Wrestling Thread Jan 19-25 | 1/25 - THE ROYAL RUMBLE - Hardy vs Edge; Cena vs JBL (p18)

Good preview. There will be a lot of hate for Cena tonight in the Detroit crowd. Detroit is one of those cities like Philly and NY where the face esp. onecoddled by the WWE doesn't go over well at all. I don't see any title changes tonight. There's been nothing the past few weeks that would show one.MVP isn't in the Rumble? Wow.

I was never hyped about Christian signing w/ the WWE at all. I still remember him being the whipping boy of the Corporate Ministry.

What exactly did Carlito say about HGH? Last time he got a legit push was over 2 years ago.

The WWE should make Swagger take another picture. He looks mentally ******ed in that op.

As far as the Rumble goes, I'm going with Shelton to win it. I've been wanting him to do great things since Kurt Angle brought him to the WWF. Everyoneis going to disagree with me but his buildup prior to the end of 2008 was unreal. He is near the top of his game and the Rumble will put him at the peak. If hewins, as I want him to, this will be a huge curve thrown by the WWE as many expect Orton to win.
I think MVP will get in, there's only been 21 announced so far.

Shelton winning the Rumble would be
I think its more likely him, Morrison or MVP winning MITB though.
I will be looking for a stream tonight.

I love the Rumble, and like you said it seemed weird that they haven't named all 30. Does anybody think that Umaga could come back today to at least make asplash in the Rumble? I don't know, but I could see him returning here. Like you said 4w, Orton is my pick to win the Rumble too, but the problem is thatthey must be building a McMahon feud with him and therefore he probably will have his hands full with that at Wrestlemania and won't be in the title hunt.I could see Shawn Michaels coming through with the win tonight after the Cena/Michaels match where they called him Mr. Wrestlemania about 15 times that Raw.

I think the only reason that JBL is in this title match is because of the Shawn Michaels storyline, but also I think Jericho and Orton will be too wrapped upin the McMahon fedu that should develop and then peak at Wrestlemania that they couldn't have them in this match or win the rumble.

Another thing is, I think Punk could be a wild card in the Rumble and maybe make soem noise in the title hunt because of the gap that needs to be filled withOrton and Jericho out of that hunt.

I could actually see JBL wining this match and then Cena taking it back at the next PPV and then facing Shawn at Wrestlemania.

The Jeff Hardy/Edge thing is a great storyline that is very unpredictable, I have no idea where they're going to go with it after tonight.

My Predicitons:

Swagger retains over Hardy, there's no way they take the strap off of him now
Beth Phoenix retains over Melina, who really cares
Tough to decide on Edge/Hardy, but I'm gonna take Edge on this one
JBL over Cena, JBL won't be at WM, but I think he ulls it off tonight
Rumble pick is Orton, but Shawn Michaels is almost auto winner if he goes in

Antoher few things about the Rumble:
I think we forgot MVP in this, and I see him going pretty far in the Rumble

All the big men eventually get out after everyone gangs up on them so Mark Henry/Big Show/Kane/Kozlov will be out quickly, but eliminate a few people withthem. Especially, Kozlov who will never get another title shot

Undertaker could get in the title hunt, but only if it's with Hardy, they won't go with Edge again after doing what they did in '08, but I think aHardy/Undertaker feud could have some real potential if you remember their Ladder Match

Because of HHH's ego I don't think we can count himout yet, but who knows, I wouldn't mind seeing him win it and leave Smackdown for Raw to faceHBK at WM, I really couldn't tell you how that would happen, but I'd love to see it

On Christian's return, I'm not saying he is the GOAT and his retrun will change the WWE, but I think that it would add a very needed curveball to theWWE scene.

I think this will be a great Rumble and will definitely put the WWE in a different direction just because of all of the storylines that are unpredictable.

I'm pumped (finally for a ppv again). Tonight should be a great show. I wish there was another match or two though. But these will do. Thank you 4W for thepreview. I also think Orton is going to win. He is on a lava streak right now.

