Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

After reading that Tyler Reks interview, I wonder how much Seth, Bryan and other guys get paid. Especially compared to some of the big names on the Indy/ Japanese wrestling circuit. Also that sucks pwtees takes long to ship stuff, I was right bout to order some stuff from em too smh
After reading that Tyler Reks interview, I wonder how much Seth, Bryan and other guys get paid. Especially compared to some of the big names on the Indy/ Japanese wrestling circuit. Also that sucks pwtees takes long to ship stuff, I was right bout to order some stuff from em too smh

Wwe talent makes more than Indy wrestlers yearly but they work 5-6 days a week the whole day. Always on the road and like the interview said talent pays everything for themselves. You know the divas are no where near that 100 grand a year :smh:
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Well I have to hit up amazon and my elf tomorrow... This sucks...

Whoever stole my package will be confused as ****... A couple wrestling books, a vinyl pop, furry handcuffs and butt plug...
So John Cena has always been a douche then, hardly surprised.

Wrestling INC: I have to ask about your issues about John Cena, and him lashing out at you for using the Burning Hammer finisher. What happened there?
Tuft: Well, we were at a house show and I was working Eddie Colon, who I knew pretty well. We were second or third on the card and I was going over using the Burning Hammer. When I put him up, he's supposed to be looking at the ceiling. It's like a moonsault for him and a sitout DDT for me. I don't know what we did, we were hurrying or something. He didn't land on his stomach, he landed on his back and it kind of looked like an F-U (Attitude Adjustment.) We were like, "oh crap, John Cena is going to be pissed." We got to the back and John Cena was looking at a monitor and was just like, "ah, Reks. You're going to have to find a new finisher." He kind of smirked at me and I thought he was joking. I told him, "yeah man, sorry about that. It kind of got screwed up and we'll make it right tomorrow." I thought he was suggesting we get it right, not to make it look like his.
Personally I think the Burning Hammer-- my version of it-- looks way better than an F-U (laughs). I had approval from Vince and Arn and everybody. In a pre-session Arn asked me what my finisher was, and I said a Burning Hammer. He was like "It's a WHAT?!" and Dustin/Goldust goes, "here man I'll help you with it." Arn asked if he was sure, and we had this whole thing where agents were watching and John Cena was at the announce table and they had me give it to a bunch of different guys. Arn asked if Goldust was okay, and he said yes and it was easy to take. Arn said I was cleared to use it, and nobody said anything.
I used it at Bragging Rights 2010 and John was literally across the ring from me when I hit Santino Marella with it and never said anything to me then. I'd been using it for 8 months on Superstars and everything before all this. I come backstage happy after a good match with Eddie all excited and John grabs me in front of everyone and says, "what do you think you're doing? I thought I told you to get a new finisher." I said, "yeah, I thought you were joking John. We hit it wrong last night. I'm really sorry." He started yelling at me asking who gave me permission to use that. He belittled me, called me an idiot, and asked me if I enjoyed working here. I told him of course I do. He told me, "find another finisher or you're fired." I was humiliated, I was a full-grown man, why can't we talk about this like human beings?
I went outside to cool down, and I was ready to quit, to walk out. That didn't seem like a healthy workplace environment. I came back in and John Cena was sitting there by the curtain and I figured that I'd cooled off and he'd cooled off so I'll try to apologize one more time. I said, "John, I'm super sorry about this. I really thought it was just a miscommunication." He looks over at me and says, "what was there to be miscommunicated? I asked you to stop using that finisher, are you stupid?" He wouldn't even allow me to apologize. Finally I was just like, yeah, I'll find another finisher. He and I never really talked after that. That's the whole story of John Cena making me feel like a six year old boy.


(the story is about Tyler Reks btw)
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Amazon has SUPER cheap sex toy stuff... The handcuffs were like 6 bucks, and when I added to the cart, the bundle with the butt plug cane up for like 5 bucks more... Whenever I order from Amazon, I always buy a thing or two to bulk up the collection...
Just watched Reks' burning hammer on YouTube. I can see how Cena would be a bit bothered, but Reks didn't continue to use it on purpose - simply a lack of communication. Interesting to see some wrestlers make such little money after all the travel, food, etc. expenses
Amazon has SUPER cheap sex toy stuff... The handcuffs were like 6 bucks, and when I added to the cart, the bundle with the butt plug cane up for like 5 bucks more... Whenever I order from Amazon, I always buy a thing or two to bulk up the collection...

