Wrestling Thread Jan 19-Feb: 1/29 LIVE Smackdown 8pm et - Bryan v Kane Casket Match

So they hit a mil subscribers and they give away another free month?
 Due to the tremendous response from fans to the free November promotion, WWE will again offer a free month of WWE Network to new subscribers during February in advance of its biggest event of the year, WrestleMania 31 on Sunday, March 29. During the month of February, subscribers will have access to all of WWE Network’s programming, including a live podcast hosted by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin this Monday, February 2 featuring Triple H, and the all-new, live pay-per-view event WWE Fast Lane on Sunday, February 22.
Between them showing the Rumble and title match the next night free and this email about Free Feb. I feel like an idiot for buying the network the day of the rumble. Really turned off how much it buffered too during the Rumble too.
Guys we really need more wrestlers to have Biff Lawson zest 
Suspension of Disbelief: WWE Thinks Roman Reigns Is Its Next Big Star, No Matter What Fans Say


The truly sad part is that there were several ways WWE could have triangulated between pushing Reigns to the moon and keeping the fans happy. Last year’s Bryan story line proved there’s never a “too late” in pro wrestling. How would I have booked Sunday’s show? Four options:

1. You have Rollins win the title from Lesnar, then Lesnar vs. Bryan in a non-title match at Mania with Rollins-Reigns (or better yet, Rollins-Reigns-Ambrose in a Shield three-way) for the title. Have Reigns win that, I don’t even care.

2. Have Rollins or Cena win the title, and then have Lesnar-Reigns in a non-title match if you want that matchup. Reigns sending Lesnar packing from WWE might not be ideal, but removing the title would shield the match from much of the fans’ ire. To be clear, WWE fans don’t believe any of this is real. Winning matters to them only insomuch as it predicts how WWE will book the fans’ favorite wrestlers in future events. Fans care about who main-events WrestleMania because fans know how much it means within WWE.

3. Have Ziggler and Reigns as the last two heroes in the Rumble battling valiantly against Big Show and Kane. Ziggler gets tossed but catches himself and starts to slide back in under the bottom rope, and Kane boots him to the floor. The ref waves him out, but another ref appears and says that from his point of view he could see that Ziggler got more than halfway back in the ring before he was kicked out, so he’s still legal. (It could be a parody of recent NFL officiating troubles, and nobody loves parodies of the NFL’s plight more than McMahon.) Ziggler reenters just as Reigns triumphantly expels Show and Kane, and as Reigns turns to celebrate, his buddy Ziggler is there to celebrate with him. Except Ziggler raises Reigns’s hand and then superkicks him out of the ring. The crowd goes wild — Ziggler not only wins but delivers us from ReignsMania. Reigns-Ziggler can headline the February PPV, and Reigns can slowly develop into WWE’s new loner heel after Lesnar leaves town. And when Reigns turns babyface in six months, the crowd will go crazy.

4. If you’re determined to have Reigns win the Rumble and appear in the WrestleMania main event, don’t avoid the obvious: Have the Rumble match final four be Reigns, Bryan, Ziggler, and Ambrose, and have Reigns eliminate them all. If WWE is choosing Reigns over those wrestlers, then at least let the audience see him toss them out of the ring. It would have been booed — like everything else that happened with Reigns at the Rumble — but it would at least have built some intrigue into the proceedings and into Reigns’s character. And Reigns eliminating those rivals sends a message to fans that WWE at least acknowledges the existence of Bryan, Ziggler, and Ambrose. The biggest problem with the Bryan story line last year was the uncertainty of it all, the lack of storytelling. When he didn’t appear in the Rumble and WWE made no mention of him, it seemed clear WWE had hoped nobody would notice his absence. When Reigns gets the Rumble win with a booking sheet from a 1988 Hulk Hogan match, it’s clear WWE is back in wishful-thinking mode.
Celtic already passed me the info.

It's okay @casekicks, you're 53 so I know it's tough for you to type now a days.
So they hit a mil subscribers and they give away another free month?

[QUOTE url="[URL]http://www.wwe.com/shows/wwefastlane[/URL]"]
 Due to the tremendous response from fans to the free November promotion, WWE will again offer a free month of WWE Network to new subscribers during February in advance of its biggest event of the year, WrestleMania 31 on Sunday, March 29. During the month of February, subscribers will have access to all of WWE Network’s programming, including a live podcast hosted by "Stone Cold" Steve Austin this Monday, February 2 featuring Triple H, and the all-new, live pay-per-view event WWE Fast Lane on Sunday, February 22.

Thanks for the info.. :nthat:
Which podcast has a more enjoyable Royal Rumble review: The Steve Austin Show, The Ross Report or Cheap Heat?

Which podcast has a more enjoyable Royal Rumble review: The Steve Austin Show, The Ross Report or Cheap Heat?


Haven't heard cheap heat yet will today. Rosenberg is annoying. If I had to rank from the ones I listened to it would be austin, ross, the first like 40-50 min of Jerichos with Meltzer.
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