Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

Are you a member of the PWG Club?...
Mother ******... You know the info, you could have told him yourself...

You the most knowledgeable one on the PWG subject..Only thin I know is where to find BOLA 14..

And don't call me Mother ***** or I'll message all your future conquests and tell them you only like bland, missionary style sexy time..
Mother ******

Mother ******, you part of the pwg club... You know the name and pass... Mother ******...
Oh man I just read the details from Shawns' back injury until his return... :x :smh: He really did hit complete rock bottom. I remember the Cookies story with his son and the always being "sleepy". Had no clue he spent a year rehabbing but then had to opt for surgery. :smh: What a roller-coaster.
Oh man I just read the details from Shawns' back injury until his return... :x :smh: He really did hit complete rock bottom. I remember the Cookies story with his son and the always being "sleepy". Had no clue he spent a year rehabbing but then had to opt for surgery. :smh: What a roller-coaster.

Around his time as the commissioner... He got fired by VKM for passing out in his office... It was the same night Jericho dressed up as Doink...
anyone looking for good matches to watch kurt and krispenwah had some classics...

their backlash and insurrextion 2001 matches were :pimp:
Eddie coming back in 2002 and completely washing RVD for the IC Title at Backlash is one of my favorite things to watch :pimp:
My favorite match ever is... Y2J vs 2 cold Scorpio vs Shane Douglas vs pitbull #2... For the ECW TV title... Amazing 50 minute match... Shane was such an amazing heel on the match...
Very underrated Douglas is... Its funny how HHH jacked Douglas' style from his 96'-97' run and would use it in 99'-00'. That damn Paul :smh:  

Franchise was great, but he never had a true run... Just a few mini ones... He was Dean Douglas not long after after throwing down the NWA title... And he was never used well in WCW... But he had those moments when he couldn't be touched...

Check out the match I listed if you haven't seen it... Shane is perfect in that match, playing chick****, cocky, vicious, smart, and deceiving at different times...
- In an interview with Pro Wrestling Illustrated, which you can view snippets of here: http://www.cagesideseats.com/tna-im...atic-excuse-ever-about-why-he-turned-down-tna, Alberto Del Rio explains why he turned down TNA, and also says this about WWE's inner workings:

"In the other place, I never said anything because I wanted to. And if, for some reason, I changed one line, they were all mad and would be fining me. So people need to understand, when you work for that place, you are like a robot. You need to do exactly what they say and how they say it … You could get fined over everything … Everybody is terrified. We all were—or they are—terrified of changing something or trying something new. Of course there are some exceptions who can do and say whatever they want. But that rule doesn't apply to 90 percent of the wrestlers. "

Damn :smh:
**** WWE mother ******

btw the series of matches in 08 jericho did with HBK are all time great.

his fued with phillip brooks was great too
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