How do you know that you got the right size butt plug?
Amazon has SUPER cheap sex toy stuff... The handcuffs were like 6 bucks, and when I added to the cart, the bundle with the butt plug cane up for like 5 bucks more... Whenever I order from Amazon, I always buy a thing or two to bulk up the collection...

How do you know that you got the right size butt plug?

They give width x length x circumference...

It was a nice little one with a jewel on the bottom... Girls on Fet love bejeweled butt plugs...
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I was thinking we should do a NTWT End Of Year Awards with 2 separate 'categories'

Here's how I'd do the nominations

The wrestling wing

Wrestler Of The Year:

Female Wrestler Of The Year:

Tag Team Of The Year:

Feud Of The Year:

Match Of The Year:

Show Of The Year:

Moment Of The Year:

Most Improved Wrestler:

'Rookie' Of The Year:

Worst Wrestler Of The Year:

Worst Female Of The Year:

Worst Tag Team Of The Year:

Worst Feud Of The Year:

Worst Match Of The Year:

Worst Show Of The Year:

The NTWT Wing

NTWT Member Of The Year(besides 4w):

NTWT Best Newcomer(they can be a long time NTer, but only started posting in NTWT this year, they don't have to be new new folks):

NTWT Funniest Member:

NTWT Post Of The Year(don't have to remember it word for word, it would take forever to go through posts):

NTWT Most Underrated:

Tell me what yall think
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I was thinking we should do a NTWT End Of Year Awards with 2 separate 'categories'

Here's how I'd do the nominations

The wrestling wing

Wrestler Of The Year:

Female Wrestler Of The Year:

Tag Team Of The Year:

Feud Of The Year:

Match Of The Year:

Show Of The Year:

Moment Of The Year:

Most Improved Wrestler:

'Rookie' Of The Year:

Worst Wrestler Of The Year:

Worst Female Of The Year:

Worst Tag Team Of The Year:

Worst Feud Of The Year:

Worst Match Of The Year:

Worst Show Of The Year:

The NTWT Wing

NTWT Member Of The Year(besides 4w):

NTWT Best Newcomer(they can be a long time NTer, but only started posting in NTWT this year, they don't have to be new new folks):

NTWT Funniest Member:

NTWT Post Of The Year(don't have to remember it word for word, it would take forever to go through posts):

NTWT Most Underrated:

Tell me what yall think

Yeah that would be cool but that's too much thinking :lol:

I'll contribute to some not all

Edit: I'm def newcomer of the year and still waiting for this title shot.
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Nah you don't have to answer all of them if you don't want to :lol:

But I'll keep track of all the votes(I'll prolly save them to a notepad file or something) Then when the deadline is over whatever gets the most votes will be the official NTWT Awards.

Also, ya can't vote for yourself :wink:

I guess the deadline could be like Dec 30th.

That good?
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After reading that Tyler Reks interview, I wonder how much Seth, Bryan and other guys get paid. Especially compared to some of the big names on the Indy/ Japanese wrestling circuit. Also that sucks pwtees takes long to ship stuff, I was right bout to order some stuff from em too smh
I've ordered twice first fir Vader stuff came in no problem second time for myself n it got lost in the shuffle. Prob cause of the Punk marks crashing the site.
Just peeped some Uhaa Nation clips and dude reminds me of Adrian Neville, a body guy that has a wide array of moves and can fly :smokin
They about that Bullet Club life.

Prob don't wanna deal with the schedule.

Or maybe they want Punk to work them.
i think it's more about the fact that they are making great money DOING WHAT THEY LOVE, without the ******** politics. control over their characters, moveset, ect. 

they legitimately look like they are having fun out there.

how many of the wwe talent can say that.
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