Wrestling Thread Jan 19-25 | 1/25 - THE ROYAL RUMBLE - Hardy vs Edge; Cena vs JBL (p18)

ESPN interviews Randy Orton; talks about Legacy, the tattoos, the Legend Killer punt and more.

WWE Interview: Randy Orton's life as "the bad guy"


How careful do you have to be when punting your boss in the head?

Well, if you're Randy Orton, the most hated heel in the wrestling industry and your boss is billionaire bad boy Vince McMahon, the answer (backed up by the sick thud of replay) is not so safe.

And that's just how WWE wanted to lead into their second biggest pay-per-view of the year, with Orton kicking McMahon in the head to the shock/cheers/boos/disbelief of the millions of Raw fans who scrambled for their DVR remote to watch the kick again.

"If you watch the replay, I wasn't too careful. I definitely let him have it," Orton admits when talking about what transpired Monday night. "My wife DVR'd it for me because I had to watch it for myself. My foot still hurts. And if that's the case, I'm sure he has a nice migraine right now."

ESPN caught up with Orton as he prepared for the 30-man Royal Rumble match to talk about what it's like playing the role of a heel, the story behind his new tats, and the future of The Legacy.

Here's what the best punter since Ray Guy had to say:

ESPN: How did growing up in a house where your dad (Cowboy Bob Orton) was one of the top heels of his day, prepare you for life as "the bad guy"?

Randy Orton: I have to put my father over because he really taught me a lot, especially when it comes to out-of-the-ring psychology and how to react when you're approached by fans after a show or in the airport. It might sound silly, but a lot of those things come into play when you're playing a character. You meet people outside of the ring, and if you act a certain kind of way, then they really believe that this guy is a bastard. They want to watch, tune in, buy tickets to see me get my +%@ handed to me, and I think that's why I'm in the position I'm at right now, because I understand that. I understand the psychology of the sport, especially inside the ring. From bell to bell, from when my entrance plays and I step through that curtain, people have to wonder what's going on inside that guy's head. And my theme music, "Voices", describes my character to a tee. When I walk to the ring, I hear voices telling me what to do and sometimes it's not the right thing, but it's definitely damn entertaining.

ESPN: From yourself to Cody Rhodes (son of Dusty Rhodes) and Ted DiBiase (son of The Million Dollar Man) to older guys like The Rock, it seems like the second and third generation stars just have such an edge both inside and outside of the ring. Why is there such an advantage to being a legacy?

Randy Orton: When you grow up in the business as a fan and as the son of someone who wrestles for Vince and wrestles for WWE, you see a lot of backstage stuff and how the wrestlers interact with each other. When I was a kid, these wrestlers really took me under their wing when I got to travel with my dad during the summers. I was so young, traveling with my dad when I was five, six, and seven years old, but I look back and I was so lucky because the guys who are coming up now, most of them only got to watch wrestling on television as a fan. What's different about me, I was bred for it.

ESPN: Your career really started to turn the corner after you joined Evolution with Ric Flair, Triple H and Batista. How did Flair and Triple H help you in your career?

Randy Orton: I have to give props to both Triple H and Ric Flair. When I was a part of Evolution, we rode together from town to town and that was a great experience for me because while my father taught me quite a bit about out-of-the-ring psychology, Flair and Hunter, I really learned a lot from them about how to perform inside the ring. Being involved in tag matches with them and seeing how they react to certain situations that come up in the ring, it became second nature to me. I got to wrestle against people like Shawn Michaels and Goldberg with Flair and Hunter in my ear teaching me right from wrong, pointing out my mistakes. But a big part of that was also me being good enough to correct that mistake and not make it again. Learning from my mistakes at the same time being criticized by Triple H and Ric Flair made me what I am today. Without them, I definitely wouldn't be here right now in this position.

ESPN: Is traveling on the road with Ric Flair the rock star lifestyle it's made out to be?

Randy Orton: Oh my god, yeah. Everything is five star with that guy, from the hotels to the wine and champagne. Before I was married, before I was with my wife, I was traveling with Ric Flair and women were everywhere. It was crazy. The lifestyle he leads, he's the wheelin', dealin', kiss-stealin' son of a gun. He's Ric Flair and there's no one like him, there won't ever be another like him in the wrestling world again. No one will match up to Ric Flair and how he lives. He's a great man and a great tutor of the game. And of course, Triple H is right there too, giving me all the little tips. He loves this business. He is one of those guys who was a fan growing up, but it's different with him because he got it so quick, the understanding of how everything works and the psychology you need to have in the ring and with the fans.

