Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

Still need to get WWE 12
Gonna wait a bit.
To a certain extent, I understand the hate for Cena BUT...

We used to complain about guys like HHH & Stone Cold not putting over the incoming, younger wrestlers...Cena does that. Hell, dude put the Great Khali over at one point.

We bag on Morrison for lack of mic skills...Cena has those.

Can he wrestle? NO, very few can in TODAY'S WWE...BUT he can carry & sell a match.

Cena becoming heel is just bad for business at this point. Not even from a merchandise standpoint, but if you turn him heel...how many faces are left?

Morrison was actually over, but you see where he's going.
Originally Posted by fearthenut

I asked this earlier, but got no response....

Can someone please explain to me the appeal of Daniel Bryan? Why should I want to watch him?

If Daniel Bryan isn't your flavor, there's always Michael McGuillicutty.
My god, I didn't see that first opening of Piper's Pit when he was mentioned the Rock, Austin, Bret Hart,
and Cena's name, maaaaaaaan that crowd &@^# all over Cena
Originally Posted by Mister916

Never mind they're still acting up. Better than yesterday, though.

I was just coming in here to

I'm trying to download your logo 5 times using the method you mentioned before.

Last I checked it said your logo was dl'ed twice.  Gonna try and knock that out for you today, servers permitting of course.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

My god, I didn't see that first opening of Piper's Pit when he was mentioned the Rock, Austin, Bret Hart,
and Cena's name, maaaaaaaan that crowd &@^# all over Cena

Really? I thought Cena actually got a relatively positive reaction (for Cena standards).
watching Raw now...

- The Cena and Piper intro was really awkward...didn't seem fluid
- Miz and Morrison was wack
- Punk is still funny, and is a heelish face, but I wanna see more rebellion
- overall a boring raw

I think the best thing the WWE can do right now is start a major heelish feud between Punk and Ziggler for the title
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Peep Game

My god, I didn't see that first opening of Piper's Pit when he was mentioned the Rock, Austin, Bret Hart,
and Cena's name, maaaaaaaan that crowd &@^# all over Cena

Really? I thought Cena actually got a relatively positive reaction (for Cena standards).
Nah, they boo'd the mess out of him until he started mentioning the troops and Make-a-Wish stuff. Can't believe that crowd
boo'd those kids when Cena pointed them out though. It was a mix of
 all at the same time.

I found it hilarious when Cena said Look at those kids, they are having the time of their life and the camera pans to them to have the kid looking bored out of his mind.
Around the 2:45 mark
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Raw is getting real boring..

wrestling in general is pretty boring.
i just don't care about any of the wrestlers. everything is just bland.

where's stone cold getting ran over? wheres al snow's dog getting fed to him? wheres molly holly getting beat up by raven's mystery woman? where's undertaker's wife being stalked on the reg? where's Right To Censor annoying everyone with their censoring of the Kat trying to strip or the diva's lingerie matches? where's chyna and eddie's domestic abuse storyline?

most of those are midcard storylines and they were more interesting then today's main storylines. 

it's like creative got lazy and just started saying we need a 15 min match for [insert here]? ok stick him with ziggler! that'll take up some time.

in hindsight, punks promo was looked at as a storyline rather than just a promo because it made people actually feel something while watching in an age where we are all conditioned to just be moderately entertained week after week with blandness.

10+ years back punk's promo would have just been looked at as that. a promo by a disgruntled wrestler.

it's hard to really express what i'm trying to get across but it just amazes me how 10+ years ago i use to remember every angle and storyline that was going on and was excited and wanting to see what happened the following week.

every angle was getting 15+ minutes per show to further the feud and now it's just like nothing is personal anymore.. it feel like when they are in the ring they aren't telling a story, but more or so like they are just doing their job.

now.. i don't think anyone cares. we just watch because we grew up with this and want to enjoy the product as much as we can.

Same here.

I could tell you every storyline of each PPV between 1999 and 2006. Since then, everything has become the same thing over and over.

Back in those years, PPVs were SO much more interesting because the video packages and weeks leading up to the match made you wanna see the match. It wasn't just a match thrown on the card a few days before the event like they do nowadays.
Former WWE Creative Team Member Passes Away At Age 41

Former WWE creative team member Patrice O'Neal passed away on Monday at the age of 41.

O'Neal, who is best known for his work as a stand-up comedian, had previously suffered a stroke back in October.

never knew he worked for the E



Mick Foley is the special guest host.

Mark Henry will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against Daniel Bryan inside a steel cage.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling



Mick Foley is the special guest host.

Mark Henry will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against Daniel Bryan inside a steel cage.
When we gon get them over all results 
I need it!

although i dislike cena like the rest of you... you have to give him credit for being professional and staying classy after this match
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