Wrestling Thread Aug 4-10 | 8/7 Breaking WWE News - Alberto Del Rio FIRED

If Smackdown Moves to Thursdays, Are You...?

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I don't think the contract had to be on the line to make this match interesting. I am invested in it at this point just because I know the have potential to put on a 5 star match. They should start having Seth try to cash in only to have Dean ruin it like he promised he'd do when he first won it. I guess we should forget about that too
WWE seems to be in deep trouble; everything I read is how the company is failing fast

I have zero interest in Summerslam this year and I usually order the 4 main PPV's but when Brock wins the belt and defends twice until WM31 then I am good on that

He has only wrestled 125 matches in the WWE and 33 are on PPV's...what a joke :lol:

Good. Every time Vince's ego is on the line he hits a home run and changes the game. Just need somebody to get hot
If there was a NT Summit with 100% attendance, the NTWT would cut promos and deliver stunners to everyone in attendance.
The WWE 50 book is a New York Times bestseller in large part because of the amazing access I was given to all the major players past and present from WWE. Among the most insightful interviews I conducted was with Paul Heyman regarding WWE’s revival of ECW. Much of my conversation with Heyman wound up in the book, but much of the portions that aren’t in the book will end up here in the coming weeks. Here’s a snippet of our conversation, and be sure to pick up WWE 50 for more from Paul Heyman.

Did you think WWE expected the first One Night Stand pay-per-view to be as successful as it was?

Vince walks into everything he does with the hopes that it will be the biggest ever … and not just the biggest in WWE history, but in the entire history of sports, entertainment or sports-entertainment. Vince does nothing half-assed. Do I think WWE was hoping for this level of success? Absolutely. Do I think WWE anticipated it? No, I think everybody was pleasantly surprised.

An ironic piece of history that seems to have been forgotten is that the next night on Raw, Eric Bischoff said something along the lines of “I feel like that was a bad dream and I’m glad it’s over.” And the only follow-up to the show was the DVD release, which WWE rushed to capitalize on the interest. But after Eric Bischoff made that statement, as far as WWE was concerned, ECW was monetized, capitalized on and a thing of the past.

How did the relaunch of the ECW brand happen?

The DVD sales of the pay-per-view were spectacular, and Shane McMahon was interested in relaunching the brand with distribution happening exclusively on the web, which was a completely different concept in terms of distribution than anything WWE was doing at the time. So slowly Shane was given the go-ahead to start doing a calendar and budget for this new concept. But as interest from license holders and networks and other forms of ancillary revenue streams increased, Vince got more and more involved and wanted to blow it up as much as possible.

I never thought ECW should’ve been brought back past the original One Night Stand. And the only reason why I thought the second pay-per-view was a good idea was because it was Rob Van Dam challenging for the big title. And in ECW, that was always a big deal. So the concept came up of running a pay-per-view in Hammerstein Ballroom with Rob Van Dam facing either Triple H or John Cena, who we could paint as the anti-ECW persona. It was almost fantasy booking because I knew that it would lead to one of the most unique, passionate, volatile atmospheres ever presented on WWE pay-per-view. But to resurrect the brand in 2006 was an impossibility because if you gave it a WWE-sanitized spin, the audience would reject it. But you couldn’t go back to what we were doing in the 1990s because the culture had changed and the style was not applicable anymore.
are we going to have a contest fr SS?
we still dont know who won wrestlemania 
Yo I completely forgot about the prediction contests :lol:

DC, I'll post a handful of matches in a bit
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