The key is dictating what the fans do rather than letting them dictate what you do. It's a completely different universe when you're in there with Triple H and Ric Flair. Learning from the best, you will eventually become the best if you have the talent already, if you have that potential. And I think that's what they saw in me. They saw that third generation kid who loved the business, had the hunger to be the best, and they took advantage of that and taught me so much. God thank them because without them, I wouldn't have been the three-time World Heavyweight champion, Intercontinental champion, tag champion, three-time Survivor Series sole survivor, and I believe I'm going to add Royal Rumble winner after Sunday. I have big hopes.

ESPN: Is the Royal Rumble a fun match to be in because of all the new match-ups, or is it something that is more dangerous than it looks because of all the big bodies that could land on you from any angle?

Randy Orton: It's definitely dangerous. If you get knocked down, if you take a bump in that ring, you have so many feet walking around, so many big guys ... if the Big Show lands on you when you're on the ground, you're not getting back up. He'll pick you up like a sack of crap and toss you over the top rope. I think that's where Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase come in handy. They are the eyes in the back of my head.

ESPN: Your RKO is one of the most spectacular finishing moves in the sport. What do you think it is about the move that makes it something everyone looks forward to seeing, even if we are supposed to hate you?

Randy Orton: It can come out of nowhere. In the air, on the ground, crouched down, setting up for it, it's just something that's unexpected, and when I hit it, you're not kicking out. It's a great move because I can do it to everybody. Since I don't need to pick you up, I can hit Big Show with it, I can hit Rey Mysterio with it. I can do it on the run, if you're back behind me, from either side ... it's the perfect move.

ESPN: You took some time off recently due to injury, and when you came back you were covered in tattoos. Is that a look you always wanted?

Randy Orton: Hell yeah, I've always wanted sleeves. Tattoos are addicting, and I used to have this tribal tattoo, but I was never really happy with it. I wanted to get the sleeves, and when I did get hurt, it wasn't that bad of an injury and I was able to move around just weeks after the bone started to heel. I figured, shoot, this is the best opportunity I've got to sit down and get some work done. I got about 50 hours put into my arms. It's a wash, where it's a faded art. I have a bunch of skulls and roses, and I have a little rose that's colored in that's actually a tribute to my daughter Alanna Marie. They all have their own little meanings to me personally, and I always liked the look of sleeves. I'm really glad I did it.

ESPN: Are the new tats something you want to see updated in your video game character when WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 rolls around?

Randy Orton: For sure. I've actually already taken the studio shots for the new game and the new action figure. The next game should definitely have all my new tattoos.

ESPN: You mentioned Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase earlier and how The Legacy is watching your back. Any hopes to add a new member, and if so, wouldn't Stephanie or Shane McMahon have about the best legacy in the business if you wanted to add one of them?

Randy Orton: I never really thought about that, but that's a really good idea. I would actually like to make the group one more man strong. I would like to have four guys in my group because I think four is that magic number. We need a big guy. Someone we can count on to be the heater. Someone who is an unstoppable force and an immovable object. Someone similar to how Batista was in Evolution. So yeah, I'm still recruiting for The Legacy but I don't think Shane McMahon and Stephanie are too happy about what I did to their dad Monday night. We'll have to wait and see what comes of that.

ESPN: Are there a lot more legacy kids in WWE's development system?

Randy Orton: Mike Rotunda has two boys who are in FCW, the WWE's developmental system. Then of course there was (Superfly) Snuka's son who had his shot, but he's out. Afa the Wild Samoan's son had his shot, but he's out. One guy I've been looking at really closely is Harry Smith. He's Davey Boy Smith's son, and he's a big, young kid who has that hunger. He's a strong boy, and I think he's at that age now where he's learned from some of the mistakes he's made in the past. He originally debuted as DH Smith, but he's a completely different person right now. I have my eye on him, but we'll have to see what the future holds. I need one more guy, but he has to have wrestling in his blood and he has to have that potential to one day follow in my footsteps. I won't settle for anything less.


