company? another weak point.

4. Ambrose is the best and most complete guy on the roster, I just hope they give him some creativity and say into his own character, because if not he will be just another generic guy who almost made it to the top

5. After awhile they had to be just trollling because this 9.99 thing took twitter by storm. but yea 9.99 they were pushing it like them bums that beg for change off the I-95 off ramp...
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The whole, "Get distracted by someone on the outside of the ring and LOSE" nonsense HAS to stop. That is some stuff you see in a damn Road Runner/Willie Coyote commercial or something.

Which grown man is going to seriously lose focus and get rolled up. Too many roll up finishes in WWE while I am at it.

Also, why do people have control of when their entrance music plays? The person that is usually doing the distracting has their music played. I mean why that happen? Again, we aren't stupid man
The whole, "Get distracted by someone on the outside of the ring and LOSE" nonsense HAS to stop. That is some stuff you see in a damn Road Runner/Willie Coyote commercial or something.

Which grown man is going to seriously lose focus and get rolled up. Too many roll up finishes in WWE while I am at it.

Also, why do people have control of when their entrance music plays? The person that is usually doing the distracting has their music played. I mean why that happen? Again, we aren't stupid man

I know you wish NWA was still around LOL, my dad was saying it to me today. 'Son nothing will ever be like the NWA in the 80s, nothing.'
I agree with you 100%. Vince is basically pooplng all over the legacy of this business and sport. No wonder why Bruno hated/hates Vince.

If Vince doesn't sell the company and when he eventually croaks or becomes so old that he can't function, is that when we are going to see this next boom? Or atleast a complete 180 of the way the show is presented?

1. Vince doesn't care about the business or the sport..Vince is, was, and always will be ashamed of being in the wrestling business..I mean think about it, how many times have you seen the clip of the Vince interview talking about his infamous convo. with Teddy Turner?..He says (and I'm paraphrasing) "Ted calls me up and says "Vince I'm in the wrasslin' business"..To which Vince says "Good for you Ted, but I'm in the entertainment business"..You can tell just by that little piece of the story that Vince hates being associated with pro wrestling..That's why he went from World Wrestling Federation to WWF to World Wreslting Entertainment to WWE..And he's is desperate, by the time he dies, for people to call him "the head of a multi-media empire"..Unlike his father, VKM Jr. isn't happy being a wrestling promoter..I've always felt like the inclusions of Lauper, Ali, Martin, Rose, Tyson, Carrey, Anderson/McCarthy and all the other celebs/athletes is a desperate attempt for him to seem like anything but a "wrestling guy"..And that's why people can't say words like wrestling, wrestler, contest, belt, or wrestle..They have to say sports entertainment, sports entertainer, match, title, or fight..

2. I've been saying for 3 yrs that WWE is doomed until Vince either dies or retires..He has no passion anymore..I don't even think the man likes going to work anymore..And even when he's dead and Trips or a Board of Directors takes over it still won't make much of a difference..WWE will never be any better than it is now until is gets the 1 thing it needs the most..And that gentlemen is COMPETITION..

3. My 2 cents on how I view the current product is this: It's not even the fact that the product is PG rated..It's the fact that it's a show of buzzwords..It's like there's a quota for a certain set of words that have to be met each show..WWE App, WWE Network, WWE Universe, trending worldwide, etc etc etc..That's, to me, what makes the whole "For just 9.99 a month" so damn funny..Cause as soon as I heard it, I instantly thought to myself "damn now they're going to have to say that 4 times per segment"..LOL..

4. I don't give 2 S***s in a bucket who the writers are, but at least 1 former professional wrestler have to have a major voice in the creative meetings..And I ain't talking about people like Finlay, Mercury, Malenko, or Kidman..I'm talking about a legit guy who was at, or near, the top of the business for an extended period of time..It'd be easy for them to hire Flair, Foley, Booker, or Taker to be a VP of Creative..

That's all I got..I took all my meds about 1/2 hr. ago and they're all kickin' in at the same time..So if none of this makes sense, then blame my medical team.. :tongue:
1. Vince doesn't care about the business or the sport..Vince is, was, and always will be ashamed of being in the wrestling business..I mean think about it, how many times have you seen the clip of the Vince interview talking about his infamous convo. with Teddy Turner?..He says (and I'm paraphrasing) "Ted calls me up and says "Vince I'm in the wrasslin' business"..To which Vince says "Good for you Ted, but I'm in the entertainment business"..You can tell just by that little piece of the story that Vince hates being associated with pro wrestling..That's why he went from World Wrestling Federation to WWF to World Wreslting Entertainment to WWE..And he's is desperate, by the time he dies, for people to call him "the head of a multi-media empire"..Unlike his father, VKM Jr. isn't happy being a wrestling promoter..I've always felt like the inclusions of Lauper, Ali, Martin, Rose, Tyson, Carrey, Anderson/McCarthy and all the other celebs/athletes is a desperate attempt for him to seem like anything but a "wrestling guy"..And that's why people can't say words like wrestling, wrestler, contest, belt, or wrestle..They have to say sports entertainment, sports entertainer, match, title, or fight..

2. I've been saying for 3 yrs that WWE is doomed until Vince either dies or retires..He has no passion anymore..I don't even think the man likes going to work anymore..And even when he's dead and Trips or a Board of Directors takes over it still won't make much of a difference..WWE will never be any better than it is now until is gets the 1 thing it needs the most..And that gentlemen is COMPETITION..

