Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

Gotta love the realistic factor of WWE 12'...

HHH completely no sold the Skull Crushing Finale in his match with Miz.

hhh, cena, orton no sell in the game. they reverse everything. swagger, dolph & cody are the guys i usually use
Playing orton v undertaker..on legend.. I'm orton..

Just hit 2 rko in a row on undertaker.. got the pin.. and he kick out of a 1 count
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

oh and 3dgarfly, i dug a burial site for u right next to lobo. u want to tag up with him? no problemo

to think, i had plans to push u to be the top international star, now u just another mexicool
hijo de ..................... 
on second thought..............


Mr.FLY23 please come to the ring

Look fly23 please let me speak first I just wanted to apologize for the mexicool comment earlier Sorry I was just so stressed about this petition to get me fired. I don’t want to lose my job and go back to working at KFC. Please help me talk to the Ntwrestlers for me tell them ill change. FLY23 I do want you as my top international star. The first time I saw you wrestle in the ring I knew you had “IT
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Playing orton v undertaker..on legend.. I'm orton..

Just hit 2 rko in a row on undertaker.. got the pin.. and he kick out of a 1 count
Taker is easily the most resilient in the game. Took me like 5 F-5's to put him down.
I thought I did horrible on the Survivor Series predictions.. but guess I was wrong.
I asked this earlier, but got no response....

Can someone please explain to me the appeal of Daniel Bryan? Why should I want to watch him?
Originally Posted by Dat Dude Chris

Am I da only one who not only hates Jack Swagger but also his song n I still dont see da hype in Ryder, o well at least hes not dat annoying lol

I agree. none of these new wwe stars impress me. they all look like generic create a wrestlers.
and i dont get how everyone says  they buried john morrison. they could have done MUCH WORSE to him. him getting blind sided and then fighting officials back with a hurt leg to get to the ring kinda actually  made him look way better than i thought they would. getting buried would have been what they did to lita, bobby henan, etc.

someone should make the list of the greatest buried moments of a wrestler's last appearance for a company. wasnt chris benoit's last match for wcw him winning the title? i think wcw was the absolute worse at burying wrestlers. Vince on the other hand is cold blooded which im surprised he didnt do to morrison.

if vince had got batista for one night to bastita bomb morrison through a table and then talk *++@ about smashing melina that would have been sick lol
Tied for 50th? *looks at self in mirror, [Kurt Angle]You Suck! chant[/Kurt Angle]
As far as Morrison....
He had to agree to this burial.
Morrison is a guy who while wont be a draw, I could see having great matches with Styles and carrying the x division....
Its a win for him, as he needs to work on his craft, and being asked to do stunt man matches isnt going to do it.
If what Dave Meltzer has been talking about is correct, as soon as he signs he will get a platform to improve...
The bad part is that Christian had the same platform and did nothing with it...

Raw. Didn't watch, had no interest and its because there is no build up anymore. The sad part is that you can have generic wrestlers ( as what happens in every down talent era PG is just an excuse) and properly build a feud.
I don't know what a King of the ring would draw PPV wise, but it cannot be out of the question to have a one show, or 2 show tournament to get us to the Rumble title match. I think that if your going to put Miz in a title match or title feud then you have to get him over as a wrestler. Only way I see that is if he can out together a good match with the likes of Ziggler, Barrett, Rhodes, Kingston over the next few weeks.

Why I include Kingston?
Aside from the Raw botch where Orton went off, Kingston had in every way broken through. Kofi prob has not done a promo since the paint on Orton's Nascar dried. The kid has an talent though, and is not a spot fest like Morrison.
Lets be real its been a year, and he is the most in need of a heel turn, but they have too many already

What is the appeal of Bryan? Well there is the idea that he is the best wrestler in the world, and was that before he went to WWE.
He gets buried to the point of us questioning if he will actually win the title. And that gives us an appeal to watch his work be it on the mic or in ring. We all know that physically he isn't that great, but the IWC being the second largest contingent of people watching outside of the kids controls his future in WWE.
The IWC is why we got the Punk angle, and why he has tapered off.
I'm scared for his title reign, because his technical prowess wont be shown and even if you don't believe that he is the long term future. You have to consider revamping the main event scene to be more skill oriented.

Its not like in the past where they guys couldn't work, and you had to put all the eggs in one basket like the beginning of Attitude.
Vader, Taker, Michaels, Hart's, Stone cold were the best workers above the mid card that either company had. They have so many good workers its not funny right now. Watching Raw makes you cringe at the lack of wrestling, though. Part of that is what has been Vince's long term style part of it is too many wrestlers on one show. And part of it is that guys who have no hope to ever draw a dime ( Mason Ryan) get air time.
they should just really do away with the money in the bank concept. even when daniel bryan was going to win the title it made it look so $%@+@+% cheap like he couldnt beat him in a regular match he had to take advantage of a downed mark henry. if you are going to do the money in the bank match dont treat it like what they use to do with the hardcore title. justmakes it look like a joke
Originally Posted by NobleKane

they should just really do away with the money in the bank concept. even when daniel bryan was going to win the title it made it look so $%@+@+% cheap like he couldnt beat him in a regular match he had to take advantage of a downed mark henry. if you are going to do the money in the bank match dont treat it like what they use to do with the hardcore title. justmakes it look like a joke

I don't understand WWE's focus this year that cashing in Money in the Bank is a cowardly act.  Everybody in the past with the exception of RVD has cashed in MITB by running in after a match to win the title.  Now Del Rio and Bryan do it, and both are cheating and trying to steal the title.
There should only be one MITB briefcase each year, and it should be able to be cashed in for either title.
Originally Posted by fearthenut

I asked this earlier, but got no response....

Can someone please explain to me the appeal of Daniel Bryan? Why should I want to watch him?

Is because of his ring work in the indys sure he doesnt looks like batista and doesn't have the mic skills as the rock but a lot of his fans didn't care because his matches are
and the reason why bryan is over is because most of his loyal fans are still supporting him and are just happy to see him make it in the WWE witch is the same reason why I still support dragon even though that they make him job almost evey week Smh
Jeez I can't kick out of pins for %!% in WWE 12, game is great though.
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