Pretty good interview, was surprised to come across this on ESPN.com...my dude Randy getting that mainstream pub.

Even dropped DH Smith's name in there...
Man I was watching TNA for the first time this morning in I don't know how long. But what the hell is up with Booker T's new gimmick. They got thatfool looking like a Opa Locka Goon. I didn't know wether I was watching TNA or a damn DJ Khaled video.
Good looks on that Orton article DSK.

Randy Orton is on the cusp of greatness.
Originally Posted by KingofIlladelph

If I could be serious for a moment...

I guess you can call this my heel turn....

- I am always amazed at some of you here in the WWT. Every week I look in on this post and every week its the same thing. 4W starts the post and then about two posts in, it happens...."where's DSK with the news and notes" or "waits for DSK
Aren't you all the same people who whine about how cool wrestling used to be...Or how predictable wrestling is now a days. I'll give you hint as to why its so predictable....YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! Some of you have gone as far as to post Wrestlemania spoilers. That'd be like me posting in the Sports Forum 3 months ago...*SPOILER ALERT*Cardinals vs. Steelers in the Super Bowl*SPOILER ALERT*...Its so lame. I'm not gonna act like I've never read the News & Notes (Shouts to DSK), but come on. Maybe if the E didn't have to try so hard to keep things from hitting the dirt sheets, they could actually build decent storylines that were well thought out without having to over swerve to compensate.

- You would have thought his name was Christ and not Christian with the way some of you are hyping his return. I've seen some of you say he was going to return at the Royal Rumble, win the Rumble, and/or headline Wrestlemania and win the WWE title. No disrespect to Christian, but the Macho Man being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame by Stephanie McMahon has a better chance of happening. I honestly don't have very high hopes for Christian's return. The E has never known what to do with him and I don't see that changing. I do hope he has the classical theme and sparkles again though.

- Say what you want about BarackOtista, but I actually can't wait for him to come back. But under one condition...he come back as a heel. I think BAPEtista could be one the best heels in the business if used properly. Here's how I picture his return...he comes back to a face pop and says "I'm coming for the person who put me out for X months", crowd loves it...Cena and Orton are in the ring (one would more than likely be champ) and everybody thinks he's going after Orton, heel turn, he attacks Cena, blames Cena for putting him out and not helping him during the Orton kick. We could also make him a womanizer and have him harass all the divas to give it that authentic feel.

- And lastly....Cody Rhodes...please...for the love of all that is holy...PULL YOUR MOTHER @*$*#%@ KNEEPADS UP!!! This *@%% drives me insane. I don't wish injury on anyone, but I wouldn't mind seeing Cody get his kneecaps dislocated so that maybe he'll learn appreciate and protect them.

1. How dare you associate [howard finkel] the NEW President of the United States of America [/Finkel] with that lame noselltista.

2. i couldnt find the quote, but lance storm made a good point about cody's kneepads... look at where he generally takes the bumps... on his shins, nothis knees, therefore it makes sense for him to protect his shins, and not wear them on his knees directly.

Famous Rock Band Set to Perform at WrestleMania 25

Rock icons AC/DC will be performing the theme to WrestleMania XXV, based on comments Linda McMahon made lastmonth while appearing at the 36th Annual Global Media and Communications Conference.

There's no word what song will be used as the theme for the April flagship PPV promoted by the company.

Vince McMahon became a huge AC/DC fan after they performed on a 2000 episode of Saturday Night Live hosted by Dwayne Johnson that also featured several othermain event performers prior to Wrestlemania that year. He and John Cena "rocking out" at a recent concert in New York City made the local gossippages in the Metropolitan area.
Okay I got a lot of those dvds yall recommend in my shopping cart. But those individual PPV's which one are the good ones? I've seen so many PPV'sin my life I can't remember which ones where the good ones. I ordered the Wrestlemanis and Summerslam Anthologies so you don't have to name those.

Thanks in advance.
speaking of DVDs, does anyone know if there is any DVD out that has the Jericho/Benoit vs Austin/HHH match from 2001 where HHH tore his quad? that has to beone of my favorite matches I have ever seen. And not just because HHH tore his quad. The electricity in the arena and everything, had that "bigmatch" feel to it
Originally Posted by DimondJ15

Originally Posted by KingofIlladelph

If I could be serious for a moment...

