Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

I've thought about taking a chance as a WWE writer. I'd try to bang Steph though without a doubt and be buried by Hunter in the process. Would be worth it though, especially if I could smash Titty or Summer in the process.
Write a movie for me to star in.
I've thought about taking a chance as a WWE writer. I'd try to bang Steph though without a doubt and be buried by Hunter in the process. Would be worth it though, especially if I could smash Titty or Summer in the process.

Write a movie for me to star in.
meangene in "the moneymaker"

i love how okada is the rainmaker and has i guess money falling during his entrance it's some funny stuff good gimmick
Uh-Oh Vince..

One of our correspondents at last night’s WWE Tribute to the Troops and SmackDown tapings in Columbia, Georgia noted that the arena was packed with soldiers for the first few hours but a lot of them left before SmackDown was half-way over. Before the main event began, the arena was described as “sad and empty” by our correspondent.

It was also noted during the tapings that the crowd was quiet for most of SmackDown. Our correspondent added that the Troops Tribute came off a lot better than SmackDown.

Man, that sounds so sad, yet it equates with the general apathy I have for the majority of the WWE right now.

Also, I'm on the UFC > Boxing side, though I haven't really been all that invested in the UFC since probably 09, or whenever Kimbo Slice and Roy Nelson(?) were on The Ultimate Fighter.

I always hated that Radicalz theme. It was just so generic to me, but still better than Cesaro's
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i gotta change my avy but idk what to change it to. thinking something with generico or punk or styles or even devitt in face paint. need to scour the youtubes
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I get so confused when yall change yalls avys after you've used them for so long haha

I get confused on twitter when people from the NTWT don't use their NT names..Except for DC (but only cause his pic on twitter is a big DC)..

And sometimes I can't tell people apart if they don't have a wrestling related avy..
If I see layla I know it's peep..AF1 is Ziggy..Gene is Lost guy..FoDub is NannerCat..JDC is Pillman9mm..B Sox is Wire..And I'm old as **** so the rest slip my mind right now..
I have no one in real life to buy gifts for (aside from my parents) so it only felt right :lol:

NXT is on at 10?

NVM Takeover is tomorrow it seems
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Taker booked to face bray if he does decide to wrestle at wm31...

I love how WWE writes themselves into holes. If Taker loses consecutively at WM it kills his Mania legacy more. If Bray loses it kills any momentum he has. If they booked this last year and had Bray end the streak that wouldve made all the sense in the world imo.
To add to the previous Taker/WM news:

Via RSN- As noted, WWE recently added The Undertaker to WrestleMania 31 promotional material, including a newly painted tour bus.

The current plan is for Taker to face Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 31. That is still dependent on Taker telling WWE he will be working the show but he has not done so as of this week.

Even if Taker doesn’t wrestle, the idea is to use him in some form at WrestleMania because he’s still under contract with a seven figure guarantee.
Taker booked to face bray if he does decide to wrestle at wm31...

I love how WWE writes themselves into holes. If Taker loses consecutively at WM it kills his Mania legacy more. If Bray loses it kills any momentum he has. If they booked this last year and had Bray end the streak that wouldve made all the sense in the world imo.
agreed. wyatt/taker feud would be cool if done right. same with a wyatt/stinger feud. just as long as they keep the rambling at a minimum.
-Moments ago, we reported the breaking news that Impact Wrestling will be moving to Friday nights in 2015 on their new home, Destination America. The company sent out a press release detailing the move, as well as announcing encore programming for the network.

The press release is featured below in its entirety, but the major news is that each week TNA will be given a four hour slot on Friday nights, with an encore immediately following each first-run broadcast. Confirming our earlier reports, a “new” show called “IMPACT WRESTLING: UNLOCKED” will air every Saturday from 10 AM-12 PM ET that will feature “a reloaded edition of the previous week’s IMPACT WRESTLING that will be a whole new viewing experience featuring extra content and never-before-seen footage.”
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There isn't one person who could've used the Streak rub, and make more sense, than Bray..I know 4w hates him, but I think most of us agree that if they'd just let him and someone else cook instead of putting him in meaningless/quick feuds then he could be a great hand for a long time..Yet here we are with Bork as champ and they've taken this "he don't have to be on every show" thing way too far..
sean john velour suits :pimp:

the regifting of the punk dvd seems like a golden idea i wouldnt mind seeing that become NTWT tradition :lol:

off topic but i'm at crossroads with my life right now. trying to decide if going to grad school for adolescent education is the best move for me. i'm also applying to brooklyn college for a mfa in creative writing (fiction) which would cost me a lot less and is more of what i wanna do but it's a tougher program to get into. i've got until the 21st of january to register for classes with st johns. i think I'm gonna just look for a job and take my chances with this mfa. if i get accepted classes wouldn't start till the fall, but i'd be better positioned to teach creative writing in college which I'm more passionate about than teaching english in high school. i just don't want to be rushing into the expensive commitment that is grad school at st johns and wind up being miserable/not getting the most out of the experience.
I did undergrad at brooklyn holla at me if you wanna know anything about the school
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