Truth is one of those characters that is over with the fans, but his gimmick will never let him advance past a midcarder. I wouldn't expect much from him tonight.
Yeah you can group him in with the Elijah Burke's of the world as talented but fizzles out due to storylines and bookings.

His first Rumble will be a short one.
Hmmm I think this will be the perfect time to bump him up a bit. Let him toss out 3-5 guys but then gets teamed up on like they do with the biggerguys.

Jericho was the top heel of 2008 in the WWE. He has a chance to win tonight, but I don't think they are headed to another Cena vs Jericho match, so that is going against him. Stephanie may be involved him getting him eliminated after humiliating him this past Monday on Raw.
I doubt she will since her papa got punted. He will probably be in the final 5 but not win of course.

Because of who he is, you can never rule him out. Everyone and their mama thought HHH was going to win last year's Rumble until Cena made his shocking return. I don't see HHH winning this year, especially after the #1 entrant angle was dropped. However, he's my secondary choice to win the Rumble.

Randy Orton is my pick to win the 2009 Royal Rumble. Everything points to him winning. He has been clearly established as the top heel in the WWE. This past Monday, he cemented himself in that spot after punting Vince in the head in an incredible segment. Yes, I would have booked it a little different, but the goal of the angle was met. Randy Orton became the ultimate badass (maybe eventually leading to a Stone Cold type gimmick?) by punting his billionaire boss in the head. Orton now has all the swag and momentum heading into tonight's show to win the Rumble and head to WrestleMania to headline for the World Championship.
He is in that area Stone Cold was in just like you said. But Stone Cold was
. Randy is
. Stone Cold was the bad good guy that everyone loves to see because he does andsays what you want. Orton's character will be big but in its own way. I bet Kofi does a top rope move and get RKO'ed

I'll be in attendance tonight for the Royal Rumble !!!! As much as I want The Undertaker to win the Rumble match, smart money would be on Randy Orton. WWE has been lacking that major top heel that everyone just loves to hate. I hope that Cena loses tonight, his gimmick ran its course a loooooooooong time ago, but seeing much much revenue his merchandise sells bring in I don't see him dropping the title tonight.

You taking pics?
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

I think MVP will get in, there's only been 21 announced so far.

Shelton winning the Rumble would be
I think its more likely him, Morrison or MVP winning MITB though.
Morrison needs to drop the goofy gimmick and become more serious in the ring and on the mic before he gets stuck in the upper mid-card on some CMpunk steez... dude just fizzled out after winning the world title, both guys were tag team champions and intercontinental champions and everyone could careless, I mean the fans pop for punk and morrison but do any of us see either of them doing anything note worthy as in being a solo main event star in 2009?
I had to edit my last post because I realized both of them were tag champions and held the intercontinental championship.
i hope randy orton wins tonight. dude has really cemented himself as top heel after his attack on the boss. very stone cold esque but i really wish hedidn't have that remorse look on his face. he shoulda had that usual smirk on his face and walk off that woulda ended RAW PERFECTLY!

the reason why i see them not completely naming all 30 is maybe cause there's a swerve in the Rumble. i see them throwin a curve ball having everyonethinking Orton is going to win (which makes sense after his attack on the boss) BUT it seems like a usual Royal Rumble Curveball if they had say HBK enter therumble and win OR Christian (i know yall are probably gonna be like "WTH!! he's no stone cold or rock blah blah blah BUT he has proved that he can bea main eventer. he has the mic skills and the charisma to be a good heel main eventer which the E doesn't have that much of)

so i can see them having EVERYONE thinkin Orton for the most part orrrr HHH
winning it but then throwing us a curveball and have HBK enter and win it knowing that they haven't named all 30 entrants.

i don't see shelton winning the rumble. i see him makin it big in 09 but its not his time it's the big timers time
i can see shelton or Morrison winning the MITB and then making it big but notat the rumble
I think I said It last week after the segment but orton for a fact made himself the best heel since austin on Monday. I see him winning tonight also.
maybe Rapetista comes out and wins?