I guess you can call this my heel turn....

- I am always amazed at some of you here in the WWT. Every week I look in on this post and every week its the same thing. 4W starts the post and then about two posts in, it happens...."where's DSK with the news and notes" or "waits for DSK
Aren't you all the same people who whine about how cool wrestling used to be...Or how predictable wrestling is now a days. I'll give you hint as to why its so predictable....YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN! Some of you have gone as far as to post Wrestlemania spoilers. That'd be like me posting in the Sports Forum 3 months ago...*SPOILER ALERT*Cardinals vs. Steelers in the Super Bowl*SPOILER ALERT*...Its so lame. I'm not gonna act like I've never read the News & Notes (Shouts to DSK), but come on. Maybe if the E didn't have to try so hard to keep things from hitting the dirt sheets, they could actually build decent storylines that were well thought out without having to over swerve to compensate.

- You would have thought his name was Christ and not Christian with the way some of you are hyping his return. I've seen some of you say he was going to return at the Royal Rumble, win the Rumble, and/or headline Wrestlemania and win the WWE title. No disrespect to Christian, but the Macho Man being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame by Stephanie McMahon has a better chance of happening. I honestly don't have very high hopes for Christian's return. The E has never known what to do with him and I don't see that changing. I do hope he has the classical theme and sparkles again though.

- Say what you want about BarackOtista, but I actually can't wait for him to come back. But under one condition...he come back as a heel. I think BAPEtista could be one the best heels in the business if used properly. Here's how I picture his return...he comes back to a face pop and says "I'm coming for the person who put me out for X months", crowd loves it...Cena and Orton are in the ring (one would more than likely be champ) and everybody thinks he's going after Orton, heel turn, he attacks Cena, blames Cena for putting him out and not helping him during the Orton kick. We could also make him a womanizer and have him harass all the divas to give it that authentic feel.

- And lastly....Cody Rhodes...please...for the love of all that is holy...PULL YOUR MOTHER @*$*#%@ KNEEPADS UP!!! This *@%% drives me insane. I don't wish injury on anyone, but I wouldn't mind seeing Cody get his kneecaps dislocated so that maybe he'll learn appreciate and protect them.

1. How dare you associate [howard finkel] the NEW President of the United States of America [/Finkel] with that lame noselltista.

2. i couldnt find the quote, but lance storm made a good point about cody's kneepads... look at where he generally takes the bumps... on his shins, not his knees, therefore it makes sense for him to protect his shins, and not wear them on his knees directly.

Thats interesting. I never heard that. He still looks like an anushole though.

Was wondering where you were...

I'm not gonna lie fam...I've had thoughts of why I read spoilers/possible spoilers cross my mind (especially since I'm heavily against spoilers in just about everything else)...but I just don't take wrestling as serious as I used to when I was a kid. I'd rather discuss the possible outcomes and scenarios and things going on behind the scenes with y'all and just share thoughts. Also, not everything posted always comes to fruition anyways, these dudes change plans like every week and still manage to surprise the fans regularly despite the rumors and stuff that gets out there.

For the record, I'm one of those who doesn't complain about predictability...that'd be sort of stupid on my part, right?

Went on a little break...watching from the rafters like Sting.

But I'm not so much annoyed at the people who read spoilers as the insiders who publish them. I feel like it compromises the integrity of the product whenyou have to change things to compensate for the possibility of it being leaked. Same with the music industry...if insiders weren't leaking music maybeartists would put more into it. I realize wrestling isn't real but I'd just like to see the best product put out.
who y'all got tonight in the rumble match. I know its probably gonna be Orton but its possible there might be a swerve.
Originally Posted by thacamel

speaking of DVDs, does anyone know if there is any DVD out that has the Jericho/Benoit vs Austin/HHH match from 2001 where HHH tore his quad? that has to be one of my favorite matches I have ever seen. And not just because HHH tore his quad. The electricity in the arena and everything, had that "big match" feel to it

The match isn't on any dvd and unfortunately since Benoit is in it, it most like never will be.

Oh and on the topic of dvds, here's a list of hidden easter eggs on every WWE dvd. Some cool stuff

Rumor has it that Edge will win the WWE Championship from Jeff Hardy tonight.

Take it for what it's worth
^Usually somebody posts a few streams a few minutes before the PPV.

