Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

There is concern about Wyatt having suffered a possible concussion on raw when Ambrose threw chairs into the ring, hitting Wyatt in the head. No word if he passed any tests backstage.

AJ may be leaving the WWE after TLC. Her Slammy's speech came off as a farewell speech to many backstage.
nothing a z pack can't fix
There is concern about Wyatt having suffered a possible concussion on raw when Ambrose threw chairs into the ring, hitting Wyatt in the head. No word if he passed any tests backstage.

AJ may be leaving the WWE after TLC. Her Slammy's speech came off as a farewell speech to many backstage.

:lol: bruh im done!
That's Mayweathers technique. He likes to win on points, eventhough he has KO power he plays it safe. If you watch Sugar Ray Robinson, Ali, Jones Jr. you can see more of the art form.

MMA is artistic in its own right with different fighting styles colliding, but I've seen way more barbaric matches in MMA then boxing. UFC protects fighters more now. Other organizations just make the sport look brutal.

Love em both at the end of the day.

So his technique is to not box, but hold his opponents in order to take up time and win on points?..That doesn't sound like an artist..That sounds like a coward..Boxing is way more barbaric..How many MMA fighters have died in the cage?..How many boxers have died in the ring because they only got punched in the head with weighted gloves?..Boxing is the most boring sport to watch..I'd rather watch golf or soccer or curling than sit through 12 rounds of dudes hugging each other..
Huge shoutout to my fellow St. John's alum @JohnnyRedStorm for the awesome array of wrestling goods.

I'm definitely going to wear one of these shirts (probably the Taz one) to the Royal Rumble this year.

Gonna have to carve out some time to watch all these ECW DVDs.  The ECW Unreleased DVD is 3 discs!

Side note: Including last year's NTWTSS, this is the 3rd time I've received the CM Punk DVD as a gift
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Barbed Wire City is a good doc..You'll enjoy it..And seeing that Mastadon helmet never gets old..WWE needs to bring back full length ramps just so Vader can come out and have his helmet blow smoke..
Damn I legit thought nxt was tomorrow. Now I'm excited its today since I got the day off. Bout to pop some beers open tonight. :pimp:. Any suggestions on snacks and food? @green rhino123
Next year, we gotta include lists of what we all own already lol... I didn't get my elf and well known dvds or shirts for that reason...

I do hope that punk dvd gets regifted for years to come.... People should sign it and send it back out...
Can't wait to be again in the same building as The Miz breathing the same air. TLC is going to be fun.
Zayn vs Neville seems to be split in here. I thought it was obvious but that's just me
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