Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Sons of Anarchy is over bro..Time to retire the Opie tribute..
No pause..I ain't DC so I don't worry about if people take my wording the wrong way..Besides you ain't a smark if you don't know what being stretched means..

Just messin around Young Caseford.

I know the term :pimp:
Got my secret santa gift today. Are we all waiting until Christmas or so to open?
i read a little of the mma thread last night since there was a rogan quote posted joe basically he worries about the possible brain damage done to fighters and basically implied his days with ufc are numbered. basically one of the reasons why i can't get into mma. I'm glad they got rid of the unprotected charshots in WWE. was unnecessary as well.

survey done. can't wait to see the boss do her thing tonight. i'll be as stiff as she works.
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Never really got into MMA. Always stuck to boxing and wrestling. Boxing obviously isn't the safest thing for you, but MMA always seemed a little too brutal for my liking.
Uh-Oh Vince..

One of our correspondents at last night’s WWE Tribute to the Troops and SmackDown tapings in Columbia, Georgia noted that the arena was packed with soldiers for the first few hours but a lot of them left before SmackDown was half-way over. Before the main event began, the arena was described as “sad and empty” by our correspondent.

It was also noted during the tapings that the crowd was quiet for most of SmackDown. Our correspondent added that the Troops Tribute came off a lot better than SmackDown.
Never really got into MMA. Always stuck to boxing and wrestling. Boxing obviously isn't the safest thing for you, but MMA always seemed a little too brutal for my liking.
that knee to the moneymaker 
  those cauliflower ears 
Never really got into MMA. Always stuck to boxing and wrestling. Boxing obviously isn't the safest thing for you, but MMA always seemed a little too brutal for my liking.
boxing isn't safe either but idk it just seems more humane. I'm not a boxing fan really more of a mayweather mark but idk it just seems more of an art.
boxing isn't safe either but idk it just seems more humane. I'm not a boxing fan really more of a mayweather mark but idk it just seems more of an art.

Couldn't disagree more..Boxing is worse than MMA..It's basically all head shots with weighted fists..MMA is much more of an art form than boxing..You have to learn so much and be extremely skilled in so many disciplines..And I never got the big deal about Mayweather..Dude dodges some jabs and then holds until the ref calls for a break..And then repeats that process 94 times per fight..Boxing a sport that's on it's knees and ready to die..MMA is the future..Get used to it fellas..
I get told to kick rocks for talking punk and you dudes still talking ufc don't.
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There is concern about Wyatt having suffered a possible concussion on raw when Ambrose threw chairs into the ring, hitting Wyatt in the head. No word if he passed any tests backstage.

AJ may be leaving the WWE after TLC. Her Slammy's speech came off as a farewell speech to many backstage.
boxing isn't safe either but idk it just seems more humane. I'm not a boxing fan really more of a mayweather mark but idk it just seems more of an art.

Couldn't disagree more..Boxing is worse than MMA..It's basically all head shots with weighted fists..MMA is much more of an art form than boxing..You have to learn so much and be extremely skilled in so many disciplines..And I never got the big deal about Mayweather..Dude dodges some jabs and then holds until the ref calls for a break..And then repeats that process 94 times per fight..Boxing a sport that's on it's knees and ready to die..MMA is the future..Get used to it fellas..

That's Mayweathers technique. He likes to win on points, eventhough he has KO power he plays it safe. If you watch Sugar Ray Robinson, Ali, Jones Jr. you can see more of the art form.

MMA is artistic in its own right with different fighting styles colliding, but I've seen way more barbaric matches in MMA then boxing. UFC protects fighters more now. Other organizations just make the sport look brutal.

Love em both at the end of the day.
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