I'm kinda hyped for this PPV..
Alot of swerves can happen..


Tonight the WWE presents the 22nd annual Royal Rumble pay-per-view. This is normally the second biggest WWE show of the year, officially kicking off the Roadto WrestleMania, but it seems that this year's show may be missing a little something. The build toward the Rumble match itself has not been that strong. I would wager my bank account that no one can name all of the entrants in the Rumble without checking first. Hell, only 21 entrants have been announced. Inpast years, the WWE has really emphasized the entrants by showing graphics or having tickers at the bottom of the screen letting you know who is in. Thisyear, you have to navigate WWE.com to find out who's entered. There was a very good point in another wrestling column about the lack of interest in thisyear's Rumble. Normally, there is a face who has been trying to get his shot at the championship and can earn it at the Rumble. However, this year bothchampions are faces, so it is most likely that a heel will win the Rumble, unless HHH decides his ego is hurting. Aside from the Rumble, the other matches onthe card aren't the sexiest matches in the world with the exception of Jeff Hardy vs Edge. It will be very interesting to see what kind of buy ratetonight's show draws considering buy rates are down with the tough economy. Usually the Rumble name sells itself, but I don't know if that will be thecase this year.


Jack Swagger (c) vs Matt Hardy - ECW Championship

Even though ECW's have slowly been on the rise, this will be the first opportunity for many fans to get to see Swagger in action. He has not brand jumpedlike so many of the other ECW wrestlers which is probably a good thing. It keeps him unique to ECW and gives people a reason to tune into the show to see him. I know everyone on the boad has seen Swagger before, so I won't get into it too much other than he has only been around for four months but has beenpushed to the moon. However, unlikely someone such as Bobby Lashley who was shoved down people's throats, Swagger's push has been different. Maybebecause he's a heel, but he has been put over incredibly strong, yet you don't get that feeling that you are sick of him. Maybe because he is muchmore polished in the ring and has better presence. Yeah, he still needs to work on his mic skills, but that will come.

Swagger beat Matt Hardy two weeks ago to become the new ECW Champion after Hardy's head hit an exposed turnbuckle. It was a great match with a flukeyending. Tonight, I expect Swagger to get the clean victory over Hardy to cement him as a rising superstar in the WWE. It will be interesting to see how themore "traditional, die-hard" Detroit crowd takes to Swagger tonight. Hopefully he steps up to the plate in his first PPV appearance.

Prediction: Jack Swagger - Retains ECW Title


Beth Phoenix (c) vs Melina - Women's Championship

Melina made her return about two months ago and has been annointed the #1 contender for the Women's Title. I don't think that is the best choice. She's not over with the fans and is clunky in the ring. But it was her turn, so that's what we get. However, instead of focusing on Beth vs Melina,this program has been more about Beth and her #1 fan, Rosa Mendes (former Diva Search contestant Milena Rouka). First, Rosa was banned as a fan. Santino thenhired her as an intern. I think we can all see where this will eventually lead with Santino cheating on Beth with Rosa which will inturn make Beth a face. It's a shame because Beth and Santino work so well together. I don't see much of a future for Rosa. She could barely get in the ring this past Mondaywithout tripping over her own feet. First, the WWE ruined the Honk-o-Meter. Now Glamorella. It's like the WWE has it in for Santino. I don't getit. Anyway, tonight Beth will get the victory, probably with an assist from Rosa. Hopefully Santino gets to commentate the match.

Prediction: Beth Phoenix - Retains Women's Title


Jeff Hardy (c) vs Edge - WWE Championship

Two things have happened since Jeff Hardy won the WWE Title at Armageddon last month. First, Smackdown's viewership is up. Second, Jeff has had someincredibly bad luck. He was involved in a hit and run accident with his "girlfriend" by a mystery driver. Then, when coming to the ring to be partof The Cutting Edge, his pyro exploded in his face causing first degree burns. Someone is setting Jeff up, and it's probably not Edge. We all knowit's probably going to be Christian. However, other than an interview from Dixie Carter, there have been no official reports that Christian is back in theWWE. I also want to comment on what KingofIlladelph said regarding Christian's expected return. I 100% agree with him. You guys are making Christian outto be The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin. Christian was never more than an upper mid-carder in the WWE. Yes, he headlined TNA, but I was never overlyimpressed with Christian. there. I feel like this is the exact same reaction to Jericho's return, and Jericho was far more accomplished than Christian. Iwould classify Jericho's initial return as a flop. He managed to turn that around after turning heel, and became one of the top three heels in the companyafter the feud of the year with Shawn Michaels. I don't know what exactly you guys expect of Christian. He has a chance to make a big splash, butlet's not declare him a Hall of Famer beforehand. He has a lot to do to prove himself to me.

