Wrestling Thread Jan 27-Feb 9 | 2/3 RAW - New Age Outlaws v Rhodes Brothers for Titles in a STEEL CA

KENTA was back at NOAH.  He said he's NOAH for life.  His wrestling was great at the WWE Performance Center, but they mutually agreed WWE was not the right spot for him.
I didn't even realize till I was listening to my Raw podcasts that Ziggler took the pin in a match where he teamed with R-TRUTH AND XAVIER WOODS. 

Sorry but it is hilarious to me.  I know some of you guys like him, but seriously, just give up and move on.
I didn't even realize till I was listening to my Raw podcasts that Ziggler took the pin in a match where he teamed with R-TRUTH AND XAVIER WOODS. :rofl:  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry but it is hilarious to me.  I know some of you guys like him, but seriously, just give up and move on.

Prolly punishment for his pipe bomb promo. Dude us officially finished.
^What happened during that match to lead to Ziggler being pinned? Of course I was only halfway paying attention, but it didn't even seem like Truth and Xavier got knocked off the apron or anything to come help.
WWE on their stereotypical gimmicks that don't get over anymore, I wouldn't be surprised if Reigns did get that treatment.

On second thought umaga was hard, until he put Cena & Santino over
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