3. My 2 cents on how I view the current product is this: It's not even the fact that the product is PG rated..It's the fact that it's a show of buzzwords..It's like there's a quota for a certain set of words that have to be met each show..WWE App, WWE Network, WWE Universe, trending worldwide, etc etc etc..That's, to me, what makes the whole "For just 9.99 a month" so damn funny..Cause as soon as I heard it, I instantly thought to myself "damn now they're going to have to say that 4 times per segment"..LOL..

4. I don't give 2 S***s in a bucket who the writers are, but at least 1 former professional wrestler have to have a major voice in the creative meetings..And I ain't talking about people like Finlay, Mercury, Malenko, or Kidman..I'm talking about a legit guy who was at, or near, the top of the business for an extended period of time..It'd be easy for them to hire Flair, Foley, Booker, or Taker to be a VP of Creative..

That's all I got..I took all my meds about 1/2 hr. ago and they're all kickin' in at the same time..So if none of this makes sense, then blame my medical team.. :tongue:

old guy meds?
Peep, or somebody.

I just listened to Jeff Hardy's interview from the Law.

I told yall before that he is one of my favorite American wrestlers of all time. But as with many, when he went to TNA I didn't follow him.

Top 5 best Jeff Hardy TNA matches

1. Vince doesn't care about the business or the sport..Vince is, was, and always will be ashamed of being in the wrestling business..I mean think about it, how many times have you seen the clip of the Vince interview talking about his infamous convo. with Teddy Turner?..He says (and I'm paraphrasing) "Ted calls me up and says "Vince I'm in the wrasslin' business"..To which Vince says "Good for you Ted, but I'm in the entertainment business"..You can tell just by that little piece of the story that Vince hates being associated with pro wrestling..That's why he went from World Wrestling Federation to WWF to World Wreslting Entertainment to WWE..And he's is desperate, by the time he dies, for people to call him "the head of a multi-media empire"..Unlike his father, VKM Jr. isn't happy being a wrestling promoter..I've always felt like the inclusions of Lauper, Ali, Martin, Rose, Tyson, Carrey, Anderson/McCarthy and all the other celebs/athletes is a desperate attempt for him to seem like anything but a "wrestling guy"..And that's why people can't say words like wrestling, wrestler, contest, belt, or wrestle..They have to say sports entertainment, sports entertainer, match, title, or fight..

2. I've been saying for 3 yrs that WWE is doomed until Vince either dies or retires..He has no passion anymore..I don't even think the man likes going to work anymore..And even when he's dead and Trips or a Board of Directors takes over it still won't make much of a difference..WWE will never be any better than it is now until is gets the 1 thing it needs the most..And that gentlemen is COMPETITION..

3. My 2 cents on how I view the current product is this: It's not even the fact that the product is PG rated..It's the fact that it's a show of buzzwords..It's like there's a quota for a certain set of words that have to be met each show..WWE App, WWE Network, WWE Universe, trending worldwide, etc etc etc..That's, to me, what makes the whole "For just 9.99 a month" so damn funny..Cause as soon as I heard it, I instantly thought to myself "damn now they're going to have to say that 4 times per segment"..LOL..

4. I don't give 2 S***s in a bucket who the writers are, but at least 1 former professional wrestler have to have a major voice in the creative meetings..And I ain't talking about people like Finlay, Mercury, Malenko, or Kidman..I'm talking about a legit guy who was at, or near, the top of the business for an extended period of time..It'd be easy for them to hire Flair, Foley, Booker, or Taker to be a VP of Creative..

That's all I got..I took all my meds about 1/2 hr. ago and they're all kickin' in at the same time..So if none of this makes sense, then blame my medical team.. :tongue:

What state would the company be in now if Shane chose this life instead of his other life? If he was in the position Stephanie is in? If i was Vince i would give the reigns to Heyman and say, 'cook'.

But you are 10000% correct. Vince never loved the business. And always used it as a platform to leap into other genres of entertainment. Like B grade movies, terrible rap covers of entrance music.

Without competition in any business companies become bored and stale. But i just dont think vince has it anymore. He is too outdated to even have any grip left. But i agree how they do not have 75% of the writers ex wrestlers or guys who were atleast involved during boom periods is beyond me.
The Heyman documentary was alright. Maybe if I hadn't listened to the Jericho podcast with him, I would like it more. The ECW portion wasn't nothing we haven't really seen before and the Smackdown portion was too short. The Jericho podcast was a little more in depth.
Peep, or somebody.

I just listened to Jeff Hardy's interview from the Law.

I told yall before that he is one of my favorite American wrestlers of all time. But as with many, when he went to TNA I didn't follow him.

Top 5 best Jeff Hardy TNA matches


his match against sting at Victory Road. 5 star match
The Heyman documentary was alright. Maybe if I hadn't listened to the Jericho podcast with him, I would like it more. The ECW portion wasn't nothing we haven't really seen before and the Smackdown portion was too short. The Jericho podcast was a little more in depth.

thats because it was a WWF documentary. Vince is like Hitler he just rewrites the parts of history that he doesnt like
thats because it was a WWF documentary. Vince is like Hitler he just rewrites the parts of history that he doesnt like

I don't think it was a matter of of revisionist history, Heyman probably wouldn't participate if that was the case. I think Heyman had the opportunity to talk about whatever he wanted, if anything Heyman would be the one revising history :lol:
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I don't think it was a matter of of revisionist history, Heyman probably wouldn't participate if that was the case. I think Heyman had the opportunity to talk about whatever he wanted.

that came out today right? I'm going to have to get my DVD guy to make me a copy of it.
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