As for this match, I think it would be a huge mistake to take the title off of Jeff so quickly. It took Jeff forever to win the title, and now that he has it,he has really gained momentum as champ. Jeff deserves the opportunity to headline WrestleMania. There are a lot of reports out there that it will be Jeff vsChristian at WrestleMania, but my guess is that is just based on assumptions from "internet wrestling news reporters" because like I said, no one caneven confirm that Christian has re-signed with the WWE. It's possible that there is another fluke accident in tonight's match that costs Jeff thetitle, but I would lean that even if there is, he overcomes it to retain the WWE Title. This should be a great match.

Also, all reports have stated that Christian is not scheduled to return tonight. However, like I've already said, since no one can even confirm thatChristian is back with the WWE, I don't trust these reports. The only reason I will lean against Christian returning tonight is that we are still 8 weeksaway from WrestleMania which gives the WWE plenty of time to properly set up his return.

Prediction: Jeff Hardy - Retains WWE Title


John Cena (c) vs JBL - World Championship

Just like the Women's match, this match is based more around the side story than the match itself. And that is not surprising considering Shawn Michaelsis involved. It seems that no matter what HBK is involved with or who he works with, he turns it into absolute gold. At first, I was totally against theprogram involving JBL and Michaels. There were too many logic gaps involved. I didn't like the story. I still don't love the story, butMichaels' (and let's not leave out JBL's) acting has made this another can't miss angle. We all know that eventually Michaels will snap andturn on JBL, but the angle has been built so well, I'm actually not looking forward to it because it's one of those programs you don't want to seeend. One of the reasons is for the most part, it has kept JBL out of the ring which is always a good thing. There are a couple of scenarios that could godown for this match.

1) Michaels could turn on JBL tonight costing him the title. Just as I reasoned about Christian's return, I don't see a reason to have HBK turn yetbecause we are still eight weeks away from WrestleMania. It will happen eventually, but I don't think they can hold these two apart for eight weeks,especially with another PPV in between.

2) Michaels can cost Cena the match allowing JBL to become the World Champion. I just can't see JBL winning the World Title, and more importantly,headlining WrestleMania at this point of his career.

3) The most likely scenario is that Cena beats JBL. Michaels does not prevent JBL from losing which will further infuriate JBL causing him to to treat HBKeven more poorly. This will lead to HBK's eventual turn (Superkick) on JBL.

The match itself will most likely be more of a brawl than a traditional match since that's what JBL does best, and Cena has no problem with it either. Let's just hope it's better than their parking lot brawl from last year. I expect Detroit to be very anti-Cena.

Prediction: John Cena - Retains WWE Title


The Royal Rumble

This year's rules are one entrant every 90 seconds until all 30 men have entered. A few weeks ago on Smackdown, HHH was announced as the #1 entrant. However, Dave Meltzer has stated this angle has been dropped. I guess the ring couldn't hold HHH's ego for that long. As I said, only 21 entrantshave been announced. Let's look at all 21 men:

Will probably be in the match for at least 20 minutes to help regulate thering, but has no chance of winning.

Henry's pushed seemed to run out in 2008. I don't see much for himin 2009, and inturn, a short appearance in the Rumble.

Punk had an amazing 2008, and started 2009 by winning the IntercontinentalChampionship. He should have a good run in the Rumble.

Truth is one of those characters that is over with the fans, but hisgimmick will never let him advance past a midcarder. I wouldn't expect much from him tonight.

Carilito moves between the dog house and back into favor more than anyonein the WWE. However, his bashing of HHH will forever haunt him.

A small wrestler who has actually gotten over. Imagine that. I hope hegets a good run tonight and leads to a big 2009.

He will last for a while, but will eventually get knocked out. The BigShow is a flop and waste of talent.

His first Rumble will be a short one.

