Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble


Are you a lanky white dude with long hair?... Cause I could pull off kevin Smith with ease lol...

Are you a lanky white dude with long hair?... Cause I could pull off kevin Smith with ease lol...

Nah, man I'd have to be Kevin Smith..I told y'all I'm basically Steen with both arms sleeved out..I'm shaped like a Cheerio.. :smh:
Hey guys, had a hectic past week or so. Have everything recorded and haven't watched since last Monday. Anything worth watching at all? I saw the New Day debut and pray that a heel turn in the very new future is planned for them if they don't get dismantled before they have a chance.

Are you a lanky white dude with long hair?... Cause I could pull off kevin Smith with ease lol...
Nah, man I'd have to be Kevin Smith..I told y'all I'm basically Steen with both arms sleeved out..I'm shaped like a Cheerio..

Props on the sleeves.
Just watched the most recent Monday Night Wars episode "Building an Army". Oh man....The whole episode is about how both WCW and WWE got strong by developing their midcard....I couldn't stop laughing the entire time about how they are literally doing the exact opposite of what this episode is about nowadays.
Just watched the most recent Monday Night Wars episode "Building an Army". Oh man....The whole episode is about how both WCW and WWE got strong by developing their midcard....I couldn't stop laughing the entire time about how they are literally doing the exact opposite of what this episode is about nowadays.

I swear I'm tired of seeing all this effort on the Monday night war.. How about you focus on how to fix the problems of today's product..
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just watched the bill goldberg episode of the monday night wars, i didnt know how doo doo he was since i was just a kid

Guy was, for lack of a better term, a wrecking ball inside the ring...Just a total hazard to everybody...

DDP knows...

The Match DDP was talking about...Goldberg was super lucky he didn't injure himself more than he did on that spot...

Tell me you couldn't feel the spear that Page took...

So you guys are the Nasty Boys?
View media item 1297915

Nah man we're more like Arn and Ole Anderson..We ain't the strongest, most muscular, or fastest but we're the baddest and we'll stretch anyone who says otherwise..

I suppose nasty boy would be an appropriate description of myself...

Goes and plays Nasty Boy by Biggie...

I was thinkin' more Nasty by Janet Jackson..


Props on the sleeves.


I swear I'm tired of seeing all this effort on the Monday night war.. How about you focus on how to fix the problems of today's product..

There's really no effort..It's just the DVD that they released several years ago with current roster people doing some interviews..
Via bjpenn.com:

Concerning CM Punk's 1st match,

“The matchup would matter a great deal. We are not going to put someone with no fight experience in the cage against a specialized MMA fighter … if he’s had no prior fights, that’s obviously something that would concern us.”

“Money-making potential is not something that goes into our decision making process. We have the health and safety of the fighters in mind.”

Nevada State Athletic Commission Director, Bob Bennett Tells Eliaz Cepeda of FOX Sports just how important CM Punk’s first opponent will be in the UFC’s request to get their fighter licensed.
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