Wrestling Thread July 15 - Aug 4 | 8/2 TNA - Where MMA Fighters Not Named Brock Go - TITO, Rampage,

DBry's chick >Cena's chick..

Eva Marie is the new #1 baddest chick on the roster..

Nattie is the Jim Ross of the Diva's division..Has all the talent and has a McMahon straight sharting on her anytime it's possible..
This episode is like a Natalya pity party. Would have liked to see AJ and Layla part of the show.
nikki is unlikable to me based on her saying cena's perfect and wanting to marry a guy who cheated on his wife a bunch of times. Plus she has a bigger jaw than Brie.

All of this. She's very unlikable, and neither can wrestle, plus have the nerve to call themselves "veterans". Brock Lesnar needs to F5 the both of them.
:wow: @ these Tessmacher pics (28 of them)

Won't post them in spoiler because some may be considered to be too risky to post on here.

PM me if you want them.
- Backstage at RAW this week, Triple H reportedly “blew a gasket” on Ryback for his botched spot at the end of the match with Daniel Bryan where he was supposed to protect Bryan and catch him then put him through a table.

It was seen as “careless and reckless” that Ryback just let Bryan bump to the outside and didn’t know how to improvise after completely botching it. According to a source, Triple H got in Ryback’s face and was screaming “carelessness” at him.

This continues to hurt the stock of Ryback. Not only was Triple H upset with the spot but CM Punk and John Cena were vocal about it as well. Cena is someone that rarely calls out others, so when he does, people listen.

Is there a vid of this?
I'm excited for DCs rant about maintaining kayfabe.
Wasn't home last night, but I was watching.

Why on God's green earth do you have these girls (opponents) sitting in the back crying with each other because they aren't on the card anymore. Man I was pissed off at that.

I don't know if my pride will allow me to watch this show. I was watching it last night and somebody said to me:

Them: What is that you are watching
Me: Total Divas
Them: You are watching a reality show?
Me: Yea it is about the female wrestlers in WWE
Them: It is still a reality show

So yea, I got called out on it so :smh:
I think she messed up in the match and Brodus tore her a new one. She was upset backstage and her lame bf was saying he was going to talk to Brodus and give him a beatdown.
You guys actually watched?

AJ isn't on the show, because it would take away from her character and she doesn't need it. Everyone on that show does. Layla could be on the show since she doesn't do anything.
Is there a vid of this?

its at the end of the match, when db goes for the knee to the face on the outside running on the apron. ryback catches him and loses his balance and just powerbombs him on the floor. Instead of stalling he picks him up and slams him through the table. Im surprised DB didn't get a concussion. John Cena was visibly pissed as he sprinted to break it up and call for the emt. He can see him rant with the emt about it. 
Downloaded and watched Total Divas last night.

Nattie really is an afterthought in WWE.

Not booked on Mania, having to babysit Eva Marie and Jo Jo at Mania, also the talent VP wanted Eva Marie to dye her hair blond so she doesn't look like Nikki, but did not give two ***** about the fact that Nattie is blonde herself.

Her scenes were depressing as hell.
I understand her frustrations about the Bellas leaving for a year and coming back and taking top billing of the divas division. The Bellas are eye candy nothing more, nothing less; Nattie is attractive and can actually wrestle. The Bellas being involved with two of the top guys right now sure has it's perks.

Speaking of which, it was comedy seeing Cena's reaction to Nikki asking about them getting married. Dude made the "I have irritable bowel syndrome" face.


Was hoping that variant Konnan did confront Brodus about what went down with Cameron Ariane, just so he could get worked.

Eva Marie.

Jo Jo.

Naomi Trinity.

@ the scene in the season preview where Tyson Kidd is chilling on the couch watching TV and Nattie comes in decked out in lingerie
, puts her head in his lap but her pays her no mind like she's the family dog.

Sidenote: some of y'all really that up in arms over the fact that the show breaks kayfabe? This isn't the first WWE reality show to do that.
Natalya would be better served in TNA but the money is terrible compared to what she makes in WWE. Talent wasted because Vince wants models in the ring.

The Bellas sleeping their way to the top is similar to Michelle McCool getting that push before she retired when she shacked up with the Undertaker. Its a dirty game. As a woman on my Twitter timeline said this morning, it takes character to not go the easy route. As far as the Bellas being eye candy, I don't see it. They have very masculine faces and bone structure.
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