The Gold Standard is primed for a big 2009. I could see him getting to thefinal four in tonight's match.

He can jump, which will help him in going over the top rope.

He shouldn't have won the Rumble in 2006, and he won't win tonight.

Miz has been dumped quickly in both of this previous two Rumbles. I thinkhe may do a little better tonight.

There is no reason he shouldn't get a deep run in the match. I canalso see him in the final four.

If the WWE is serious about Legacy, then Rhodes needs 20+ minutes in theRumble including a few eliminations.

See above.

As much as it pains me to say it, Santino could challenge for the record ofthe shortest time in the Rumble, currently held by The Warlord.

Kane's run as a main eventer is over. There is no reason to give him adeep run in the Rumble.

Taker won the Rumble in 2007. However, I don't think his body willallow him to win another one. Unless he enters at 30, I can't see him winning this year. I also don't see how he fits in the Smackdown title pictureconsidering we don't want to see Taker vs Edge again, and there is no story built for a Taker vs Hardy match.

Jericho was the top heel of 2008 in the WWE. He has a chance to wintonight, but I don't think they are headed to another Cena vs Jericho match, so that is going against him. Stephanie may be involved him getting himeliminated after humiliating him this past Monday on Raw.

Because of who he is, you can never rule him out. Everyone and their mamathought HHH was going to win last year's Rumble until Cena made his shocking return. I don't see HHH winning this year, especially after the #1entrant angle was dropped. However, he's my secondary choice to win the Rumble.

Randy Orton is my pick to win the 2009 Royal Rumble. Everything points tohim winning. He has been clearly established as the top heel in the WWE. This past Monday, he cemented himself in that spot after punting Vince in the headin an incredible segment. Yes, I would have booked it a little different, but the goal of the angle was met. Randy Orton became the ultimate badass (maybeeventually leading to a Stone Cold type gimmick?) by punting his billionaire boss in the head. Orton now has all the swag and momentum heading intotonight's show to win the Rumble and head to WrestleMania to headline for the World Championship.

I have to throw one more option out there which is Shawn Michaels. JBL has forbid Michaels from entering the Rumble, but that doesn't mean that theMcMahon's won't make an executive decision to let him in. If HBK does get in the Rumble, he becomes my pick to win it. The WWE has really beenemphasizing that HBK is Mr. WrestleMania. Shawn is long overdue for one last championship run, and I can't think of a better way of doing it thanheadlining WrestleMania 25. He deserves it more than anyone else in the WWE. So like I said, if HBK gets in it, he's my pick to win it.

There will of course be a a few other goof entrants and other low midcarders to fill the 30 spots, but none of them have a viable chance of winning.

The card itself may not be the best, but it's hard to not get excited for the Rumble. I can't wait for tonight. This is the best time of the year fora WWE fan.
Props on that preview 4Dub..

I hope as usual you dudes will keep the play by play via thread...

I think Orton is winning...
Otherwise my swerve picks are Jericho and Punk.
Very nice preview as always, 4w.

This has to be the most unpredictable Royal Rumble in recent memory.
im hoping for a big swerve tonight

I just ordered it for $40 so it better not disappoint, as much as I'm not a huge Cena fan last year's return was shocking as hell in a day and agewhere you usually read spoilers and know what/who is returning
I'm certainly looking forward to tonight's show.

There isn't a single match on the card that I don't want to see.

My prediction for the Rumble is Orton winning it, but I would much rather see HBK headline another Wrestlemania.
I almost forgot about the Rumble tonight. Will be tuning in.

As much as I love Jeff Hardy, I'm kinda feeling Edge more right now. I wouldn't be against Jeff retaining tonight as long as they continue this feud toMania and Jeff drops the belt to Edge there with Christian returning and givign his brother the belt. I think that might be the best return for Christian.
Somebody usually posts a few streams a couple minutes before the PPV starts(8pm EST) , so check the thread then.
I'll be in attendance tonight for the Royal Rumble !!!! As much as I want The Undertaker to win the Rumble match, smart money would be on Randy Orton. WWEhas been lacking that major top heel that everyone just loves to hate. I hope that Cena loses tonight, his gimmick ran its course a loooooooooong time ago, butseeing much much revenue his merchandise sells bring in I don't see him dropping the title tonight.
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