but on the real if Shelton won the Rumble I'd mark out hard. But I highly doubt. the way The E is going these days there probably gonna have Cena lose thetitle then win the Rumble. then Michaels would beat JBL at No Way Out. so we get a HBK-Cena mania main event.
For the last 9 guys, my predictions are:

1) HBK
2) Umaga
3) MVP
4) Mike Knoxx
5) Charlie Haas with a goofy gimmick
6) Goldust
7) The Boogeyman
The Great Khali
9) Festus

Give or take 2-3 of those guys to be replaced by WWE Legends.
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

I think we forgot MVP in this, and I see him going pretty far in the Rumble

My thoughts exactly.

Guys like Orton, Taker, HHH, Jericho, etc dont need to win the Rumble to get a title shot at Mania.

Have MVP enter at number 1 or 2 giving the idea that his snapping his losing streak was a fluke and he doesn't have a chance in the Rumble. But let himlast the entire match, build his credibility back up and solidify him as the main eventer he should be. Hell he doesn't even have to win, have him make itto the final four or final two and when he gets tossed out it will build interest back in him.

Call me crazy, but Yardfather's sleeper pick to win the Rumble: MVP.

Oh and I think HBK winning the world title from JBL is a must happen, regardless of when and where.
I know it's also highly unlikely but I'd love to see Matt lose on a fluke to Swagger then enter the Rumble and win it
To challenge for the ECW at WrestleMania?

I doubt it.

--Don't know if this means anything for tonight or tomorrow, but John Cena was pulled from next week's Raw house show tour. Main events were advertisedas Cena defending against Chris Jericho, and have been changed to Rey Mysterio vs. Jericho in 2/3 fall matches. (thanks to Jeff Wyatt)
I wonder who gets eliminated faster..Ziggler or Santino?

I'd prolly wake up the whole neighborhood if MVP won..would be an awesome way to jumpstart his face turn.
Last 6

1)MVP, for sure needs to be in
2) Khali, but then there would be too many monsters, Kane/Big Show/Kozlov/Mark Henry
3)Umaga, same thing as Khali
4)Primo, probably gonna be in if he hasn't been announced
7)Sim Snuka
9)DH Smith, maybe

I really couldn't even see Festus or Jesse in it because they haven't even been on Smackdown for a while, I don't want to see Mike Knox, but Icould see him coming out and just pulling Rey out of the ring

How about someone making there first appearance at the Rumble, I don't know of any of the lower level talent, but they use to give lots of wrestlers theirfirst appearance at the Rumble, but seem to have gone away from that
Like I said earlier rumor has it that Edge is winning the belt tonight.

I think Orton will win the Rumble. My second choice is Jericho.

Can't wait
Also, the mid-card talent that will make some splashes in the Rumble will be to me

Shelton Benjamin
CM Punk
John Morrison

But that's about the only people I see given pushes in the next year

Also, I forgot to add 2 people to the remaining spots

-Mr. Kennedy
-William Regal
I'd prolly wake up the whole neighborhood if MVP won..would be an awesome way to jumpstart his face turn.
Your not alone
. I would love to see that but you know howmanagement is.

To challenge for the ECW at WrestleMania?
As the ECW title is now, wouldn't that be like winning the rumble and challenging for the I.C. title?

Rey Mysterio vs. Jericho in 2/3 fall matches.
That screams classic WCW to me.

I wonder who gets eliminated faster..Ziggler or Santino?
Dolph will be exiting when a monster comes in. Santino should last for awhile imo.
Damn man..I wish there was an easier way to kill time on a Sunday.

8pm needs to get here.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

To challenge for the ECW at WrestleMania?

I doubt it.

No since he's been getting involved in the whole Jeff/Edge/Christian angle, have him challenge for the WWE title. If I recall correctly you can challengefor whatever title you want. Remember Batista couldn't decide whether to challenge Cena or HHH during the whole Evolution storyline with him turning face.
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